March 30, 2025

Esther – Chapter 4:15-17

What strengths has God given you ‘for such a time as this?’   Think about it for a minute.  God has placed you in a position for a purpose.  Everything that happens to us is either ordained by God or allowed by God.  And as Christians, we know He will deliver us!

Mordecai expected a divine deliverance, didn’t he?  Esther and Mordecai believed in God’s care and, because they acted at the right time, God used them to move His people.  By calling for a fast, Esther is asking the Jewish people to also pray for God’s help on this dangerous mission.  Verse 15: “Go gather together all the Jews that are present on Shushah and fast for me; neither eat or drink for 3 days and nights. I also and my maids will fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though is against the law and if I perish, I perish.”  Fasting and prayer moves mountains. Jesus fasted in the desert and prayed to His Father.

Fasting is the most important and greatest spiritual discipline for seeking God’s intervention. Together, combined with prayer, they’re the most critical weapon in spiritual warfare, which leads to deliverance in our lives.  Fasting does not manipulate God into doing exactly what we want nor does it mean that all our wishes and desire will come into fruition, but it does convey to Him exactly that we desire that His will be done in our lives.  In Mathew 9:15, Jesus told us that fasting would be necessary for His disciples after He ascends into Heaven, “The time will come when the Bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.”


Esther was brave.  When God’s people feel pressed, His mighty power kicks in in a mighty way. In our own power, we are nothing, but God can turn us into mighty warriors if we allow Him to work through us.  Notice in this chapter, the roles are reversed for Esther and Mordecai—Esther is now the instructor, and Mordecai listens and obeys.  You can feel as you read these passages, the commanding power of God through this small, humble, yet beautiful woman moving into action. Isn’t this like our God?  Doesn’t He do this within the body of believers in the church? Regardless of sex or position/lack of position, in 1 Corinthians 11:1 , Paul says for us to “imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.”  God had set Esther under Mordecai to watch over her and guide her. But now, God switched her into a leadership position over Mordecai.  What about you?  Are you ready to step into such a role if or when God needs you?

I cannot let the fact that Esther was willing to lose her life for this cause go unnoticed.   She knew her life would be in danger if she approached the King yet she was ok with it.   She was putting the lives of her people above her own life, and showing a great example of selflessness.  How beautifully her words picture this identification of the believer with the death of Jesus Christ.  He died for you, and you died with Him;  nothing you can do will ever affect that.   And just like Esther, the evil one cannot lay his hands upon you any longer.  You are not in bondage.  You are a believer and your deliverance rests upon an unchangeable fact!!!

This is a story of your heritage.  Consider that this story is still going on and you are a character and part of this story.  And just as God was working in the lives of these characters in Esther, He’s busy today working in yours!  It’s His-story and we are all in it, thanks to Jesus Christ.

So today as you go about your life, remember that no matter what you face, or what you need to be delivered from, He is able.  He will deliver you.  His promises are still proving true and He is the same God of Esther and Mordecai.  My challenge for you today is this: think about what role He has you in today; can you see the purpose yet?  Or are you just walking in faith?  Cannot wait to hear from you!

* * * * *

Let’s Pray:

Dearest Lord,  Today we come to You as Your children in need of Your grace and mercy.  You have taught us so much through this study; that the Holy Spirit is ours and is here to guide us in our everyday life as well as in our ministry work for You.  We praise You and worship You. God, You want us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love, like Jesus did in everything. We take our lead from Jesus and He keeps us in step with each other.   May we be filled with the knowledge of Your will and may we clothe ourselves in kindness and mercy and humility.   Above all things, we put on love and let the peace of God rule in our hearts.  May we be one body and may we seek to tell all about the deliverance that we have experienced in our own lives. May we be brave like Esther and obedient like Mordecai. In Jesus’s name we pray.


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About Kim Spring

Kim Spring - Blog Contributor
Kim lives in Pensacola Beach, Florida with her husband of 22 years and four children ages 20 to 8 years old. She’s been a Cheer Coach, a Personal Trainer, and a full-time mom and wife. She loves writing, exercising, loving on her family, and loving Jesus. She has a heart for spreading the hope that’s in Jesus Christ! Her message to others is that no matter what, there’s nothing impossible when God is your driver.


  1. your first words struck me, kim! and not even the question so much ( though a really important question to consider) as the point of what ‘God has given you.’ ’cause, y’know, if ‘God has given’ us (me!) strengths, abilities, enablements, gifts, then who do we think we are to NOT be utilizing them? oh. my. i would imagine each of us knows at least one of the strengths that ‘God has given’ when He formed and made us…what are we doing with them? thanks for writing these words, friend! i, for one, needed that question…for such a time as this. xo <3

    • Good challenge, Coleen! What are we doing with these strengths He has given us? How are we living our lives out loud for Him? We do know that one purpose is to lead others to Him and glorify Him in every trial and every happy and all things under Heaven.

  2. Thank you, Kim, for this study this morning. You presented us with several questions to use to search our lives so we can be sure we are using the strengths God has given us and walking in faith even if we don’t yet see clearly the purpose. Thank you for encouraging us to do some self-examination.
    I am reminded of I Corinthians 13:9-13-Our knowledge is partial right now, we see things imperfectly like in a cloudy mirror, but God knows me completely, and until I can see what He sees, He has given me three things to live in–faith, hope, and love.
    “Amen” to your prayer!

    • Our lives are a tapestry, woven with lots of different materials and colors, different events and things we don’t really see the reason, but all together they knit God’s great plan for our lives and the lives of those around us, those He has entrusted to us. We will keep on keeping on until He comes again! amen

  3. Thanks Kim 🙂 Great blog with lots to think about! And I appreciate Coleen’s point about utilizing what we have been given

  4. When you refer to our strengths, immediately I think of what I can actively do to help others. But I really think it’s important as strong Christian woman to remember that sometimes our gift/strength is to step back. I love to serve–especially when it comes to helping with my kids’ activities. But I need to remember that sometimes me saying “yes” is taking away another’s strengths and not giving them the opportunity to serve. Just something thatreally stuck out after reading this. Thank you Kim!

  5. thank you Megan! I never thought of our strengths as stepping back . You’re right. It may mean so much to someone else and crucial to their growth. Again, thank you for this take on this. love you and love your wisdom

  6. I really dont know what strengths i have, or my purpose. Right now all i know is I’m trying to learn and grow. Little by little.