March 31, 2025

Continuous Praise


The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.
Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.
Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.
Praise the LORD, all his works everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the LORD, O my soul.
Psalm 103:19-22

So, I need to make a run to the grocery store? (Have a wonderful time in the journey.) Close the car door, start the engine, turn the volume up on the radio, fasten seat belt, put car in reverse, and away I go.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

So, I need to wash clothes? (First things first though.) Go to the computer, find the Christian radio station, crank up the music, get the laundry basket, fill it with dirty clothes, and head to the washing machine down the hall.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

So, I have the honor of holding a precious baby while her mom is in small group during Bible study? (What a beautiful, tiny blessing of God is held in my arms!) Hold her close, step outside where she likes the warmth of the sunshine, and sing praise songs to her while she falls asleep.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

So, I just walked into the sanctuary at church? (This is a favorite time of the week.) I find a seat, the music begins, and we rise to our feet as we sing with the worship leader as words of praise flash on the screen and the instruments fill the room with beautiful sounds.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

Four different situations in my life presented as opportunities to praise God in my soul.  David called several different groups of beings to praise God toward the end of Psalm 103 as if he is building a gathering that continues to increase in number and intensity.  By the end of the chapter in verse 22, he calls on all of God’s works everywhere to praise God.

I am going to spend an eternity praising Jesus! I enjoy this life being “a dress rehearsal” for then.

On the days I can’t sing, I need to stop and search my heart to see what’s wrong.  It’s then that I really need to pray.  For praise should always be able to spill forth from my lips.  I have often found that the more I pray, the more I can praise.  The one who prays often will be able to praise often!

* * * * *

Dear Lord, let us praise You here, there, and everywhere.  Let it not be a designated moment in time, but instead a continuous state of our hearts turned toward You.  Each time we hear praise music or belt it out ourselves, let our hearts overflow with thankfulness that we can hear it, sing it, and praise You in this life and in the one to come!  In Jesus’ Name,



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About Cheris Gaston

Cheris Gaston - Devotions Team
Cheris was born in Louisiana, and currently lives near Huntsville, Alabama. She is married to her wonderful Danny for almost 24 years, and together they have 2 children: Hannah (21) and Seth (18). She likes reading, writing, Bible studies, encouraging others, mountain scenes, college football, candles, coffee, and apple cake.


  1. Your right. There r many times we can oraise the Lord if we just take the time to do so. It can be anytime of the day while we are doing everyday chores n running. I love to listen to o praise music. It really speaks to me and gives me great peace praising the Lord.

    • Hi, Gloria. You’re right in saying we need to take time to praise the Lord. No matter how busy we get, we can find time to praise God through music, prayer, Bible study, our words, and in our lives.When a praise song ends, I usually wish it had lasted a little longer. 🙂 But let’s keep praising God even after the last note is played.

  2. Yes Cheris, any time is praise time. No need to choose where and at what time. God is honoured as long as we do it in spirit and in truth. Thanks for the reminder. Its not about place and time!!! Yes!!!

  3. Cheris, as I was reading your devotional this Saturday morning, the following verse kept running through my mind: “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His Holy Name.” I looked it up to add it’s reference here, and I was delighted to find that it is the first verse of Psalm 103! 🙂 Bless=affectionately, gratefully praise (AMP) We have so much to be grateful for that it shouldn’t be hard to praise Him “here, there, and everywhere.” Many times the busi-ness of our lives robs us of that. I love how you deliberately prepare to praise the Lord throughout your busy day. Thanks for the great reminder and the example you have set.
    I love You, Lord, and I lift my praise. Praise the Lord!

    • Thank you for what you said, Clella. (You have a way of teaching well as you share, and I love that about you.) The words from His Word are powerful! The more we latch onto His Word and the more we let His Word saturate our hearts, the more we will want to praise God! I join you in praising Him on this day…on any day! Have a good Saturday, friend.