February 22, 2025

“Esther” Chapter 1:10-15

Week 1_dailysubmission_Caddell

“But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come” (Esther 1:12, NIV).  Here we see the pivotal action that paved the way for Esther to come onto the scene in the next chapter.  Disobedience or a refusal to submit.

I’ll have to admit…for a long time I’ve sided with Queen Vashti!  What was so wrong??  I wouldn’t want to be the only woman in a room full of men that have been drinking for seven days (really, seven days??), would you?  According to some Jewish historians, Vashti was to appear wearing only her crown.  To me, her refusal seemed appropriate, if not a way to protect herself.  I would bet that for any number of women that have read this story, each one would have thought of a reason that the Queen’s actions were justified.  However, Darlene makes a great point, and this is the kicker: “…the scripture doesn’t give us any valid reason she didn’t.  So making excuses for her would be speculation at best” (page 13).  So there it is.  If the Bible wanted the Queen’s actions to be justified, then a valid reason would have been given for her refusal, but we don’t have one.  The simple truth is: Vashti was given a command which she refused.  We see later in the chapter that she is punished – stripped of her role and privileges.

This made me wonder.  How often does God give us a command that we don’t want to obey?  Just like reading about Queen Vashti, we want to justify her disobedience and ours through the filter of our own wishes.  God commands us to submit – to our husbands, to the will of Jesus – and we give reasons (excuses, really) of why we shouldn’t.  I know many of us have difficult husbands! Some of us have husbands that are abusive, indifferent, not in line with the will of God.  Many of us see God as a difficult taskmaster, a commander, one who is angry with us.  It’s hard to willingly allow ourselves to submit to the will of someone who may not have our best interests at heart, isn’t it?  On the other hand, some of us are simply not interested in being submissive!  It feels “archaic,” as if we are supposed to be weak doormats to be walked on, when we are strong, liberated, independent women – right?  I’m my husband’s partner, not his slave.   All justifiable feelings, ladies, but let’s look at the Scripture again.

“But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come.”  The King commanded.  She refused.  We really do treat God the same way.  He gives us commandments.  Some we obey…some we flat out refuse.  Can we be honest with ourselves?   If we don’t want to do what God commands, then we don’t do it.  I’m not trying to be harsh, it’s just the truth!   If we want to improve, if we want to become less so that God can become more within us, then we have to start thinking about submission from God’s perspective, and not from the world’s perspective.  Here’s more truth for you – GOD LOVES YOU!!!  All day, every day.  He wants what is best for you. He wants you to have a beautiful, joyful, powerful, abundant life. When you can really wrap your head around the fact that God loves you, then it makes it much easier to submit to His commands – because they are not burdensome (I John 5:3); they are in your best interest!

Consider the ultimate example of submission, Jesus.  He obeyed, even to the point of death (Philippians 2:8)! Would you consider Him a doormat?  Weak?  A slave?  I would think not. Was His life free from conflict?  No.  Did he have to do things He would have preferred not to do?  Yes.  Jesus lived His life as an example for ALL of us – so that we can pattern our lives after His. Submitting our lives to the will of God does not make us weak, mindless puppets – it’s an act of courage and strength!  In fact, when we submit to God, our submission brings us rewards – here and in heaven!  In James 4:6 and 7; James writes: “‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit yourselves, then, to God.”  (He also says in verse 7 to resist the devil and he will flee from you, further proof that in submission to God you have the power and authority of God residing in you – I’d say that’s a reward, wouldn’t you?)  A heart obedient to the will of God is beautiful!

Let’s vow today to live lives of daily submission.  In areas where it seems difficult (if not impossible!), let’s ask God for strength, courage, and a willingness to do as He asks. Let’s not sit in the seat of the skeptic.  Let’s not view submission like the world does.  Vashti’s disobedience knocked her out of a place of privilege – let’s not follow her example!  We’ll see in the days and weeks to follow how submission to the King brought honor and reward to Esther and how submission to our King (God) will bring honor and reward to us!  Let’s try it today – when the King summons us, let’s throw on our crown and run to His presence – “Here I am!”

May God reward you for your obedience today!

Let’s Pray:

Holy God, thank You for Your abundant love and provision for us.  Thank You for wanting to have a relationship with us, and that You give us direction out of a desire for our well-being.   Holy Spirit, help us to live our lives in submission.  Help us where we are reluctant to obey.  Help us to love, respect, and follow our husbands – and You even more so.

Lord, open our hearts and our minds to a deeper understanding of You.  Help us to receive the teachings and blessings that You want to bountifully bestow upon us.  Guard our minds, protect our families, heal what is broken, and lift us up when we fall.  I thank You, Lord, for every woman taking part in our study – may she feel Your arms wrapped firmly around her today.

Fill us with Your Spirit, Lord; help us to be salt and light.  In the blessed name of Your Son Jesus.


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About Robin Caddell

Robin Caddell - Blog Contributor
Robin Caddell lives in Murfreesboro, TN with her husband Berry and two dogs, Wyatt and Dyson. In fact, she credits her relationship with her dogs with helping her further understand how God relates to us, as his children!
Robin firmly believes that all of us are capable of being ministers in our own way, with the talents and gifts God gave us, in our own spheres of influence. Passionate about encouraging others, she strives to remind all of the amazing love God has for mankind, and that freedom, abundance and power are available to all of us when we lead a life directed by Christ and the Holy Spirit. Active members of her church with her husband, Robin sings in the adult choir, is a member of the coffee team and teaches two small groups throughout the year – one of which in her home – just for ladies!
In addition to her dogs, Robin loves reading, watching Tennessee Titans football, and is crazy about crafting, cooking and entertaining. She owns a business on Etsy named Little Black Dog Boutique, where she sells handmade dog accessories, all natural treats and fun things for their people! She and her husband are also in the process of building their first home in middle Tennessee.


  1. I am loving this study, Im reminded that there is only one way to come before our King of Kings, that is us asking HIM to receive us just the way we are and Him making us clean by the washing of His Precious Blood

  2. Nicely said Robin! Very eye-opening blog! Submission to our King, a King who has our best interest at heart. When I think about this, it makes being submissive much easier. I think about a child when disciplined. Having worked in the foster care system for 12 years, the thing I remember most, is that a child that is disciplined for “control reasons” will not be submissive. A child that is disciplined “IN LOVE” will be submissive/obedient. I’m not sure why Vashti did not submit to the King, but what I do no is she was used as an example to us all. I believe that this part of the story is to clearly show us that “rebellion” or “disobedient” to the Lord comes with consequences. Great study and awesome blog. I’m excited for the rest of the story!

    • Thanks, Mary! I love what you pointed out – when we realize we are disciplined and guided “in love” by God, then it makes it easier to be obedient! God is not trying to control us or limit us in any way – he wants us to live full, abundant lives through Him! 😀 The rewards for obedience are awesome!

  3. You made some excellent points in this study this morning, Robin, thank you!
    You got me to stop and think about my life when you said, “How often does God give us a command that we don’t want to obey?” Do I submit or rebel? I know that I have done both. I regret the times that I have refused to submit to Him. To submit to God is NOT a negative thing! God’s not human, He doesn’t have any selfish ulterior motives. As you said, because God loves us He has our best interest in mind. And I loved that you pointed out in James 4:6-7, that right on the heels of our submission to God comes the power and authority from Him to resist the devil! There is nothing weak about submission to God!

    • Clella, your comment gave me goosebumps! 🙂 You are so right, there is absolutely nothing weak about submission to God – just the opposite! God is NOT selfish, and doesn’t have ulterior motives like many of us can have. Isn’t that great to know? We don’t have to fear him!

  4. Wow! Loved this. But I have to admit when I saw the word “submit” I cringed. Being a strong-willed woman that is often hard for me. But over the past year I have seen how submitting to my husband and ultimately, Christ, has brought blessings on me and our family. I don’t want to miss my chance to grab my crown and run to Christ. What an amazing picture!

    • Thank you, Megan! I completely understand what you mean. We have been conditioned by the world to think that to “submit” means we are weak – it has a negative connotation. It’s almost as if we play the “opposite game” with God – what the world describes as weak, actually makes us stronger! Satan tries to tell us that God wants to limit our lives, when it’s not true! He wants you to live a full, abundant, joyful life through Him – and he made you strong-willed! (But we strong-willed women just need to remember that our lives are better when OUR will falls in line behind GOD’S will! lol I have to remind myself of that, too!) You’re awesome, Megan – go grab your crown and run! 😀

  5. thank you, robin, for putting before us (me!) again the truth of godly submission! as mrs. schacht wrote, and you wisely repeated “…the scripture doesn’t give us any valid reason…” why vashti was rebellious and UNsubmissive. and so the same for us. there is no valid reason for not submitting…whether it be to God, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, to husbands, to authorities, to one another. (how many times, Lord, do i need to be reminded…obviously MANY!) <3

    • Me too, Coleen! I need this lesson in submission, too. We all do, from time to time! How awesome is God that he allows us to fall down so often, and graciously pick us up so that we can try again??

  6. Sharon Creps says

    It would have been nice from a human perspective to know the reason Vashti did not obey the king’s command. I am always curious about reasons. I need a reason for everything. It is my personality. I think in this instance it would have been a mute point because there would have been no reason acceptable to the King’s command except do it. She may have had a really good reason but no matter…obey the King. Many, many times I try to reason why He is calling me to remain in a situation or calling me to an unknown and I find reasons not to want to submit….but as with the Queen, when the King Jesus gives a command, do it or suffer the consequences. Thankfully our Lord is merciful and long-suffering with us.

    • Yep, I hear you, my friend. Also I love that when we don’t know the reasons and we still choose to submit and obey the King, it shifts the responsibility for “success” onto His shoulders. And guess what, He is always successful! “His ways are higher than our ways,” for sure!

  7. Sharon, you have a great point that I am sure many women are wondering – why? And you’re also not the only one who has reasons why we would prefer not to be in a situation where God has placed us. And you know what? It’s ok to wonder! It’s ok to not understand. It’s ok even to not like the season or situation you are in. But remember this: God LOVES you. A LOT. Even when you are in a difficult place. Even when you are called out of your comfort zone. Even during trials. Romans 8:28 says ” And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We will not always understand why. He doesn’t want you to obey him, or else! Like any parent that loves their child – He wants what is best for you. He already sees the results of what our disobedience or willfulness can bring, so he warns us ahead of time. (You know, don’t touch the stove – it’s hot!) Please know that God is working behind the scenes in your life for your good and His glory (even when we can’t see it at the time)! 🙂

    • How well I relate, Robin, to your response to Sharon. I went through a transitional time in my life from His calling; didn’t make sense to me, was thoughly mis-understoon, but in the midst of it, I had a prophetic word that said: “when God brings change, go ahead and embrace it, and know that God works all things for good.” Wonderful thoughts and words on your post this morning.

      • Thanks, Martha! I’m glad you shared that with us. How encouraging to know that we aren’t alone in our journey – that others have had (or are having) the same experiences? When you share what God laid on your heart and how He has helped you with your calling – you help others to stay on course. 🙂 Bless you!

  8. When I was with my ex God kept telling me to leave cuz he was a mean alcoholic. I kept ignoring it thinking I could handle it. Finally I listened and I am much happier and so are my kids. There is always a reason we go thru something. I feel I learned my lesson. I am worthy of real love.

    • Wow, Amy – you absolutely are worthy of real love! I am grateful that you and your kids are out of harm’s way, that you are happy and that you know God will always take care of you! 🙂 When you share your story, just like Martha in the comment above – you help encourage other women! God has big plans for you!

      • Thx for the encouragement Robin. My life is changing the more I connect with God. Amazing. Great blog

  9. So nice to meet you, Robin and I love your post. Great truth and encouragement! Thank you!

  10. Thank you Robin! amazing job today. I too have not submitted as i should but He is a patient God and a forgiving God and a God of start overs and praise Him that i got a do over with the same man and my children get to see that relationships can be redeemed and restored if you let God have the lead!

    • Thank God that he is a God of start overs! That’s awesome that you are able to experience the blessing of a restored marriage – and that your children are witnesses to God’s love and faithfulness! God bless you and your marriage, Kim!

  11. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

  12. Loved the Blog and so much Truth and things to think about. Thank you 🙂

  13. Great study! I look forward to the next lesson.

  14. One thing we need to remember when it comes to submission is that we are to submit simply because God said so. I’m sitting here thinking of the 7 yr old that I have living in my home, and how many times a day I hear “WHY?” when I ask her to do something. When I give her a reason why, I get another “WHY?”, and finally get to a point that I just say “Because I said so!!” I wonder how many times a day God hears “WHY?”. I wonder how many times a day He simply wants to shout “BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!” 🙂 LOVE this blog today Robin!

    • “Because I said so!” So absolutely true! If we are all honest with ourselves, trust in God is something we will continually develop until we see Him. There are some matters that are super easy to trust God with, then there are others that require some serious spiritual heavy lifting and soul searching. And God continues to stretch our boundaries – he proves himself faithful in one area, then asks that we trust him in a more difficult one. We trust him with more as we grow and mature in Christ. Thanks for reminding us that God doesn’t have to explain himself to us! I’m grateful that he is so patient!

  15. It made me reflect, have I totally given up the steering wheel of my life to God, or are there moments that I still sneak and drive on my own. It is my prayer today and everyday that God help me to live a life that is in total submission to Him, my Heavenly Father, Creator and God. Thank you Robin for sharing God’s message through this bible study. God bless everyone!

  16. great post Robin, indeed many times we do not obey God fully, we chose the easy things and not the hard things but I believe that is still disobedience. Obeying or submission requires us to do it 100% and not less. May God help me to submit to Him.

  17. Thank you for sharing, Robin. You did a wonderful job. I have to say – I do struggle with the fact that in a circumstance like Esther was in, we are to still submit. What I found interesting was the reminder that it doesn’t say why she refused. I know that because of things I’ve gone thru I have become very independent and with being the spiritually stronger one in our marriage sometimes I forget that I need to submit in ALL ways. Thank you for the reminder.

    • Dana, can I share a secret? Actually, it’s not a secret – in a LOT of marriages, the wife is spiritually stronger. You’re not alone. It’s true in my marriage, as well. It’s absolutely a struggle sometimes when we feel our husbands aren’t the spiritual head that he should be. When times come when I need to remind myself to be the wife I am called to be, my prayers ramp up considerably! I ask God to help me be the woman I am supposed to be, help me to submit to Him (God) and ask God to deal with my husband! 🙂

  18. Just plain ole thank you… your blog was a blessing to me… this is going to be a great study…:)

  19. Awesome post Robin. Many times I thought of myself as one of God’s puppets, but now realize that total submission is not being a puppet but opening myself up for God’s best blessings hr has in store for me