February 22, 2025

Safety in the Lord


Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
Psalms 91:1 and 5

God has placed within man the instinct of self-preservation.  There is then a kind of fear that is a natural reaction to threatening circumstances and situations of impending danger. At such times the body pumps adrenalin into the bloodstream, releasing a sudden super-burst of mental and physical energy to face and combat danger.

However, God made man to be fear free.  It was not His intention that we should be afflicted by rebellion, disease, loneliness, fear, or death.  Nor can we blame God for the afflictions in which we find ourselves.  Adam, the first man, chose to disobey the clear-cut directive of His Maker and, with that act of rebellion, man became separated from God.  The light within ceased and darkness came.  The joy of God’s Presence was replaced by sorrow and with the absence of peace came fear.   So fear is a natural consequence of our separation from God.  It afflicts us all until we turn back to God and know a restoration of relationship with Him through Christ the Son of God.  This is why the psalmist stated in verse 1 of Psalm 91 that, “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall rest, or abide, under the shadow of the Almighty.”

What does it mean to “dwell in the secret place?”  It is being in Christ, for He is the only Way, Truth and Life.  And once we are in Christ we shall not be afraid for the ‘terror of night; nor the arrow that flies by day’ (Psalm 91:5).  The Bible assures us that when we are in Christ and Christ in us we are complete.  Matters of fear can not slip up. Psalm 91:5 is explicitly saying “You shall not be afraid ….”  And specifically it is talking of night and day that we shouldn’t be afraid.  The psalmist had a revelation that without dwelling in Christ anything can happen during the day and at night.  This psalm offers security for God’s children who abide in Christ and His word that nothing can happen to a faithful servant except by God’s permission. This truth does not mean there will never be unpleasant or difficult times but that as long as we make God our Lord and our Refuge, in everything that happens to us God will work for our good.  As Christians we face struggles but the word of God makes us aware of the armor of God available to us for protection.  For our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against ‘the rulers, the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). Let us dwell there…for there we will be safe.

* * * * *

Our Father, who art in Heaven, we come before You with thanksgiving in our hearts knowing You are our Shield at all times.  May Your Name be glorified now and forever more…in Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen!!

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About Ann Mwafulirwa

Ann Mwafulirwa -- Devotions Team
Ann is from Malawi, Africa, and lives in Lilongwe City. She is the mother of 2 children ages 15 and 11. She loves music and is a Praise Team member at her church. She also enjoys reading the Bible and other spiritual books, and writing.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Ann, thanks for sharing this morning. I love this Psalm! In 1993, Steve and I moved to Singapore for his work. I was nervous (fearful) about going to a country so far from home and living among people I didn’t know. BUT God gave me this chapter and impressed on me to memorize it. I was so thankful that I did, because His Words sustained me. As I arrived in a strange land, I was actually “dwelling in the secret place of the Most High.” It was awesome to feel at rest-with no fear-because I had the “shadow of the Almighty” surrounding me. I truly believe the main reason that our time in Singapore was such a good experience was that we dwelt in Christ and allowed Him to be our Refuge and our Shield.

  2. Clella, Indeed when you are dwelling in the secret place no fear can entangle you beacause you are so sure of safety. Trusting god for devine protection always. Sometimes i have fear of unknown in terms of expecting results after an examination, when am home alone but this psalm has been my encouragement always. His promises to us are Yes and Amen. thanks for sahring your experience this is a big testimony on its own…for without God we are really nobodys. have a blessed day Clella.

  3. so encouraging, ann. thank you. fear is an area where satan tempts me…and i know that holding God’s Words in my mind and heart refute his dirty attempts. abiding in Christ—the secret place! <3

  4. Coleen, devil comes to cheat us that “you see you are all alone and the one you call your God is not with you, just change or curse Him”…like the way he did to Job. fortunately Job had hid the word of God in his herat that he didnt not sin against the Mighty one.

  5. Cher Sorenson says

    Wow- a powerful promise : )

  6. A very wonderful article. Thank you for the inspiration.


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