February 22, 2025

“I AM” Chapter 7 – Day 4: I AM…The Root and Offspring of David

2Samuel7_IAMI am where I am because of my family.  Faith in Jesus and a strong relationship with Him is a legacy that has passed down from generation to generation.  I am so blessed to have known Him all my life.  My grandparents on both sides were faithful Jesus followers.  My parents made sure that above all else, my salvation and my relationship with Jesus trumped all.  I want to make sure that my children know Him and will spend eternity with Him.  To follow only Him and to faithfully see His word.  It’s true that we cannot choose our family, but God did choose them for us.

Have you ever looked at Jesus’s family? Did you know James was His half-brother? Did you know that James did not believe in Jesus until after the resurrection? The Book of James is written as a letter addressing many issues about how faith in Jesus needs to affect the way we act. It also addresses some misunderstandings about the relationship between salvation by faith in Jesus and the need for believers to live a godly life.  James 1:2-4 says “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

The scripture from today’s lesson is Hebrews 11.  It has been called the “Hall of Faith” because it mentions a long list of people who were used by the Great I AM because of their faith.  No doubt the author of Hebrews confused the readers by calling it this.  These mighty Jewish people, heroes if you will, never received all that God had promised them because they died before Jesus came.  In God’s plan, they would be rewarded together for enduring much testing.  Old Testament faith was also a heartfelt trust in a personal God.  Many before us faced difficult times and persevered by faith.  Notice that in every illustration in this chapter, it starts with “It was by faith that….”

Hebrews 12 begins “Since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run the race that God has set before us….”

Maybe the weight that slows us down is our past or maybe it is what we are dealing with right now.  You and I both have had the awesome privilege of meeting Jesus and have formed a real relationship with Him.  Now, what are you going to do with Him? Don’t you love this question that Teresa asks in this book?

It is God’s will for us to win this race we call life, for us to lay down our recurring sin that weighs us down sometimes. There will be pain from exertion, but we are told to pace ourselves and bear the pain with grace and with patience. And remember that others, who have run the same race and finished, will be cheering us on!


Let’s Pray:

Dearest Lord,

Thank You so much for all those who went before us to show us that all Your promises do come true and if we trust You we will be rewarded.  What a day that will be when we see Abraham, Isaac, David, Mary, Martha, Peter, Noah (and the list goes on and on), rejoicing when we cross the finish line all together.  You are our great reward and You are worth it.  I end with a prayer from 2 Samuel 7:25-26, “And now, O Lord God, I am Your servant: do as you have promised concerning me and my family.”  In Jesus’ Name I pray.


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About Kim Spring

Kim Spring - Blog Contributor
Kim lives in Pensacola Beach, Florida with her husband of 22 years and four children ages 20 to 8 years old. She’s been a Cheer Coach, a Personal Trainer, and a full-time mom and wife. She loves writing, exercising, loving on her family, and loving Jesus. She has a heart for spreading the hope that’s in Jesus Christ! Her message to others is that no matter what, there’s nothing impossible when God is your driver.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Kim, your family background sounds similar to mine. I’m very thankful for that heritage. My mother was a woman of great faith and I always looked up to her. She taught me very early that I couldn’t rest secure on her faith though, but I had to develop my own. That’s quite a journey but well worth it. I so agree with your last paragraph, “It is God’s will for us to win this race we call life….”
    Teresa said, “What matters to Jesus is what each person decided (decides) to do with their present and then their future.” We have a choice, and we will make that choice whether it is actively or passively. If I don’t answer God’s call, He will use someone else. But when He asks me first He is giving me the chance to obey Him and grow in Him. I choose “to share in this ‘I AM’.”
    “…His resting place will be glorious.” (Isaiah 11:10)

    • Kim Spring says

      Clella. I never take my heritage for granted! Your mom sounds amazing! Like mine;) I’m striving to leave the same. Bless you!

  2. The thought that strikes me to the heart is, it really doesn’t matter what your past looks like…what your family legacy of faith is. I have the responsibility and the opportunity to lay the foundation for a new path for my family. God has chosen me. Now it’s my turn to choose Him. The children that come through my home may not have a godly background, but they will when they leave. Then they have the choice to raise their families with God and continue the walk of faith.

    Your message is beautifully done and well delivered. You continue to bless my heart with your writing and with your spiritual growth.

    • Kim Spring says

      Thank you Teresa. You’re right! Some have to break a generational curse. An enormous responsibility that I didn’t have to carry on my own. I pray for all of my sisters in Christ and families and children. God has pruned and definitely grown me through this study! All worth it

  3. thank you, kim, for the words you chose to remind us of the importance of legacy. thank you, teresa, for the lesson you prepared for us especially (for me) the section of living the TRUTH of romans 8—we are NOT our background, or our past; we ARE freed from guilt, condemnation, negative self-talk!!! we are loved by the Great I AM…and NOTHING can separate us from that love!!!
    kim and teresa, i remain so thankful to God for all that He has worked in both of you; He has blessed me greatly through each of you.
    ps: AND you both live out this legacy-leaving as you seek God in the raising of the hearts that God has given and trusted into your (and your husbands’) hands.

  4. Amazing blog and another great lesson from Teresa. Kim, thank you for sharing from your heart each week during this study. Your words ALWAYS encourage and God’s love just shines through you! As I read your prayer, I couldn’t help but think of meeting all those and more one day. Can you imagine having a conversation with them and saying something like, “I LOVE the time when you said…” or I loved it when I read how you “…..? Awesome!

    • Kim Spring says

      I can’t wait to see Abraham and Isaac and Peter cheering us on. These people stayed the course and remained faithful throughout. We have all denied Jesus in our own ways and its time to get in the game and spread the news to all’

  5. Beautiful blog today, Kimmie!! I appreciate the wisdom you have shared with us during this study. I pray God was able to BLESS you abundantly with the words shared in this book! Can’t wait to see what you have to share with us during the Esther study! 🙂

    • Kim Spring says

      Thank you Christi! I have been blessed and broken and mended. Whatever it takes to stay the course we will do for the prize is great and worth it.

  6. Chelle Renee says

    Oh my, this is all confirmation on what is going in my life right now. From James 1:2-4 to Hebrews 11. These are 2 of my favorites. I know. I am not running the race by myself. I praise God for those cheering me on. I know this is just going to make me stronger in The Lord. What a blessing