February 22, 2025

Place the Bible in my Hands


God’s Word is a precious gift.  If ever our Bibles become dusty due to lack of use, let’s cry out to God to forgive us.  Within its pages are God’s great messages and truths..stories of His love, hope, forgiveness, and His Presence as Lord and Savior unfold there.  From God’s Word you gain wisdom, knowledge, and insight into how God wants you to live.

With my Bible in my hands, I sat on my comfy couch and read all of Psalm 19 to soak up all God wanted me to gain from David’s words in this chapter.  David writes,

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
Psalms 19:7-10

Let it be written and let it be proclaimed: God’s Word trumps ANYTHING that any mere man could ever say.  Why?  It is inspired by God, and it is this:

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Never let dust gather there.  Open God’s Word!  Read it, absorb it, and live it!!!  It continues to be a precious gift, as it—through the power of the Holy Spirit—teaches, encourages, convicts, and reveals the plan of salvation through Jesus.  It will remain as truth for all times! 

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8


Imagine you have to be on a deserted island by yourself for one year.  You are told you will have bread, water, and shelter.  But you have to make an important choice.
First option:  Each day you can have a cup of the best-tasting honey ever and gaze into a huge cave filled with bars of pure gold, which you can have at the end of the year. —OR–  Second option: You can have a Bible with you to read daily.

What do you choose?    Place the Bible in my hands!!!


Dear Lord,  let us treasure Your Word!  Allow the Holy Spirit to penetrate its truths deep into our hearts so that our desire is to live it and, only by Your grace, bring You great glory in our lives.  Daily, we desperately need You!  Please may we all desire to read Your Word every day!!!  In Jesus’ Precious Name,  Amen.

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About Cheris Gaston

Cheris Gaston - Devotions Team
Cheris was born in Louisiana, and currently lives near Huntsville, Alabama. She is married to her wonderful Danny for almost 24 years, and together they have 2 children: Hannah (21) and Seth (18). She likes reading, writing, Bible studies, encouraging others, mountain scenes, college football, candles, coffee, and apple cake.


  1. As I read this I was reminded of a time when I didn’t use my bible. The very day I gave my life to the Lord, I knew I needed a bible and so, I got one. I didn’t get a passion for His word until maybe 4-5 months in. And I still have to pray and ask for a passion for His word, sometimes. I love how, even though I’ve read sections before, God can give a new perspective and point out things I missed the many times before. Thank you for the reminder!

    • Ahmee, you bring up 2 very important points! Thank you! There will be days when we may not “feel” like reading His Word. (The passion to do so may not be there.) But it is a discipline that we must incorporate into our every day so that we can learn more about God and His ways. Secondly, I’m so glad you got a Bible when you were saved! (That’s one of the very best things you could do.) And because of your words here today, the next time I hear of a friend who has come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, I hope I have the opportunity to go get her a Bible, and place it in her hands. (Let’s pray that we can all have an awareness and a desire to do this for our new sisters and brothers in Christ!)

  2. Amen! Thank you, Cheris!

  3. Rebecca Lane says

    Cheri’s, just had an opportunity to share scripture via text with a brand new Christian. This was just a reminder how important it is to stay in the word. I am going today to buy her a bible. What kind would you recommend. I use the NIV, but want one that will be easy for her to understand since this is all brand new to her. May God continue to bless your ministry.

  4. I love to buy Bibles and teach new seekers how to use them. The trust that it takes for someone to admit they need help understanding and the desire to have the Word of God is humbling to me. Place the Word in my hands. That’s all I need. Good thoughts for today!

  5. Thank you, CG, for your encouragement back. I hope it blessed you in some way.
    Rebecca, yes, staying in the Word is so vital! God has used you to reach out to a brand new Christian, and that is SO incredibly wonderful! You asked about Bibles. Like you, I also use the NIV Bible. (And if she is a brand new Christian, I think it is an easy one to understand. So, that may be the right pick for her. But if you want some other suggestions, The English Standard Version (ESV) and the New American Standard Bible (NASB) are also good versions you may want to consider.) Rebecca, YOU are are a living example of placing the Bible in someone’s hands! Thank you, friend, You have blessed the hearts of those who read your entry. I will pray that we can all do as you have done many times over for years to come.

  6. Teresa, thank you for buying Bibles, giving them away, and teaching others to use them.I do believe that I just may put a little money away here and there with the idea of purchasing a Bible to give to someone who needs it. And then, save some money again and buy another, etc.If we get ready, God will open doors to place His Word in the hands of others.