February 22, 2025

“I AM” Chapter 7 – Day 2: Alpha and Omega

2Chron7_14_IAMAlpha and Omega

These are two very powerful words; they are strong and demand attention.
But for me these words also bring comfort.  Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End. There is so much in between those two words, in between those two names.

Alpha (Friend. Redeemed. Forgiven. Free. Confident. Assured.) Omega

This is who I am in the great I AM.  This is who you are in the great I AM.
When I look at this title, and what the Alpha and Omega truly means, it reassures me that I will never be left alone.  Christ has been with me from my start and He will be with me through my finish. He will be with me when I need a friend; when I need redemption; when I need to be forgiven; when I am seeking freedom; when I need confidence and when I need assurance.

By having a relationship with Christ we can feel these things, we can develop a relationship in which we will always know our Beginning and we will always know our End. To quote Teresa from this book, “Jesus wants to be your best friend.” He wants us to have all of these things in abundance. He wants to be there in our Beginning and in our End.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for showing us our beginning and our end. Thank You for being there in our lives for both, and through all the in-between. Lord, You offer us friendship and redemption.  You offer us things we do not deserve; Your love always remains. Your gift of friendship always remains. Lord, help us to walk in the power of Your promises and in Your covering.  Most importantly, help us to be an example to others of what it means to be a friend of the I AM.  In Jesus’ name we pray.


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About Tonya Ellison

Tonya Ellison — Blog Contributor
Tonya comes to us from Rio Rancho, New Mexico where she lives with her four favorite people, three kids ages 4, 6, and 9, and her husband of seven years, Jamel. Her hobbies include writing and reading, crocheting, and spending time with her family. She earned her BS in Human Services/Management and works as a Bereavement Counselor.


  1. Alpha and Omega…….Author and Finisher of my faith…..In Him i trust.

  2. Amen Tonya! Yes He is the Alpha and Omega. We can trust Him COMPLETELY. He knew us before we were born. He knows the number of the hairs on our head. He is there when no one else is. This is so exciting. Yes, those two words hold much meaning. He will be there in the End waiting for us! AMEN. Great Blog – oh what a glorious day it shall be 🙂

    • Tonya Ellison says

      Very true Mary. Its so comforting to know that He will always be with us. Start to finish.

  3. Clella Fox says

    Tonya, I love this reminder that Christ was with me from the start, will be with me in the end, and is now with me through all that is in between. As the Lord God said in Rev 1:8, “I AM the Alpha and the Omega, Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty”–on a personal level for each of us who give our lives over to Him. PTL
    I was excited when Teresa pointed out to us that the race isn’t over until the last person finishes the race. I just got a picture of Jesus running along with us but as He nears the finish line He slows down and starts encouraging the slower runners, the ones that are hurting all over to keep going, “You can make it! You’re almost there! I’m right here with you!” And as the last person barely makes it over the finish line, He triumphantly crosses it too signaling the end of time because He is The Omega!
    “He is a friend of mine. The God of Angels Armies is always by my side!” From beginning to end and all the in-betweens. Praise God!

    • Kim Spring says

      That’s awesome Clella. You brought out some great points from today’s lesson. Jesus running along side us. No other way we could finish this race strong without Him. This section and this chapter is one of my favorites.

    • Tonya Ellison says

      Beautiful illustration Clella! Thank you! 🙂

  4. Kim Spring says

    The beginning and the end. He has always existed. This concept is beyond our thinking. Faith plays a huge part. Thanks tonya.

    • Clella Fox says

      Amen, Kim. This section stands on the foundation of the others, and our faith is the mortar that brings it together. Heb 11:1, “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” (NLT)

    • Tonya Ellison says

      You made an excellent point Kim! Once again it is shown that we needbto exercise our faith. He will always be with us but we need to step out and believe. Amen! 🙂

  5. Beverly McCormick says

    Thanks Tonya for this beautiful reminder… the beginning all the way to meeting my Father…..that’s what living with Him is about and our wonderful reward is HIM. Thanks Lord for calling me to you back on Apr 17 1979….

    • Tonya Ellison says

      I think we look for earthly physical rewards out of life but as you said, our true reward is Him. Awesome!

  6. thank you, tonya and teresa, for your words in today’s lesson and blog!!! tonya, i love this: “…we can develop a relationship in which we will always know our Beginning and we will always know our End. ” what freedom, peace, and joy exist in KNOWing that truth! and, teresa, so many, many statements gripped my heart in your writing today. maybe my fav: “Jesus wants to be your best friend.” yes, yes, He does…happy, joyful, blessed me! <3

  7. There is great freedom in knowing where you came from and where you are going. It’s the time in between that we get to know who we are and Whose we are. Thank you Tonya for that reminder. I have spent many hours lately contemplating the time in between and what that means to those around me. I choose to make a difference in the world I live in, in the time I am given. With God’s guidance, He will make that difference in and through me. Much love to you all.

  8. Many blessings from today’s study and blog! Thank you ladies, for the reminders and reassurance of who I AM in Christ and for all eternity. <3

  9. Tonya, another awesome message today! As you said, and Teresa commented as well, it’s the in-between stuff that we need to pay close attention to. My in-between stuff got a bit side-tracked several years ago, and I walked away from my Christian life for a few years. I never left God, or anything like that…I just quit walking my Christian walk. The beauty of all of that is God NEVER LEFT ME! He continued to be there even through the in-between stuff, whether it was good or bad. I am forever grateful to serve a God that loved me enough to stick around and not abandon me, like others had in my life. He is the only “constant” that I, WE, have in my, OUR, life! AMEN!!!

  10. Thanks Tonya for the reminder, of Jsus as my friend. I have to say when I am down,that is what picks me up the most. It is an awesome feeling knowing that Jesus, most powerful, wants to me MY friend. So simple yet so powerful.