March 30, 2025

“I AM” Chapter 6 – Day 3: I AM…God’s Workmanship


Have you ever wondered just how God made everything?   Have you been sitting outside during the summer looking up at the beautiful sky with all the twinkling stars shining like diamonds, the bright moon shining so bright you didn’t need a flashlight?  What about walking along the beach as the sun begins to pop up on the horizon with it’s beautiful orange canvas?  What about when the skies turn dark and thunder is clapping so loud you need earplugs?   These ladies are some of the many wonders of our Lord from His artistic hands!

Our God of the universe created all this beautiful artwork and more. As you sit and think on these, your mind is captivated by ALL the wonders of God’s creations; and yet, in all these things happening around us, there is still MORE!  Something even greater that He is molding into being.

 His greatest masterpiece of all time = You and Me!!!

God created the heavens and earth and He knew it was good, yet there was still something missing….It was US!!    So He decided He needed to make man in the image of Himself.    We were created to have fellowship with Him.   We were not just an after dinner thought.   We were the special finishing touch to His creation!

Zechariah 2:8 says ”For thus saith the Lord of hosts; after the glory hath sent Me unto the nations which spoiled you; for He that toucheth  you toucheth the apple of His eye.  He says we are His workmanship.”   How about that?  We are His greatest work of art.  We are so valuable that He tells us we are the apple of His eye!

Ephesians 2:10  says “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

Did you know there is a Master at work in you?  Did you know your life is a priceless work of art? He is the Master Artist, who is painting, sculpting, chiseling away each day as He envisions you to be.  With every stroke He is shaping your identity in His image.   You can depend on His Masters Art Degree.   You will experience every day as He chisels at you that what you end up with is a “one of a kind”  “not for sale” masterpiece.

Do you have a hard time believing you are God’s masterpiece?  That you are special to Him?  If you question this at all, then that means olslewfoot (Satan) is trying to convince you otherwise.  Don’t let him come in and fill your head and heart up with all kinds of lies.  This is definitely not what our God thinks of us!

How about taking a trip to the closest mirror in your housegoright nowthen come back….and take a long hard look while you are there.

OK, so what did you see?  I pray you saw a beautiful cherished creation, a treasure, a masterpiece!  Because that is what God created when He made you.  But maybe you saw some things when you looked in that mirror that you didn’t like.

Think of your life when you look in the mirror as a canvas that began empty with nothing there but as soon as you were born He began a new work in you creating an astounding depiction of His glory and grace.   I know sometimes you may think “But wait, God…this part of my life is a waste;  don’t draw that!”   But remember these are some special strokes and chiseling that God is having to apply as He is growing us, changing us into His special masterpiece.

Are you willing to let Him paint, chisel you until He gets you right where He wants/needs you to be?

 You are His most prized possession and what matters most to Him is you!

So why not let Him be the creative Master artist that He is and let Him transform you so that you reveal His beauty, His glory and His love, His MASTERPIECE!

A lovely work that comes straight from the Master’s hand.

 When you looked in that mirror did you question, “God, am I your masterpiece?”

If you feel or have felt this way at any time in your life,  open your heart, your ears, and watch this video and allow God to show you who you are or who you can become.

Now say this  “(your name)  is God’s  original Masterpiece!”


Let’s Pray:

Dear God,

Sometimes it is hard for me to think of myself as a piece of Your artwork, created to be just who You wanted me to be.  Help me to acknowledge and embrace who You have made me to be.  I’ve had areas in my life that needed or still need chiseling, and I thank You for continuing to be a Master Artist and stroking me daily in areas that need to be fixed.  Help me, Lord, to fully be that person You had in mind as You made me.  Help me to live to glorify You and to fully reveal this wonderful masterpiece that You continually grow and chisel each day!  In Your name I pray.


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About Beverly McCormick

Beverly McCormick - Blog Contributor
Beverly lives in South Carolina with her husband of 34 years. She is the mother of two children - a daughter who is 25 years old and married to a youth pastor; a son who is 22 years old and a senior in college. She looks forward to becoming a grandmother someday as God allows. She works outside the home, teaches Sunday School at her church, sings, leads women's conferences/retreats. She loves to read and study God's Word in addition just loves to read. She loves to travel and see this beautiful world God gave us. She accepted Christ as Savior on April 17, 1979 and has a passion since that day for ministering to others needs.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Wow, Beverly, what a beautiful and uplifting study this morning combining your thoughts with Teresa’s study and then topping it off with Skit Guys’ video! In spite of learning many years ago that I am His masterpiece, His “most precious possession” (Zech 2:8, NLT), I still need convincing/reminding occasionally. I know the junk that is still in me, and am amazed and thankful that God sees me through the blood of His Son, Jesus.
    Teresa also said, “we have a responsibility to represent our Creator. We reflect His intention and His personality…and His character.” Thankfully she also assures us that “because we have the Holy Spirit living inside us, we have been plugged in to all the wisdom, strength and courage we will ever need to be able to serve God well. Learning the discipline to use these gifts well is the key.”
    He made us and equipped us to reflect Him, The Great Master Artist, to the world around us. “Chisel away, Lord.”

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Thanks Clella, yes today was a beautiful reminder of what God does in our life each day…I thought this morning I wonder how many chisels has he broken over the years while crafting me how he wants me to be…thanks for sharing with us

  2. Kim Spring says

    thank you for this! awesome words, great message. Sometimes the chiseling isn’t the feel good that we want, but the ultimate goal is definitely worth it. To be all that He created us to be and to believe it in our hearts. He loves us.

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Thanks Kim and oh so true….I thought after reading your comment, do I feel the chisel and learn from it or do I feel it and let it slide? Thanks for sharing

  3. thanks, beverly, for putting the TRUTH out in front of our eyes! i (maybe so very many of us?) struggle with truly BELIEVING that I AM His masterpiece. but i know the truth and so endeavor today to renew my mind to that truth…and live in the glory of it. onward to today! (tomorrow can worry about itself!) <3

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Thanks Coleen, I too have struggled with feeling I am a special masterpiece and all because of my blunders each day but then I remember oh God will help me fix that with his chisel….thanks for sharing

  4. Paula Eslick says

    Thank you Father for making me Your masterpiece, thank You for seeing me through the eyes of Your precious Son. It is my prayer each day that I remember this, that I shut out those voices that try to tell me otherwise, and that all I do will represent You to the world! Thank you Beverly for an amazing blog & the Skit Guys.

  5. What a beautiful blog to usher us to a beautiful place beside our Father. He loves us lumpy and imperfect, but He doesn’t want to leave us that way. Chisel away, Lord!

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Thanks Teresa, how did you know I’m lumpy..haha….but ain’t it the truth he loves us anyway and is willing to chisel us like Him…I want him to keep chiseling me daily

  6. Beverly, this is so good. It can be overwhelming to think of all of God’s creation and realize that He still calls “me” His masterpiece. But we have to really take a moment to sit and realize this and remember are worth so much to Him. When I ponder on this, it makes want to serve Him even more. Thank you.

  7. Beautiful, thought provoking lesson, Teresa, and beautiful blog, Beverly! The ladies above said it well. So thankful for the chiseling, even when it smarts. One day we can all see our finished masterpiece and say, “Ahhhh! That’s what He was going for!” Thanks for sharing the Skit Guys, too. I love this video!

    • Beverly McCormick says

      Thanks CG, can’t you imagine what the finished product will be!!!! Way different than what we see today if we allow God to chisel away at will…thanks for sharing with us

  8. I am so blessed to be the apple of His eye!! Every little girl longs to hear her daddy say that; and even some of us grown-up girls!! It’s so beautiful to know that God loves us so very much, that He even knows the number of hairs we have on our head, and the number of tears that we have shed! But even greater than that, He gave His only Son for us, to show us just how much He truly loves us!!! There is no greater love than One who will shed His life for us. I pray every day that those who struggle with their value, or beauty, will “get this”…that GOD LOVES YOU and He created you as this beautiful work of art that shines with brilliance! Satan will do everything he can to cause us to believe otherwise. But we just have to stay in God’s word DAILY to allow His word to renew our minds from those filthy lies.

    I spent over 1/2 of my life feeling like I was ugly, and unworthy of love. Through life circumstances, I was convinced that I was a nothing, a nobody, and no one would or could ever love me the way I so desperately needed to be loved!

    It was only when the Lord came into my life that I began to realize just how precious I am in His eyes. It didn’t happen overnight…but in time, I grew to realize how precious I am, how worthy I am, and just how much He truly loves me. I then began to love myself! I think that is so very important…that we learn to renew our minds, and learn to love ourselves!

    Truly a BEAUTIFUL lesson this week, Teresa; and an amazing blog today Bev!!

  9. I’m in tears here. My Dad passed away a few years ago, and I miss him, his hugs, him always being there. IT hit home today, that GOD is here, and He is my Dad, My Abba now. Though my earthly father has gone to heaven, my heavenly Father is still here, and I’m still His. Warts and all 🙂

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Thanks Peggy for sharing your heart with us today. It’s such a blessing to know Our Heavenly Father loves us with all our flaws and yes mam He is there for us at all times…

  10. Chelle Renee says

    Every lesson this week has hit very close to home for me. But, this one hit the hardest. I have always struggled with seeing myself as special, as God’s masterpiece. Yesterday, I was standing behind a couple at the SSA office. They talked about my big lips, my big butt the way my hair was combed and so on. I was crying but I had my hair in my face so they could not see the tears. All my life I have been told that I was not pretty enough, or I would be very beautiful if I just lost weight. I figured if I made myself beautiful on the outside that I would be beautiful on the inside.
    As I watch this video by the SkitGuys (not the first time, that I have seen it) I heard God speaking to me. He was saying, Chelle, you are beautiful, you are compassionate, you are loving but most of all Chelle, you are my most valuable treasure because you are MINE. I love so so much I sent My Son To Die For You!!!! Now, get up my beautiful daughter and see yourself as My Masterpiece.
    I felt the hurt, shame, brokenness, ugliness anger, etc…. Fall off. I can say and I believe in my heart That I am God’s Original Masterpiece.