February 23, 2025

I Call to You


Whether gazing at the stars, sitting with a loved one at the hospital, driving down the interstate, or kneeling by my bed, these are all special and intimate times if I’m calling out to my Heavenly Father to meet me in a time of prayer.

When someone prays, it’s NEVER mundane or ordinary.  For you see, the act of praying draws you to the throne room of our great God.  You make your dependence and love known for Him in those increments of time – whether it be moments or a long stretch of time.  When praying, you’ve just summoned the God of all creation into your presence to hear the matters and concerns of your heart!  And after you speak, you want Him to speak into your heart to give answers, direction, calmness, wisdom, and peace.

As I read Psalm 141, David makes many requests of the Lord in this prayer.  But today, my heart’s drawn to the first 2 verses.  Here, David begins with a sense of urgency and reveals his desire for his prayer to please the Lord.

O LORD, I call to you; come quickly to me. Hear my voice when I call to you.
May my prayer be set before you like incense;
may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
Psalms 141:1-2

David loved God, and because of their relationship, he desired for his prayers to be pleasing to God.  When you pray, a grateful heart toward Him should overflow and spill into your words. Those words of yours will be pleasing and beautiful to God.  He desires to hear every word of your every prayer.

Oh, like David, how I want God to come quickly to me and hear my voice when I cry out to Him! And just like the beautiful aroma that incense makes, may my prayers float heavenward to my God in a way that reminds Him of incense!  And in praise, may my hands be lifted at times to God to show my great love and adoration for Him!  He listens, cares, loves, answers, and forgives!

Friends, are you calling to God?  And calling often?  Do you desire for your prayers to be set before Him like incense?  Do you praise Him in your life and in your prayers?

* * * * *

Lord, when I gaze at the stars, let my words be like incense as I praise You for Your great and mighty handiwork that only You could design.  Lord, when I sit praying for a sick friend, come quickly to hear my heart’s cry for help and comfort.  Lord, when I’m driving down the interstate praying for the concerns of my heart, thank You for listening when I call to You.  And, Lord, when I kneel by my bed or bow my head in reverence to You at anytime, thank You for caring, listening, and helping Your child who loves and needs You!  In Jesus’ precious Name I pray, Amen.

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About Cheris Gaston

Cheris Gaston - Devotions Team
Cheris was born in Louisiana, and currently lives near Huntsville, Alabama. She is married to her wonderful Danny for almost 24 years, and together they have 2 children: Hannah (21) and Seth (18). She likes reading, writing, Bible studies, encouraging others, mountain scenes, college football, candles, coffee, and apple cake.


  1. Beautiful, Cheris! Thank you!!!

  2. thanks, cheris! i loved your prayer! <3

  3. joann cochran says

    Wow! What a beautiful way to describe our prayers. I hope I take the time to dwell on this psalm of david so the next time I pray. I too can lift up beautiful sweet smelling praise to our blessed savior. Thanks for the beautiful imagery.

  4. Beautiful, Cheris! Absolutely beautiful!

  5. I love you, my friend. Your heart really speaks in your writing. Good Job!

  6. I’m stopping by to thank you ladies, (CG, Coleen, Joann, Christi, and Teresa) for your kind comments.I ‘m a bit late in responding, but I did want to get back to you and let you know that I appreciate each of you. Your words encourage me and others as you share from your hearts so easily.And guess what? I look forward to us getting together again…either at the end of a devotional or a blog found in this gathering of godly women that God has placed together. (Thank you, God!) And let’s keep on praying to our precious Heavenly Father daily! He understands, loves, and cares LIKE NO OTHER!