February 22, 2025

“I AM” Chapter 5 – Day 3: I AM…Free to Be ME


As I thought about this lesson and what God would have me share, two words kept coming back at me and I thought “really God that is what you want me to talk about?” And He kept saying yes, so here we go!

 Do-Over    (what is it?)

In our family, a do-over has consisted of many things in our daily lives, but the most constant one has been when we have been playing Putt-Putt at Myrtle Beach.  Every summer the kids would always have at least one hole they didn’t do so good on and they would ask us, “Can I have a do-over?”  My husband said that is called a “mulligan” and the kids would say “Well, whatever.  Can I have one?”  So right then we made a rule that on every Putt-Putt game we ever played together in our lives we would always allow one “do-over” *(mulligan)* during the game.   Sometimes we would pick the “do-over” on the right hole, but sometimes we didn’t.

As I thought about this story of our family I began to think about our daily lives and how we need do-overs in them too!  Sometimes we say something too quickly to someone or hit the send button on an email, and both times wishing we should have thought a little longer about it before we spoke or wrote.

Have you examined your life lately?  Where are you spiritually?  Are you wishing for something different?  Are you living the life Jesus wants for you?  If all of a sudden you feel burdened by any of these questions…don’tbecause you must remember our God is a God of “do-overs!”

No matter what the mistake, the pain, or any hardships, we can call out “Do-over!” and we can start fresh and new!  In order for us to have the freedom that knowing this truth brings we have to truly mean it, not just say it and then do the same thing again.  But to truly mean it— we have to live it!   You may be asking, “Well how do I do that?”  “How do I break those bad habits?”   Here’s your answer…turn your life over to God fully and let Him RENEW you!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

 When you turn your life over to God He is giving you a “do-over” from all your past; you will see a whole new view of yourself.  You will also realize two truths:

  • God does not see you as a struggling, troubled, or horrible person.
  • Instead, God sees you as His beloved child, made in His image.

It is then we will begin focusing on God and not our mistakes.  We will see that God can renew us.   When we see that by placing all the pieces of our lives before God and staying alert in the ways of God, and by seeing His divine nature growing in us, we will begin to take advantage of the blessings of all the do-overs.

There have been many in the Bible who had opportunities to step up in their journey of faith and yet were not only offered a “do-over” but also new opportunities to serve:

  • King David after his affair with Bathsheba
  • Saul of Tarsus after he hunted down Christians
  • Church of Laodicea after they let their faith fade from passionate to lukewarm

There were also people in the Bible who discovered the blessings of do-overs:

  • Jacob and Esau  (Genesis 33)
  • Both Joseph and his brothers got to start over (Genesis 45)
  • After Peter denied Jesus, he got another chance to stand up (John 21:15)
  • And then there was Paul, he got an entire life do-over!   As Saul he persecuted Christians, but he was transformed on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), received Christ, and began spreading the gospel instead of persecuting it.

Talk about a do-over, that is a total newly born, born again believer! He is a new creation!

If God offers us this kind of do-over, then why is it that we feel trapped, paralyzed; we want to make a change but just unsure about how to do it.  Most reasons we feel this way is because once we’ve messed up we are labeled as a failure by others, we aren’t looking at ourselves like God would.   That’s what needs to change!

We need to realize that we aren’t living the way God wants us to and that we need a spiritual “do-over,”  so how do we get one?

  • Submit
  • Surrender
  • Yield to God

If we aren’t where we need to be spiritually what is keeping us from asking for a “do-over?”  Why are we having a hard time letting go?

Paul has painted us a beautiful picture in Phillipians 3:13-14, to forget what is behind and reach for what is ahead!

As I thought about writing today’s blog God showed me there are two kinds of people that will be reading today: 1) those that have had a “do-over” and, 2) those that need to have a “do-over.”

For those who need a “do-over,” what would it look like for you to be free from your past and become a new creation—a new-born believer?

We serve a God that allows “do-overs,” He will accept you, forgive you, and grow you into a new person.   Yes, this is YOU I’m talking about!  No matter what you’ve done or said, no matter what,  He allows us to start over!  Here’s a good verse for you to consider.

Psalms 116:12-13 says, What shall I render unto the Lord for all of His benefits towards me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord.

 Your “do-over” is up to you.

 When we surrender our lives to You, God, we stop fighting with ourselves.

If we truly want a “do-over” we can have it.

All we have to do is “ASK”.


Let’s Pray:

God, I thank You for “do-overs.”   Help each of us today to feel new, act new, think new; help us to love others like we never have before.  Help us to realize that You are there every moment of every day to help us when we need a “do-over” and to make a fresh start to something that started not so good.  God, I lift up a special prayer for the ones who are reading this that need a total “life do-over;” they need You as Savior!  Help them to see You are waiting in the wings of their day for them to call on Your name, asking to be made a new creation.  Help them to know You give “do-overs” and are ready to give them one right now! And when they receive it, help them lift their hands in praise to You and tell the world!   In Your name I pray.


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About Beverly McCormick

Beverly McCormick - Blog Contributor
Beverly lives in South Carolina with her husband of 34 years. She is the mother of two children - a daughter who is 25 years old and married to a youth pastor; a son who is 22 years old and a senior in college. She looks forward to becoming a grandmother someday as God allows. She works outside the home, teaches Sunday School at her church, sings, leads women's conferences/retreats. She loves to read and study God's Word in addition just loves to read. She loves to travel and see this beautiful world God gave us. She accepted Christ as Savior on April 17, 1979 and has a passion since that day for ministering to others needs.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Great study this morning, Beverly! I’m so thankful for the ‘do-over’ that Christ did in my life many years. I’m also thankful that because of Christ’s grace and mercy, when I “blow it” and sin, He is gracious to forgive me and give me another ‘do-over.’ I John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Amen Clella, it is so wonderful to know he just forgives allows us to start over with Him and He moves on and doesn’t dwell or wallow in what we did. I love that about our God!

  2. We are experiencing the “do-over” effect in our home right now. The human side of this is the ripple effect it has on the ones who love us. When our lives get off track it affects more than just “me”. When grace and mercy are given, it affects more than just the forgiven. Some times our sense of justice is offended until our hearts catch up. It’s been a rough summer at our house, but I AM so thankful God offers “do-overs” daily. Good words for today.

    • Beverly mccormick says

      I hear you Teresa we have some of that going on in our home as well, a lot of adjusting having to occur, and good thing is we just call on Him and He will help us thru each moment…I will be praying for you and your family….and If do-overs are needed, call it out girl..!!!! Love ya and have a great day

  3. Great blog, Beverly; thanks for sharing that bit of your family life! I still remember the first time I heard that phrase “do over” used. It was about 25 years ago and one of our son’s friends yelled it out when they were playing. 🙂
    What a great choice for your post today. So glad we serve the King of do-overs! Glad I’m a do-over and can get a do-over! 🙂

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Thanks CG, I am glad I am a do-over too!!! And that He is so willing to allow us to be…have an awesome day with our Lord

  4. thanks for the joyous reminder, beverly, of just how loving and kind and compassionate our Father is! He, (Who could have demanded our perfect obedience and given justified punishment for failure), instead forgives, casts our sin as far as the east is from the west, and purifies us! He has enabled us with all that we need to live as these new creations! every member of the human race has the opportunity for a life-changing (life-giving) do-over…how blessed are we?!? <3

  5. Isn’t it amazing that nothing is too big or too small for a “do-over”?! While the consequences may still be in place for the error, God’s GRACE is big enough to erase the burden of the action performed in carnality. It’s sad to me when other’s refuse to acknowledge God’s plan includes ‘do-overs’, I love the great and powerful examples shared. When we extend GRACE to those who have wronged us…it isn’t for our benefit at all…but for God to be exalted. Our human nature wants to see folks held in those consequences; but God desires a bigger change and sometimes uses the consequences to bring about that bigger change through a ‘DO-OVER’!

    • Beverly mccormick says

      Thanks Shell for sharing and oh so true…I just love how God is changing me thru this study and you sweet ladies that speak truth to me daily….love your comment

  6. Tonya Ellison says

    Love it! I am so thankful that our God is a God of do-overs. : )

  7. Thank you Kim for sharing … you have always been a cheerleader for God.. This Bible study is such a blessing to me..