February 22, 2025

“I AM” Chapter 5 – Day 1: Who I AM in Christ

Memory Verse:



I AM Accepted…

I have a dream that burns within my heart.  I was very young when I first felt the fire of that dream.  Its warmth has kept me going down a different path that separates my way from the world.  Even in church circles I am different.  A square peg trying to find my way through the round hole.  Maybe you are too…and never realized it.

As a Christ-follower I never really understood why there were “denominations” of believers. To me, a denomination is a mathematical term used to quantify or an English term used as an adjective to describe the more superior word (noun).  Why do we need denominations in the family of God?  My experience has been that denominations are exclusive, divisive and, well, negative.  You must join, perform, and perpetrate the belief for that church  to flourish.

A few years back, my “word of purpose” was Unity.  There should be unity in the body of Christ.  Unity in the Church (with a capital “C”).  Does this thought ever cross your mind?  Look at what the Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:4-6:

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

UNITY means we are all ONE.

Jesus established the Church.  The members of the church were followers of the Way (John 14:6).  The Way is a person: JesusJesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Lord of All.  When we each stand before God we will be asked  ”What was your relationship with Jesus?”  The question will NOT be “What denomination did you belong to?”  The question will be “Who do you belong to?”

When Paul stood before the council of Jews (as reported in Acts 24) he talks about his experiences and commitment to the Way.  He was asked about his beliefs because they were radical.  Paul lived his life following Jesus’ example.  He was “All In.”

There is another word that describes someone who strives to live like Jesus:  Christian.  Because Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah and the Son of God, He is known as Jesus Christ.  Those who choose to live life by His example can call themselves Christians.

Unfortunately, the world hears the term “Christian” and thinks “Pharisee,” “Hypocrite,” and “Judgmental.”  Do those words describe your walk with the Lord?  If we truly live our lives like Jesus, we will show love and compassion, grace and mercy, and generosity.  The world will want to know us and our Savior.  Jesus’ life changed the world.  Jesus living in you will change the world also.  Let’s change our world in Jesus’ name and live it by His example.

Jesus gave us a gift.  Have you accepted it yet?  Just like with any new gift, we have to learn how to use it properly.  Apply yourself to learning who Jesus is and what His life was about.  Jesus will Rock your World!!!  So, back to denominations…

Paul, in his letter to the church in Corinth addresses the division in the church over which leader they were going to follow (1 Corinthians 1).  The man leading the church was not as important as Jesus Christ as the head of the church.  The Corinthians received correction over their wrong thinking.  We need to check our allegiances, too.

If this topic of Unity of the Body of Christ has sparked an interest for you, please read First Corinthians Chapter 1, ask God to give you an understanding of being “One with Christ,” and a part of a larger body of believers (The Church).

Look at these words of beauty and warning:

“Every word of God proves true.  He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.  Do not add to his words, or he may rebuke you and expose you as a liar.”

Proverbs 30:5-6

“And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book:  If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book.”

Revelation 22:18

These words are from the book of wisdom and the best friend of Jesus.  Follow the Great I AM.  Accept His Gift, it’s free.  Learn the Truth, follow the Way and let Him show you how to LIVE.    You have been chosen by Jesus.  You have been ACCEPTED into the family of God.  What is your response to Jesus?

We are a City on a Hill.  We are to be shining the Light.  We are ONE.  United we will Stand. Divided we will FALL.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Jesus,

You are the Christ, the Messiah, the One who gives us Life and Love, Grace and Mercy.  Teach us to love like You.  Help us to accept our place in Your Church body.  We all have a part to play as we reach the lost for You, Lord.  Open our eyes so that we can see where we have gone astray.  Give us the desire to be one with our brothers and sisters.  May our love for You bind us together and the divisions be erased.  We want to be the Church—Your Church, ONE CHURCH.  Father, gather Your children home.  Thank You for making us that City on a Hill leading the lost to You.  We love You, Jesus.


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About Teresa Bolme

Teresa Bolme – Author, Blog Contributor
Teresa lives in middle Tennessee with David (her husband of 27 years), eight daughters (23 years – 15 years old). She has been a not-so-stay-at-home mom for the last 18+ years. She is her family’s biggest cheerleader, devoted counselor and caretaker. God has chosen to use Teresa to reach broken children, teens and women (most who were broken as children). She has been a ministry planter, a home missionary and a support to ministry families and staff. She is currently completing her degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling with Liberty University Online. Teresa wrote her first book titled "I AM - Discovering the Character of God through the revelation of Scripture" as a Bible study used here on Girlfriends Coffee Hour.


  1. Unity has always been something that I’m passionate about. Since I got saved I’ve always wondered and been saddened by the disunity of the Church. From the outside looking in, I can see how some people would be scared off. My Pastor says unity is not sounding the same, but sounding together. How I’d love to see a Church (worldwide) that sounds together!

  2. Clella Fox says

    I experienced a beautiful example of the Unity of the Church this past week at Royal Family KIDS Camp. We have about 20 Churches involved in our camp. We all agree on the fundamental truths that Jesus Christ taught, and we left all the denominational specifics behind. We were there to demonstrate the Love of God to the kids, and we did that through our unity in Christ Jesus.
    John 13:34-35, “…As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
    I SO agree with your prayer, Teresa. “We all have a part to play…Open our eyes…Give us the desire…May our love for You bind us together…ONE CHURCH…leading the lost to YOU.” Amen.

    • I LOVE it when that happens. I have seen churches come together for one purpose, pool their money for one cause and serve ONE GOD. I have also seen the opposite happen. Us and them, me and mine. Let’s continue to be part of the Church (big C) and lead others to the Light.

  3. Lorraine Tomlinson says

    Thanks Theresa and all the bloggers for your faith and all of you allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you. I have been blessed with everyone’s comments. I asked for prayer when I first joined this group to be lead to a Home Church. I recently found a small church close to home.The congregation are lead by the Spirit and the sincerity of their hearts for Jesus is amazing. Help us all to be that light that attracts those living in darkness!!

    • I am so glad you sought a church home and a local group of believers. We have loved having your heart here as well. We cannot do alone what God calls us to do together. Continue to be the Light in your community. Others will want what you have. Share the Gift.

  4. Paula Eslick says

    Wonderful blog this morning, this is some thing that has always made we wonder. How could we have become so separated when we all serve the Risen Savior? My prayer is for all churches that believe in Jesus to unite, to show the world His love, His grace. We when are separate like this, holding onto our man made doctrines & traditions, the enemy just sits back and smiles, because that is what he wants, discord between the churches. Let’s not give him that satisfaction…

    • That is exactly what has been on my heart. Our carnal, prideful nature has enters the doors of the church. “Come join us, we are better than them”. We are all the same…in need of a Savior. Once we find relationship with that Savior, we are to go spread the Word and share the Gift. Anything else is “added to” the Word and strongly warned against in the Bible.

  5. Teresa, This is so good and so true. Over the last couple of years, I have tried to avoid using the word “Christian” as it has received so much negativy, as you stated. I want to learn how to be a true “disciple” of Christ and be more like Jesus, not just a “good Christian”.

    • Another word that is gaining ground is “follower”. As long as we seek Christ as the head, we can describe ourselves any way we choose. The world will see HIM and not us. When they ask what is different about us, then we can use our descriptive words…and they won’t have anything to do with a denominational label. I find that once a denominational label gets put on, the next question is “What do they believe?” and not “Who do they believe in?”

  6. coleen hayden says

    great encouragement AND admonition, teresa…thank you! hold tight to your dream, sister…Jesus has the very same vision! we can each be of such service to the (small c) churches where we fellowship by asking God to keep & protect us from worldly thoughts and connotations within our churches. we can prayerfully stand in the gap, seeking His deliverance from the influence of the world and prideful, self-centered thinking. we ARE ONE in God’s eyes…even if we do not act like it! <3

    • I wholeheartedly believe in the smaller, group churches doing the work of the Father. The Bible says we are to gather together…”where two or more are gathered, there He will be also”. Because we are all desired by the Father, He will ACCEPT each individual person. When we gather with like index believers, He is glorified and the world is changed.

  7. Amen to the blog and the comments! Great quote to start the week: “If we truly live our lives like Jesus, we will show love and compassion, grace and mercy, and generosity. The world will want to know us and our Savior. Jesus’ life changed the world. Jesus living in you will change the world also. Let’s change our world in Jesus’ name and live it by His example.” Thank you, Teresa!!! <3

  8. feel a sadness deep in my heart for what the “Churches” have become. Must we have Paul come to our service to set us all straight? Does not the Word of God give us CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS on what His Church is to do? does it not CLEARLY tell us who the Head is? and what It’s members are to do? I truly believe Paul made is so clear in the letter to the Ephesians exactly how the Church is to be lead…and that is UNITY with one another, and it is to be Lead by the HEAD – God. We are to be Imitators of Christ, working together in unity to serve Christ. It is our ACTIONS that show God’s love not how much scripture we know, how much time we spend at church, and not even how much money we put into the offering plate each week, nor how many programs we are involved with at Church. Our ACTIONS; do we show love to those in need of love? do we feed those who are hungry? do we cloth those who need clothing? do we share God’s word with those who don’t know His word? These ACTIONS are how we show God’s Love, this is how we are to be imitators of Christ. God’s word is full of instructions on how we are to be “Imitators” Instead of just reading the words, let’s put into ACTION what we have read! What good is all the knowledge and wisdom if we just keep it in our heads? We must ACT on what we know!

    • Teresa Bolme says

      People will know we are His by our actions. Learning who the I Am is makes all the difference in our world. Let us all draw others to the true Light.

  9. I like what Mary said…I want Paul to come preach at our churches one day! The more I dig into Paul’s writings, the more I LIKE this guy!!!

    You are so right Teresa when you say that the reason we have so many denominations is because of man’s pride…my way is better than your way, etc. I LOVE it when I see many different denominations come together as ONE to serve the Lord for a cause. It just feels good to be in that sisterhood/brotherhood….ONE with Christ….with no denomination labels. So beautiful!

    • Teresa Bolme says

      People today would be offended by Paul’s message. Everyone wants to feel good, not serve others. Paul’s message to the churches were tough to take. It called for them to put away selfishness and put on Christ-likeness. Our hearts are every bit as troubled as the early believers.

  10. Kim Spring says

    I grew up very judging. I had motives selfish motives for doing good and to fast forward to now I credit the non denominational church I go to. The broken are sought after and welcome. No one claims to have it together. When I went through a hard time my church pretended I wasn’t there anymore. It can hurt. I’ve learned much and acceptance is key. Awesome blog Teresa. Eye opening.

    • If we are honest, we all are guilty of judging others. Like any sin, we can confess it and God will guide us to a better way to love others. I have heard it said that over 60 denominations of believers worship at our home church. I find that a truly awesome number. There are people willing to come together to worship the ONE true God and let the other stuff not matter. Love you, Kim.

  11. I read the blog just now and now its time to go read the chapter. First on denominations, why are there so many? So many of them think their the only way, I’ve had one church basically say they were the only ones who were right, the way. Other christians I’ve met are hypocrites, judgemental. Now judgemental, I find myself being that way, I know we cannot judge but I find it so hard not to! With hubby especially, and he’s even mentioned how I’m so judgemental! There are times when I know I’m doing good with God and times when I’m not, as you’ve mentioned “I just want to follow Christ, I want to be so full of Christ” if that makes sense, the right way to say it!! Well now to go read that chapter in my notebook!!

  12. The only thing that makes sense to me about denominations goes back to early on when people began following particular leaders/preachers and lost sight of the Savior. The emphasis was on the ‘how’ and not the “Who”. Our pastor says, “Major on the major things and minor on the minor things”. Love and Jesus are the major things, what kind of music is a minor thing.

  13. Mama T!!!!! Very well said!!!! And I love love love that song!!!!!

  14. As a born again Christian I cringe when I hear the word religion. I like to share my relationship. I think of the various religions use the differences to keep people separated. By adding more layers how else can the maintain the chaos in the world. I pray that more Pastors seek God, preach Jesus and invite the Holy Spirit to guide them. God has a message for the world LOVE, LEAD and LIVE like Jesus.

    Great enlightenment sister T

    • I am so relieved to see there are other people who have had the same feelings. Our God created order, not chaos. Dissention. Omens from the enemy to distract us from the Way. We must retain focus and live out the Word.

  15. Beverly McCormick says

    Much to continue digging in with this lesson today Teresa, thanks for all the wonderful reminders, information and continued homework assignment within this blog. Love, love, love getting to know my God more in studying and digging in His Word and that I get to do it with fellow believers not just a specific denomination. Now to do some more digging!

  16. Carolyn Jones says

    I am proud of you. You may need to start doing public appearances. I can think of a couple of churches that could use you.