February 22, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 14 – “A Conversation About the Cross” (pgs. 210-214)



There is so much I can write about the Cross – what it is, what it represents, what it means to me personally, and what is has done in my life. But, I want to go a step further today. I am challenged by the author’s words at the bottom of page 213 and the top of page 214:

Jesus didn’t hold formal crusades, conferences, or even weekly services. Yet every waking moment of his life was a message. (There is nothing wrong with these, but they are rarely part of our everyday lives.) Jesus carried God with Him every day, everywhere He went, and He is asking you to do the same. Embracing all of what God has done for you and reflecting this new life to others can be likened to taking up the cross. As we lay hold of this truth, we carry ourselves and see our world differently.

When I first read this, I thought that there was no possible way that every waking moment of my life could be a message. I mean Jesus could do it, because, well—He’s Jesus! But, me? I’m just a frail, selfish, fallible human who does a lot of things wrong most of the time. Thankfully, God’s grace and His power see me though. He lifts me up when I fall; He redirects me when I stray off the path; and He shows me how to make my light shine to those around me who most need to see it.

So, how does each of our lives become a living message? It essentially comes down to all the all-important ingredient in our Christian walk: TRUST. Will I lay down my will for the will of my Father? Will I lay down my cross(es) (burdens, disappointments, hurts, pains, betrayals, past sins, unforgiveness, etc.) and let Him pick it up for me? Will I let God use me, this fragile clay jar, in order to further the gospel message?

For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. (2 Corinthians 4:6-7, NLT)

God wants to use each of us to reach the lost and broken of this world with the message of hope and life that we know is found only through the Cross of Jesus Christ. We have a light shining in us that only He can provide. His Spirit is alive and active in us, and only works when we allow Him to work. The Lord knows we are fragile humans. He knows that we need Him and His power to get through each moment of the day. We are powerless on our own. Our lives were changed when we accepted Christ, believed in Him, and fully realized the significance of the Cross. We MUST live each day remembering this and helping others, as we are led, find their new life as well.

I will end us with the prayer Lisa writes at the end of this section:

Heavenly Father, may everything that the crucifixion of Your Son provided gain full expression in and through my life today. I choose to deny sin and my former limitations as I magnify Your work and follow You. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Have a Great Week!

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  1. I love that 2 Cor 4:7 says that God can and wants to use “little old me” to carry His Cross to others! P. 212, “The Cross provides all that it won, just as Jesus provides all that He is!…It was time I carried all I had experienced to others.”

  2. Jen, thank you for all you’ve done throughout this study! Your words of encouragement, and truth, has been so inspiring throughout this whole study. I APPRECIATE all you do for GCH, and continue to pray for God’s blessings to be upon you!!

    Now it’s time to move to the next study!!! Woo Hoo!!! 🙂

  3. Thank you, Jennifer, for once again expressing what a lot of us feel! Your words,are always an encouragement. God bless you!

  4. Didn’t mean for that comma to be in the 2nd sentence! 🙂

  5. tonya ellison says

    Thank you for your wisdom. :). I loved that prayer.