February 22, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 11 – “Sword of Song – Songs of Battle” (pgs 170-173)


When I read this section, I thought of this song. I thought of how this song touches my heart and empowers me each time I hear it. This song reminds me of how music works, it reminds me of those times when I was in the middle of a battle, in the middle of a test or trial and I would turn music on. Sometimes I would sing aloud, or sometimes I would sing silently to myself; either way the words of the song, and the sounds of the music would help to create a type of “joyful strength” (p. 171), as Lisa described it. Songs have the ability to “remind us of just how awesome the Most High is” (p. 171).  It is so easy to become caught up in life and to let His promises drift to the back of our mind. Music has a way of bringing us back.

Isaiah 54:1

“Sing, O barren,
You who have not borne!
Break forth into singing, and cry aloud,
You who have not labored with child!
For more are the children of the desolate
Than the children of the married woman,” says the Lord.

I think of praise and worship on Sundays, and the atmosphere that the songs usher in. The sanctuary full of people singing praises to God in unison, everyone lifting their voices in praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father. His power in the room can be felt. It pours into our hearts and minds, it covers us in God’s love. I think of driving in the car with the radio playing and a feeling of life and peace enveloping me. I think of my rambunctious children and the effect that music has on them!  I love hearing them singing Christian songs in the backseat as we go about our daily tasks; in their own way, they are singing through their own battles.

There are ‘go-to’ songs that I have when I need to feel closer to God; songs I listen to when I clean; songs I play for my children when they go to sleep. God has given us many tools in life, and the gift of song is one of them. There are times in our lives when we need to pick up our sword of song, we need to wield it, shout and sing. The song of battle needs to be one of our tools as a warrior of Christ, and, as a girl with a sword.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gifts! Thank You for reminding us of Your love and Your strength through song. Thank You for the joy it creates, and the security it provides. Lord, please give us a holy boldness and remind us that we are living for none other than You.  In Jesus’ Name we pray, AMEN!

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About Tonya Ellison

Tonya Ellison — Blog Contributor
Tonya comes to us from Rio Rancho, New Mexico where she lives with her four favorite people, three kids ages 4, 6, and 9, and her husband of seven years, Jamel. Her hobbies include writing and reading, crocheting, and spending time with her family. She earned her BS in Human Services/Management and works as a Bereavement Counselor.


  1. Tonya, thanks for starting my day with a “shout” to our Lord! I love starting my day focusing through song on all that God is and all that He does for us.
    (p. 170) “What [enemy] army can stand against the power of enduring love? NOT one, because (God’s) love can not fail.” 2 Chronicles 20:21–“Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures FOREVER.” And in Isaiah 30:29-32, “And you will sing…[then] The Lord will cause people to hear His majestic voice and will make them see His arm coming down…” As I sing and worship, the Lord will open my ears and eyes to show me that He is at work on my behalf! PTL

  2. Thank you, Tonya, for sharing your passion from music. I’m with you all the way. I recently came across the cassette tapes of Christian kids music our boys used to listen to. Such sweet memories in that music!

  3. Singing praises to the Lord is an awesome form of spiritual warfare! What better way to beat satan at his game than to SING at the top of our lungs PRAISES to our Almighty God!! It helps release the bondages of depression, oppression, loneliness, sadness, pity parties, anger, and oh so much more!!! When there are struggles in my home, I FLOOD it with Praise / Worship music. Satan doesn’t stand a chance when my home and my mind are flooded with the WORD!!! AMEN!!!

  4. tonya ellison says

    Good evening lovely ladies. I’m enjoying a nice walk with the family. It’s beautiful out here in New Mexico. I have my headphones in and listening to William McDowell on my phone. I love love love what music does for my soul. ♥