February 22, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 10 – “Sword of Light” (pgs 153-156)

Have you ever turned the wrong way on a One Way street?  I have.  It was unintentional, scary, and very dangerous.  However, I have turned the wrong way on a one way street on purpose, too, as a means to an end.  I took a shortcut to get me to where I needed to be or turned in the direction I wanted to go.  Was I wrong when I was going the wrong way?  Yes!  Whether I found myself on the wrong road intentionally or unintentionally…I was still going the wrong way.

If you have ever done this at night, you are very familiar with the sea of headlights coming at your lone car in the opposite direction.  What a panicky feeling.  No bueno.  It is very possible that you are on the right road and EVERYONE else is going the wrong way, but not likely.  The laws and rules of the road are there for a purpose—safety.

In this world, there are two ways to look at this illustration.   If you are a Christ-follower, you should be headed the same direction as other followers—after Christ.  We will all move in the same direction as we follow the Leader.  If you find yourself going the opposite direction of other believers, you are probably headed in the wrong direction.  Ask for help; we are all in this together.

The other way to look at this is, as a Christ-follower, we will be going against the traffic and in an opposite direction from the world.  If we find ourselves acting and saying things that make us indistinguishable from the ones around us, then our headlights are blending in to the mass of other headlights.  That one car on the road going in the opposite direction is attempting to shine the Light for others to see and your headlight is one of the obstacles needing to be avoided or removed on the road to Jesus.

Lisa uses the light illustration to say this, “This means that now we can’t see the whole picture.  Yet there has never been a more desperate need for us to perceive or discern what we do see accurately” (p. 153).  Because there is more than what meets the eye, “we need the sword of light and discernment” to see what our eyes are missing in the Big Picture.

I have to share with all of you….  This book study has illuminated every topic we have studied together in my family.  As we learned about the reason for swords, there was an application in my family.  As we learned about being a hero, there was the opportunity to be a hero in my family.  As we recognized the battleground, my family became a battleground.  Part Two addressed ‘Becoming a Warrior’ and ‘Forging a Sword’ and I became renewed to defend my family, protect them from the enemy, and guide them to the right path.  This section, ‘Armed,’ truly has been an application of what we are learning.  I am noticing the brambles, vines and serpents.   I find that I am getting weary in one way and empowered in another.  The struggle saddens me for the ones on the wrong road, but overjoyed that God loves them enough to turn them around and point them in the right direction.

Do not give up!  If we do not recognize the Light, the darkness will overtake us and the ones we love.  Paul’s letter to Timothy spoke volumes to me this week:

You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.  For people will love only themselves and their money.  They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful.  They will consider nothing sacred.  They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control.  They will be cruel and hate what is good.  They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.  They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.  Stay away from people like that!  2 Timothy 3:1-5, NLT

Young Timothy needed to know that there would be difficult times, people would only love themselves and their money,  they will be boastful and proud, disrespectful to God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, foul-mouthed and cruel.  Why did Paul pass this knowledge on to Timothy?  Why not let Timothy find this out on his own?  Paul cared for Timothy.  Paul cared for the common purpose they both shared.  Paul and Timothy were on the road to following Jesus and the shared knowledge gave Timothy a light to keep him on the right road.  Timothy didn’t have to blaze a new road, he just had to maneuver the road he was already on.

Timothy needed to recognize the serpents, briars, and stubborn roots that could trip him up along the way.  Did you notice the main issues with the people Timothy would encounter while he ministered?  Selfishness, boastfulness and pride, disobedience to God and their parents…and UNGRATEFUL?  These are not issues brought about by circumstances of where you live, but about where your HEART is.  People have a heart problem and only the Good Physician can heal them.

Just like Timothy, we need to be aware of what can trip us up.  We have to be on our guard and give careful attention to God’s Word to be able to recognize dangerous areas.  We need to have a healthy respect for these dangers, but know that God is in control and has made a way for us to successfully navigate this road of life.  The Word of God is the lamp that lights our paths while it judges our actions as surely as it discerns our hearts.  Without the light of God’s Word, we would all be running around in the dark, afraid of what we cannot see” (p. 155).

Lisa says something else that was very prevalent in my home this week, “Without the insight of God’s Word, it is easy to mistake an enemy for a friend and someone’s past for their future, because the shadow realm distorts our perspective.  But when the light is brought to a situation, you see what is actually before you” (p. 155).

Friends, practice looking into the Light.  Let the Word become instinctive in your life.  I pray that your discernment sensors are sensitive and accurate.  When your spirit tells you something is a danger, take note.  It’s important.  Teach those around you how to recognize the hurtful areas so they can lift their sword and learn to use it.  Let’s all learn to be “In the Light”:

Let’s Pray:

Father God, we thank You for loving us when we are going the wrong way…either by accident or intent.  Give us a heart that yearns to see your Light, follow Your Light and share your Light.  Go with us as we learn to apply the truths we are learning in our book study.  Forgive us when we fail.  Thank You for the sisters you have placed on this road to travel with.  I pray that we can all keep each other headed in the right direction as we learn to follow the Light.  We love You, Lord.  AMEN

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If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

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About Teresa Bolme

Teresa Bolme – Author, Blog Contributor
Teresa lives in middle Tennessee with David (her husband of 27 years), eight daughters (23 years – 15 years old). She has been a not-so-stay-at-home mom for the last 18+ years. She is her family’s biggest cheerleader, devoted counselor and caretaker. God has chosen to use Teresa to reach broken children, teens and women (most who were broken as children). She has been a ministry planter, a home missionary and a support to ministry families and staff. She is currently completing her degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling with Liberty University Online. Teresa wrote her first book titled "I AM - Discovering the Character of God through the revelation of Scripture" as a Bible study used here on Girlfriends Coffee Hour.


  1. This means that now we can’t see the whole picture. Yet there has never been a more desperate need for us to perceive or discern what we do see accurately
    (exactly what I underlined too)

  2. Great study this morning, Teresa, thanks for puling it all together.
    2 Timothy 3:1-5 sounds like the news of today and yet it was written about 2000 yrs ago. I totally agree with what Lisa says (p.154), “The condition of the earth, her nations, or their banks is not what strains our time. Our struggle arises from a darkened condition of the human heart.” Sometimes the stresses and weariness of my daily life bring out those darkened areas of my heart. But it’s not those stresses I need to or can get rid of. It’s the darkened areas of my heart that I need to have cleansed and purified by the Word of God. His sword needs to do heart surgery. I need to “adjust my posture to counter the attack,”…”so that I will not be outwitted by Satan; for I am not ignorant of his designs.” (p.156; 2 Cor 2:11)
    I’m thanking God for His Word which is Light for my path!

  3. such good points, teresa; thank you! you wrote something that is similar to the thoughts i have had all through this study, ‘…we need to be aware of what can trip us up. we have to be on our guard and give careful attention to God’s Word to be able to recognize dangerous areas. we need to have a healthy respect for these dangers, but know that God is in control… ‘
    oh, and echoing your prayer, friend! “Give us a heart that yearns to see your Light, follow Your Light and share your Light.” yes, Lord! amen! <3

  4. Lorraine Tomlinson says

    Theresa Great message!! God has also revealed or created experiences as I have traveled through this book.
    Even before I read this chapter the Holy Spirit brought light of a situation in my family that I need to pray and ask for God’s wisdom in this situation.
    Like my daughter says we are all sinners and we have to be on guard that Satan will not use us for his purposes. But we are human, and we make mistakes. I know many years back, the Lord spoke to me telling me to clean out my closet daily. I immediately realized what he meant. I need to confess to him and ask forgiveness for the sin’s that I have committed to others during the day. Confession is a way to make things right with God and also change our hearts as Christians. Satan can’t use confessed sins against us. We also become humbled and become more forgiving and loving toward others that lack self control and allow anger to rule in their hearts.
    If we seek the Lord’s counsel daily and stay in the Word, HE will prepare our hearts and minds to bring light into the darkness!!!

  5. These are not issues brought about by circumstances of where you live, Great points, Teresa. I particularly liked: these are not issues brought on about where you live, but about where your HEART is. The heart is always where it is, isn’t it. Great blog.