February 22, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 8 Weekly Review – “Sword Words”


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Our review of Chapter 8 in Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere, will be a little different than usual.  I am going to “pretend” that after Teresa, Jennifer, Tonya, and Diane spoke around the bonfire, they gave each of us a “handout sheet” summarizing what they had spoken about.  They encouraged us to take it back home with us once we departed from our stay together.  It is the summarized “handout sheet,” that I wish to post. Great information to keep with your Bible.


Lisa’s Quotes:

  • We are ministers of hope whose words are seasoned with salt and light and sound foreign in a world peppered with darkness.
  • Words are invisible, but if misused, they can prove deadly.
  • If we knew we were going to live out the rest of our days in a foreign country, we would take the time to learn the language to communicate.  It makes sense to learn heaven’s language NOW.
  • We lift swords when we lift His Word.

Teresa’s Questions:    

  1. If the Bible is my guide book to life does that mean I should follow all the ideals set forth?
  2. Do I pick and choose which ones I like and which ones I don’t?
  3. If I do have to follow all of them, how do I translate those stories to apply to modern day living?

Challenge: It’s time to break camp, Warriors! We have been called. We have been trained. We have been forged into a weapon to be used against the forces of darkness.

Scripture:  Death and life are in the power of the tongue.  (Proverbs 18:21)



Lisa’s quotes:  

  • Out of the abundance of God’s heart, He spoke the universe of galaxies into existence; this power lives within us.
  • When we truly have something to say, God finds a way to interpret it for all who need to hear. When we yield ourselves to speak His words by the power of His Spirit, astonishing things can happen.
  • For far too long the Word has been interpreted rather than proclaimed.
  • Our God Most High is triumphant. His glorious love and wondrous mercy know no bounds. The gift of salvation is through faith in Him alone, and all who seek Him find grace and hope.
  • Unifying ourselves with our Father’s purposes and language will initiate, or begin anew, God’s plan and unify a people around His purpose.
  • When we root ourselves in God, in His Word, our sword grows stronger.  It finds substance.

Jennifer’s Questions: 

  1. Have you unleashed God’s power in your life?
  2. Will you choose to use your words in a way that removes yourself from the picture and glorifies God?
  3. Will you speak in your flawed manner or tell of His flawless works?
  4. Will you be part of a unified voice by allowing His Spirit to fill you?

Challenge: Have a conversation with the Lord and be honest when answering each question I have posed.

Scripture:  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  (Matthew 12:34)



Lisa’s Quotes:

  • Far too much is lost in interpretation when we pass the words through the filter of earth rather than fashion the earth with the words of heaven.

Tonya’s Questions:

  1.  Are we allowing our words to become earth-based?
  2. Are we allowing them to become catchy or cliché?  
  3. Are we trying to make the sacred words common?  
  4. Are our words lacking wisdom, and hurting instead of healing?
  5. When we say things, are we saying them because they sound good and will grab the attention of others?
  6. Or have we passed what we are going to say through God’s filter?  
  7. Have we asked His advice about what to say and how to say it?  
  8. Have we sought out His Scripture?

Challenge:  What are we doing with our words? 

Scripture:  The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. (Proverbs 12:18)



Lisa’s Quotes:

  • How awesome that our Father not only gave us a language but gave us Jesus, the example of how to live what we speak.

Diane’s Questions:

  1. When is the last time you have prayed God’s will for your life over your own desires?
  2. Do you desire to be the tract lady for Jesus, giving people His words that they are in desperate need of?
  3. What words are we using when we fearlessly share the saving grace, love, and power of Jesus Christ with the lost and the hurting—God’s words or our words?

Challenge: Let God’s words transform your actions to line up with what He is showing us to do.

Scripture:  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)


After the ladies spoke, there was a hush all around the bonfire.  It seemed as though every woman was in serious thought and prayer concerning the handout sheet that they had received.  And then, as if to confirm the whole message that had been spoken to us, Christi stood before the group and began to speak.


I want to share something with all of you today. It is a message that I hope and pray ALL parents grab a hold of and meditate on. For years, words have scarred my life. From the time I was 5 years old words have produced scars and they have created me to be who I am today.

I can remember the first time I was called a whore by a loved one…I was 8 years old. I didn’t even know what the word meant, but I knew it had to be bad because of the look on her face when she said it. For years, I was told I was stupid, and worthless; I would never amount to anything. I grew up “knowing” I was all of those things, and more.

My actions throughout my teenage years were, I believe, the product of the words that were spoken over me. I became very promiscuous. From the age of 15 to 25, I honestly can’t tell you how many men I slept with. I’m horrified to even admit that, but it is truth. I was so naive to believe that a guy “loved” me, only to find out that he only wanted one thing. It just began to prove to me over and again that the words this loved one spoke over me were truth. I was unlovable, and I had actually become what my loved one, and many others would call a whore.

When Jesus came into my life in 1984, I devoured God’s word day and night. I was learning something totally new: God Loved Me! Within time, my thoughts began to change; I began to allow God’s word to go deep into my heart. I began to see that I was truly worthy, and lovable! I’ve never experienced a love like that before! I began to start loving myself because God was showing me that I was lovable.

My message to parents today: PLEASE watch the words you speak to your children. They truly will form the belief that your child will develop in themselves. Tell your kids how proud you are of them. Make sure they know that you love them! Make sure you tell your daughters just how worthy and special they are! Make sure you speak truth, God’s TRUTH, into them! I truly believe that by doing this, it will definitely make a difference in how they believe in themselves, and in the choices they make in life!


 Let’s Pray: 

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my thoughts be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”  Only then can we be the warrior that you have called us to be.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.  

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About Martha Bush

Martha Bush — Blog Contributor
Martha has been married to her amazing husband for 46 years. Together they have two grown daughters, and three grandchildren, of whom she is very proud of! She lives in Orange, Texas. Martha has been involved in ministry with her church for 20 years. Some of her favorite hobbies include reading, walking, and playing with her grandchildren.


  1. Martha, thank you for the great review. It will be helpful if I print it out and review it regularly because His Word remains the same just as He does “yesterday, today, and forever.”
    Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. It is quite evident that the life-changing power of God’s Word is “sharper than a two-edged sword,” cutting away the old lies and sin and brings healing and wholeness.
    I so agree with you about watching our words as we speak to our children and in my case our grandchildren. Actually, when I am around any children I try to speak blessings over them using God’s Word and positive words of love and confidence into their lives. I want them to know that they can always count on me being one of their “cheerleaders” (minus the cartwheels).
    I desire to speak life and love, God’s life and love, in everyone I come in contact with. James 3:10-11 says, “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers (sisters), this should not be.Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?” The more I’m in God’s Word and learning it the less “salt water” I will speak forth and the more “fresh water” I’ll be able to share. “Thank You, God, for giving us Your Word. Amen”

  2. Clella, thank you for commenting. I, too, will be printing this out to keep near me as a reminder. One clarification – -the testimony was Christi’s. She had put it in the group one day this group, and I asked her if she minded sharing it on here. It just seemed to sum up what the whole week in our book was about.

  3. Martha, great post. I too will be printing it out. I had already written down Monday’s questions and I even answered them. The others I answered mentally, but need to meditate on them.

    Christi ~ thank you for sharing your story with us. I too can relate to what you were saying. I was not called a whore, but being born with a birth defect it was brought to my attention that I was not something my father could handle and in my opinion it was because I was not perfect physically. (Cleft lip and palate) As a teenager I was told I would make a preacher cuss. Now, that is affirming. I must be really bad if I can do that because preachers are perfect. There were many other hurtful words, but these made the most impact on me and made it so that the Father had to work really hard to change how I saw Him and allowing Him to love me as well as my husband. I am not a very trusting person. So making the decision that the Bible is my road map and everything in it is true, I spent a lot of time devouring it and then learning to trust it.

    This study has been great in helping me to perfect my walk with Him. I will never be perfect in what I do and think until I get to heaven, but with each day I am a tad bit closer.

    Have a great weekend all!

    • Jackie, I’m so glad this study has been a blessing to you! Girl, you are made in His image, so to Him you are beautiful and His shining star! Hold your head high, and allow Him to love on you! I know what you mean about how hard it was hard to trust. I can totally understand it. But Praise God Sister, we have Someone who loves us in a way that no one else can! Devouring His word to keep our minds healthy is something satan is not happy with, but we KNOW that the Word of God has POWER to defeat those negative thoughts and lies from satan! God loves us so much, and we need to keep reminding satan that if he has a problem with us, he needs to take it up with the One who made us! I’m sure God will be more than happy to remind him who WE ARE IN HIM!!! AMEN???? 🙂 Amen!!! Ohhhh, I just made myself happy again!!! 🙂

  4. Jackie, you, too, experienced first hand what negative words can do to a child growing up. I am so thankful that God’s Words changed your life. I just printed a copy of the review myself. I have a lot of praying and meditating to do.

  5. Yes, thank you, Martha, for condensing such soul searching words into a format for us to print and ponder for many days ahead. The teachings in this book are not ‘fast food’ any way you look at it and they should be savored, prayed over, and pondered. You do such a great job of setting the table each Friday with your reviews! Thank you, again, and God bless!

  6. CG,I love how you put that, CG – – the teachings are not “fast food. These chapter for sure is a lot to ponder and keep my our side.

  7. Thank you Martha. You always have the best summaries for us on Fridays. I love you special touch that you always add.

    Christi ~ I am blessed to call you a friend and a sister in Christ. Thank you for sharing your heart, your testimony, and your words of wisdom to us as parents, women, and warrior for Christ.

  8. Thank you EMM for your warm remarks. I love being with everyone on Friday. And I totally agree, Christi always has words of wisdom for all of us women. So glad to be a part of GCH with her.