February 22, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 8 – “Warnings” (pages 134-137)


Jesus’ life fulfilled the Word of God.

Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”  Each day He arose with God; He knew what was ahead.  He knew what God’s will for His life was.  He prayed God’s will for His life.

Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”  After reading this verse in the Bible, I am awed by Jesus’ prayer.  ‘This cup’ is the terrible agony Jesus knew He would endure.  ‘This cup’ was separation from God so that He could die for your and my sins.  This is what Jesus prayed for.  I know we bloggers have been asking a lot of questions this week, but let me pose another one to you today:  When was the last time you prayed God’s will for your life over your own desires?

As Lisa explains on page 136, our Father gave us Jesus to be the example of how to live what we speak.  There will never be anyone who will be perfect—as Jesus is perfect—but we can all strive to live a life pleasing to God as Jesus did while He walked the Earth.  Jesus lived out God’s will for His life.  We can lay down our plans at Jesus’ feet and strive to fit into God’s plans.  We can find God’s will for our lives by reading the Word and praying to God.  One thing I have learned in doing this is that God surely has created us to share His love through the ends of the Earth.

Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

I think one of the greatest things about reading the Bible is it lights a fire in my soul.  In reading, I find this huge desire to share God’s truths with every single person in the entire world.  When telling someone this once, the response was, “Oh no, at trick-or-treat time you would totally be one of those people that hand out tracts instead of candy!”  My response: “Absolutely, inside the tracts are the words people need to find God.” Do you desire to be the tract lady for Jesus, giving people His words they are in desperate need of?

Isaiah 55:8-11 in its entirety is absolutely beautiful, let us focus though on verses 10 and 11:

For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

What words are we using when we fearlessly share the saving grace, love, and power of Jesus Christ with the lost and the hurting?  When we use God’s words instead of our words there will be victory every time in Heaven.  We know it is truth that God’s word shall not return to Him empty.  The words He sent out will fulfill His plan and not return void.  It is our job to be the messengers.  We are called to make God’s word known to others.  This means we must know His words.  We must not only know how to speak them to others, but we must also know how to live out God’s words with our actions.

We are the only Jesus some people will ever see.  That is not something to take lightly.  That is something to remind ourselves of daily.  When you are at home, at school, at work, in the grocery story, at the mall, (insert other here)…be Jesus.  Someone is always watching.  Let them see Jesus through you, let them see the TRUTH.  When you are a princess-warrior-in-training for the King of Kings, your actions matter just as much as your words matter.  Both are used to bring others to our Father in Heaven.  Others must see Jesus in us; we cannot get in their way from finding Jesus.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Let His words transform your actions to line up with what He is showing us to do.  We know what to do through His word, through prayer, and through Jesus’ life.  Let’s thank God for giving us the Bible, giving us access to Him through prayer, and giving us an amazing example of how to live a holy life, through His son, Jesus.


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us Your Holy Word.  Thank You for giving us the privilege of prayer where we can meet with You and hear from You.  Thank You for giving us Jesus’ life as an example for us, daily.  Thank You for giving us the desire to fulfill Your will for our lives.  Lord, I ask that You give us the strength and desire to lay aside our plans, and to fit into Your will for us. Lord, we give You glory for all You do in our lives and in the lives of those we encounter.  You are an amazing Savior!  Amen.

Lisa has one more question for us, and I encourage you to journal about your answer: “Do you want to do His will so all that was written of you will be something to behold?”  (Page 137) ~SELAH


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

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About Diane Meyers

Diane Meyers – Blog Contributor
Diane lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She is surrounded by a ton of family and loved ones God has given her to share life with. To the world, Diane may be single, but to her she has the best date of all… Jesus! Diane is very involved with the children’s ministry at her church, and is also a spiritual coach for a ministry aimed toward the youth.


  1. Yes, I have been the “tract lady” and I always want to be with His Word written all over my life! 🙂 Hebrews 10:7 “…I have come to do your will O God…” SELAH
    Thank you, Diane, for this study. I loved the Scriptures and the light they bring to my life and the challenge to do His Will and be “the only Jesus some people will ever see.”

  2. “the B-I-B-L-E…yes, that’s the book for me!” the little people sing it…perhaps the big people should be singing it, too! (i think YOU sing it, diane!!!) you wrote, “We are called to make God’s word known to others. This means we must know His words.” amen to that! it isn’t our opinion, or our interpretation, or even our application of His Words that will bring healing and deliverance and life to the lost…it is simply speaking the Truth to them. He WILL accomplish His purposes; we just need to KNOW His words and open our mouths. >3

  3. joann cochran says

    Wow. Talk about powerful words! I am immediately challenged and encouraged and i want to dive into Gods word and drink deeply so i have more to share. Holy spirit take my words and replace them with the words of heaven. I want folks i speak with to hear you and not me. Help me to step aside and allow your light to shine that god in heaven might be glorified! Help me to recognize the opportunities you bring and give me boldness in proclaiming Jesus in a needy world. Thank you that when i was that needy person someone was willing to share your truths with me. I am truly grateful for the impact of jesus in my life help me to appreciate your blessings more and more every day.

  4. When was the last time you prayed God’s will for your life over your own desire times?
    A dangerous question, a good question. Do you we really want God’s will or do we want our own stubborn ideas of what we think God’s will is. The last I prayed God’s will I found surrender was in line, and that maybe my idea was not what God had in mind. Tempering I hope that made sense.

    • Yes makes perfect sense!!!
      I remember someone telling me once we cannot do what we want and ask God to bless it, the second she said that I was like…oh no I think that is what I am doing. So a complete surrender was in order, and God has been fitting me into His plan ever since!!!! thankful for people who speak the truth!!! His truth!!!

  5. Great blog, Diane, and lots of treasure in the scriptures you shared. Thank you for being a lady of God’s Word! We need more young women (all women) to take that stance in this world. God bless you for forging on!

    • It is all because of HIM. God is the reason I desire to read His words and let them (HIM) flourish in my life!! Thankful to God for giving all of us the strength to be HIS!

  6. Surrender was what God had in mind. It was not my idea. Sorry I messed up my wording there at the end.

  7. Sherrie Y says

    A great message today, Diane! This is a very powerful message and convicts me to do more in my life to follow His will for me!

  8. Great blog today Diane! I choose to focus on whatever God wants for my life, even if it’s hard. There are others who had astronomical faith in Him, and although their walk was not easy, they did not give up on their faith in Him. AND they didn’t have the BIBLE to read on a daily basis, like WE do! They took God literally “at His word”!! No matter what their circumstances were, they focused on GOD…and God blessed them!! I want faith like Abraham, and Moses! I want to not question God, but just trust and believe Him from the very get-go. No questions about what I want…. I want to stop focusing on what I see, and work harder at focusing on what I don’t see…increasing my FAITH that God’s will for my life is PERFECT, and I have nothing to fear, or be concerned about. I just want to walk in the liberty of total faith!!

    • Yes Christi, ME TOO! This makes me think of Hebrews 12:1 the beginning of the verse says therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. When I first read that I did not know what it meant, so I read more about it in my study Bible, the cloud of witnesses are the people who have gone before us, the people that are talked about in Hebrews 11 the people with the GREAT FAITH! Because they have gone before us and finished their race in Heaven, we can be encouraged to do the same. I told my mom once that I wished God talked to me like He did to countless people in the old testament. She told me, Diane, God had to talk to them the way He did because they didn’t have the Bible. God talks to you now through the Bible, read more of the Bible to get an answer from God!! So true and so thankful for the Bible and prayer:)

  9. Lorraine Tomlinson says

    How exciting to be open to God’s leading in our life!! Lately, the world has been become very dark. People are more open to hearing of the hope we have in Jesus. Now is our time to proclaim our faith!! Even if they don’t seem open we are planting a seed and they are observing our walk!! Help us oh Lord to give over our will to follow you and bring your light into to world!!

    • Amen Lorraine! I agree, people are craving something they cannot put their finger on, but we know it is Jesus. The more they see Jesus the more they will be drawn to Him inside of us, and that is when we can share our testimony and share His grace and love with them:)

  10. Here is something I am pondering today: Those whom God called in the Old Testament, i.e. Abraham, Moses, etc., did not have God’s WORD (the Bible) to go on during their journeys that weren’t always easy. They just took God at His word, literally. They were not able to see the before, and the future, as we can see in the Bible…future meaning Revelation…what is to come when Jesus returns.

    But yet they trusted God, no matter how difficult their journey’s were. They prayed. They sought God. And they waited and LISTENED for His voice. They had to get someplace where they could HEAR His voice. They couldn’t open a Bible and read His word, and wait for scriptures to jump off the pages. They couldn’t go to their bibles and look up a topic that they wanted to study, or needed more wisdom about.

    They literally had to speak to God and wait to hear His voice.

    How blessed we are to have His Word, and so many other tools, at our fingertips every day of our lives. How blessed we are that we can go back in time and study men like Abraham and Moses, and learn from their faith in God. How blessed we are that we can turn to the Bible and read about a Man who came to save us from all our sins, and read about when He will return again! How blessed we are to be able to open a book and learn ways to defeat the enemy!

    THE BIBLE — One Very Powerful Tool that we have in our possession TODAY!

  11. A great blog, Dianne, filled with scriptures – -I love it. Can’t say that I have always been the tract lady, but you sure have motivated me today to become one.

    • Martha, I cannot imagine myself being the tract lady years ago, but now that I know God’s saving power personally I want all to come to know Him personally!!!

  12. Tonya Ellison says

    I love the closing question! ♥


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