February 22, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 8 – “Sword Words” (pgs 126-129)

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34)

God’s love is limitless. It overflows in abundance. Our author says on page 126 that “… because out of the abundance of God’s heart, he spoke the universe of galaxies into existence.” He spoke the world into existence! This power lives within us through the Holy Spirit when we proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives (Acts 1:7-8). Did you know that? The Word, this Power, knows no boundary. It is available to anyone, anywhere.

With that said, I have some questions for you.

Have you unleashed God’s power in your life?

When we truly have something to say, God finds a way to interpret it for all who need to hear.
When we yield ourselves to speak His words by the power of His Spirit, astonishing things can happen (pg. 128).

Will you choose to use your words in a way that removes yourself from the picture and glorifies God? (pg. 128)

For far too long the Word has been interpreted rather than proclaimed. We have gotten into the habit of passing it through the filter of human experiences, social preferences, current prejudices, and the limited counsel of the human mind rather than simply declaring what was so powerfully and eternally spoken and recorded. We’ve interpreted the gospel rather than expressed it (pg. 129, emphasis mine).

Will you speak in your flawed manner or tell of His flawless works? (pg. 128)

Our God Most High is triumphant. His glorious love and wondrous mercy know no bounds.
The gift of salvation is through faith in Him alone, and all who seek Him find grace and hope (pg. 128).

Will you be part of a unified voice by allowing His Spirit to fill you? (pg. 128)

Unifying ourselves with our Father’s purposes and language will initiate or begin anew God’s plan and unify a people around His purpose (pg. 129).

It was out of this love for us that He sent His one and only begotten Son to die a sinner’s death on a rugged cross. That kind of love is beyond human understanding. I find myself wanting to understand the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’ so often! But, in my limited human understanding, I know it is impossible. As Lisa Bevere states on page 129, “it takes faith to declare a language we do not understand.” I have to trust that God is who He says He is. I have to trust in His sovereignty. I have to trust in His goodness. I have to trust even when I do have questions and I do not understand why things happen. I have to believe in God as my Father, who wants to hear my questions and concerns. He wants to hear from me. He wants me to turn to Him and study His language, our SWORD, His Holy Word. Through it, He will guide and direct me and answer those questions and soothe those doubts.

Because He is GOD.



When we root ourselves in God, in His Word, our sword grows stronger. It finds substance (pg. 129). We are able to stand firm with confidence.

Have you thought about the answers to those questions I posed above? What are your answers? Be honest! Have a conversation with the Lord about them. They are not easy to own up to. But, God already knows the innermost parts of us. We just need to recognize it in ourselves, too, so we can work on whatever needs fixin‘! We are all just a work-in-progress til the day we meet our Savior face to face. Oh what a day that will be!

Let’s Pray:

Father, your Word is perfect. You speak truth and light into a dark world. Help us to shine brightly for your Kingdom in our sphere of influence. Convict us where we need to be convicted and help us own up to the things that may be hindering our growth. Our only desire is to follow You, Lord, wherever You lead us. We love You so much! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

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  1. Jennifer, there was so much “good stuff” in your blog and this portion of the book. I certainly agree with you and Lisa that we tend to interpret instead of proclaim the Word of God. That has sure made a mess of God’s original plan for His Church.
    I am striving in my life to answer your questions positively, but the truth is I’m headed that direction but haven’t arrived yet. My prayer every day is, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psm 19:14. Lisa says, “…the Holy Scriptures are the living, breathing language of our true home.” That’s the language I want to speak!
    I echo your prayer this morning.

    • I think the best we can do is continue to strive to live that way, every day. It is by His Power and His alone that equips us. I dont know that any of us will ever truly “arrive”. We just need to ensure that our priorities and heart is right with His. <3

    • Did you know that? The Word, this Power, knows no boundary. It is available to anyone, anywhere. Good point Jennifer, I think it is so impotand that we remind ourselves and others of this on a regular basis. Thank you!

      • Jennifer M. says

        Absolutely! Our gracious Father offers it to us freely, with no strings! But it is in our human nature to not take anything at face value!! *doh!* LOL

  2. Great questions and Lisa’s writing is very thought provoking. I have NEVER been good at foreign languages and heaven’s language is no different. I strive each day to learn new words and by God’s grace He is teaching me. Like Theresa said yesterday, I am a work in progress. . . and like Clella says above, arrival has not been achieved just yet.

  3. Lorraine Tomlinson says

    Jennifer, they are very good questions. All of these questions point to allowing more of God’s power in our life!! After I read this chapter, I prayed Lord there is much in my life that I need to give to you!! Megan I believe you were a testimony to the power of our living God! God revealed to you suppressed anger!! We can with God’s help demand it to leave!! Greater is HE that is in the world!! Lisa’s book reveals that we are going to be a target for Satan!! Satan does have strongholds on each of one of us!!
    Recognizing them by the convicting power of God’s Word is our first step to stripping off the old nature and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives!! As we strip off our old nature GOD fills it with HIS Power and love. Less of us and More of HIM!!

  4. jennifer, (in particular) i love this part that you wrote: “I have to trust that God is who He says He is. I have to trust in His sovereignty. I have to trust in His goodness. I have to trust even when I do have questions and I do not understand why things happen. I have to believe in God as my Father, who wants to hear my questions and concerns. He wants to hear from me. He wants me to turn to Him and study His language, our SWORD, His Holy Word. Through it, He will guide and direct me and answer those questions and soothe those doubts. Because He is GOD.” you are right, jennifer…i (we) DO have to simply ‘because He is GOD.’ onward into today endeavoring to keep it just that simple! <3 (i love that anthem, too!!! thanks, jennifer!)

  5. I love this whole thing. Thank you so much for sharing this today. This chapter is so good and you highlighted each point that I literally highlighted in my book. Lots of things to think about today with God.

  6. I learned so much in this section of the reading. As I was looking at it yesterday, God spoke to me. I had always been taught that the confounding of tongues was a punishment, or a negative thing. And it was, at first. But God used the sinful pride and arrogance of humans to disperse the gospel all over the world. The Galileans were striving to build a pathway to heaven. The scripture said they would have accomplished it too.

    Yesterday I saw this scripture in a new light. The Galileans were smart enough and strong enough to fulfill their desire to reach God in heaven. To accomplish God’s purposes, He gave them all different languages (a new assignment) so they could go out and minister to the different nations. That wasn’t the beginning of different languages, it was the sending out of the first missionaries already equipped with God knowledge and a common language.

    This section is more than a prayer language. It’s about obedience and willingness to serve a God that wants to redeem the lost all over the world. I’m sure the new language was uncomfortable at first, but they used it to fulfill God’s will and all the nations heard the Word of God in their own language. Awesome stuff.

  7. Thank you, Jennifer, for putting so much heart and soul into this blog. You truly did cover so much of what I highlighted in my book, too. Your questions are great and bring us back to the choice to: “trust and obey; for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Old song but so timely! Great blog!

  8. I, too, like the part about I have to trust Him. I am in situations right now that I know that I have no control over it, even if I tried. Well, I did try, and my way didn’t work. But, I believe like you, my Father wants to hear my concerns, and then I let go and let Him do His work. Great blog points, Jennifer. Your heart shines through.

  9. Ephesians 6:19 — “And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike.”

    This has always been my prayer for our bloggers, and I am so blessed to see this prayer answered over and over again, each week, in each of our amazing bloggers! Thank You Lord for giving these women the right words to speak each week, to share the Gospel boldly with our readers. Continue to bless them Lord in all that they put their hands to! In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!