February 22, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 6 – “The Enemy’s Target” – “The Original Warrior” (pgs 84-90)

Noun: (esp. in former times) A brave or experienced soldier or fighter.
Synonyms: fighter – soldier – combatant

I am reading through a Chronological Bible with my church this year. We are currently reading about David and I was drawn to a study note in my Life Application Study Bible as it relates to this section of our book. Here it is verbatim:

David surrounded himself with great warriors, the best of the Israelite army. What qualities made them worthy to be David’s warriors and servants? (1) They had practiced long and hard to perfect their skills (with bow, sling, and spear); (2) they were mentally tough and determined (“fierce as lions”); (3) they were physically in shape (“as swift as deer”); (4) they were dedicated to serving God and David. Weak leaders are easily threatened by competent subordinates, but strong leaders surround themselves with the best. They are not intimidated by able and competent followers. (1 Chronicles 12:1-7, note 12:1ff)

Now, although this passage is referring more to the actual men who fought in the battles, I feel that this passage can be applied to us as women warriors today.

  1. We must study the Word, delight in it, meditate on it day and night (Psalms 1:2). It must soak into our being and become a part of who we are and who we want to portray to this world. We should strive to draw into God’s presence every single day so that we can strengthen ourselves for whatever battles lay ahead of us.
  2. Studying the Word, our s(word) gives us strength and courage. It drives out fear. It helps us move forward when God gives us that nudge to do what we know we must do. It helps us to be tough and to stand strong against the attacks of the enemy.
  3. God wants us to lay aside all of our desires and offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him (Romans 12:1), to put all of our energy and focus at His feet and trust Him to guide us where we need to be.
  4. By studying the Word and placing our trust in God, we are pronouncing with undivided loyalty that we will serve the Lord and Him alone.

Girlfriends, warriors are not hired; they are called. David had an elite group of men fighting with him. They were not soldiers, hired to do a particular job. They were called to the task. Do you know that…”You are at once a daughter and a warrior” (page 86)? There is no separation between the two. If you are a part of God’s family—a part of His army—then you are one of His warriors. I think many of us are scared to be warriors, though. We want to just “get by.” But, I am challenging you today. It is time to rise up!

Are you not moving forward with something God is calling you to do? DO IT!

Is fear preventing you from living the glorious life God has planned for you?


Having trouble forgiving someone who hurt you deeply? TAKE YOUR BURDEN TO THE LORD. LET HIM HAVE IT. AND FORGIVE.

Ladies, our Lord needs His warrior daughters. Whatever your problem, take it to Him. Soak in His Living Word and let Him speak to you. He will guide you…if you let Him.

Let’s Pray: Father God, help us to rise up as the warrior daughters You created us to be! We know that Your perfect love casts out all of our fears. Help us to claim this promise from Your Word today and place our trust fully in You. Whatever each of these ladies is facing today, Father, I pray that You speak directly to her heart, show her the next step she should take. Surround her with Your comforting and loving presence. I know how much You love every single one of us, Lord. Help us to live the glorious lives You designed us to live. In Jesus mighty name, I pray, AMEN!

Just DO IT!


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  1. thank you, jennifer, to placing this challenge before us…and for encouraging us to place our fears, worries, doubts in His hands…and TRUST Him! our Father has already enabled, and gifted, and called us! He has provided and supplied for every need we might have as we serve Him! praying along with you for each and every one of our warrior-sisters…in Jesus’ name, amen. <3

  2. Great words, Jennifer, worthy of taking to heart! Thank you for your example of strength and trust!

  3. Lorraine Tomlinson says

    Thanks Jennifer!! I must admit when I first got saved I committed HIS words to my heart.
    God used me to bring people to Christ. I ministered to the poor in my younger years and he protected me going into areas that weren’t too safe. I then asked the Lord what he wanted me to do for a living. Need to work and help provide for my family. I was a nurse but I felt God leading me to care for children. I then opened in my house a family daycare.
    What I am getting at is God opened many doors for caring for children including a daycare center.My fault is I put this ministry before my LORD. The LORD took his protection away from me and I almost lost the ministry to a fire. I believe the only reason he spared our daycare is because of my daughter who is directed by faith. I have faith to believe that God is bringing me back into HIS protection because I am determined to NOT take my GOD for granted again!!!

    • Jennifer M says

      Powerful story! Glad everyone is okay! Remember, God is always good…always!

  4. Awesome encouragement today, Jen!!

  5. The Word of God is MIGHTIER and more POWERFUL than ANY circumstance that we may have in LIFE. God’s Word is the ONLY thing that will stop Satan, and his assignments! That’s why it is so important that we meditate on His word, and get it down deep into our hearts, so when the enemy does attack, we first will not fear….we will have a peace that surpasses all understanding. Next, we will know the Word that we need to use, and stand on, to defeat the enemy. This does not mean that satan will not attack. But we will have nothing to fear when he does. God’s Word is ALIVE today, and is sharper than ANY two-edged sword, and when used it is our promise that it will NOT return void!! How exciting is that???!!!! We are heirs to the King of Kings and Lord and Lords, and it is our heritage to walk in the Blessings of the Lord each and every day!! If God is for us, who can be against us!?!? AMEN!! Let this take root in your hearts, dear Sisters!! CHOOSE to believe God’s word! The world says death…but God’s WORD says LIFE!!! We need to choose God’s word to stand on! It is TRUTH!!!

  6. Awesome blog and heart felt words shared today Jen!

  7. Your challenge is heard and I reached out to my accountability partner who keeps me journaling with goals I have set that I know are from the Lord and His calling for my life!

    • Jennifer M. says

      Accountability is SO important!! Very excited to here your commitment by making yourself accountable!! I can’t wait to see where God leads you!

  8. I read this early this morning but then the day happened and I’m just sitting down to it again. Jennifer, I really liked the way you brought the study of David into our study. Excellent! Your statement that “many of us are scared to be warriors” struck a note with me. I’m there sometimes, and I’ve been thinking about it all day. Then Chris Tomlin’s song “Whom Shall I Fear” came on my van radio. Wow, what a message! Here are just a few lines, “My strength is in Your Name, For You alone can save, You will deliver me, Yours is the victory. Whom shall i fear? Whom shall I fear? I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind, The God of Angel Armies, Is always by my side. The One who reigns forever, He is a friend of mine, The God of Angel Armies, Is always by my side.”
    Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation–whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life–of whom shall I be afraid?”
    Okay, I’m with you now! I’m honor-bound to RISE UP and be His warrior-daughter! 🙂

    • Jennifer M says

      Clella, I was singing that song in my head as I read the words. I love that song! I’m so glad you were encouraged today. Fear is a tough one for me too. But we can do anything with our God!!