February 2, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 – “You Might Be A Hero” (pgs. 35-38)

This week’s reading schedule can be found by clicking this link.

“Your journey toward becoming a hero begins when you simply
grant God permission to have His way.” (Lisa Bevere, pg. 35)

It sounds like such a simple thing – Let Go, Let God. Release whatever your hopes and dreams are for the future so that God can fill your life with His plans which are far better than anything in our wildest dreams. So, why is the action part of it so difficult? Why is it so hard to let those things go?

At age 24, I was told I would never bear a biological child. Too stunned to form a coherent thought, the next eight years of my life went by in a haze of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I was lost, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. My lifelong dream was to have a baby who looked like me with my husband who loved me. I had plans! I had dreams! I had hopes!

In an instant, all seemed lost.

I did not really know Jesus back then. I knew about Him, but we were not doing this life-thing together.  I was a nobody. But, He knew me, and He never stopped His pursuit of me. He knows my name. He loves me (and you) like an only child. He wanted me to come out of the pit I was in because He knew the plans He had for me.

So, He alone rescued me.

At that moment, I turned my burden of infertility over to Him. I decided not to carry it on my back anymore. I let God have His way with me.

Today, I have a 16-month old nephew who I could not love more if he were my own child. Instead of having hurt and pain, I am filled with love and pure joy.

God did that. He is taking my life and using it for His glory. He is taking my pain and turning it for good, to help other people who are in pain.

“You are not normal. You’re an anointed daughter of the Most High God,
the creator of heaven and earth and of all things seen and unseen.
This makes you a potential threat to the enemy.” (Lisa Bevere, pg. 35)

I tell you this story because Satan continues to attack me in this area of my life. There are times I am consumed with grief over not being able to have a biological child. Some days my heart is so heavy that I question God; I doubt Him. I wonder why I am made to suffer this burden.

“Never doubt you are part of the story of your day.” (Lisa Bevere, pg. 36)

Then He whispers to me…I am with you. I have plans for you. You are loved. I am part of God’s story! Satan’s job is to kill, to steal, and to destroy. He will continue to try to defeat me where he knows I am weak but, with God, I am strong. Satan does not want another woman to experience a full life in Christ so he will try to undermine my attempts to help other women.

Ladies, I share this with you because I need for you to know something very important. Right now, where you are, you are living part of God’s story. Satan will try to defeat you – that is his job – but you can be a hero of faith, just like Abraham. You probably will not know you are a hero, and that is okay. We can live for God without knowing the full measure of the whole story until we reach Heaven—and what a beautiful sight that will be!

There is one last thing I want to leave you with. All of this talk about being a hero and living a life surrendered to God sounds great, right? But, you might be someone who really struggles with this. I know I do. It is hard to let go of some things, but in order to receive what God has for us, our hands need to be open and not closed. We are heroes by living the life God has planned for us; walking alongside Him day by day; laying down our hopes and dreams for God’s dreams for us, and trusting in His ultimate plan for our lives. God sees you. He knows your name. He loves you.

‘We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day –
but remember at the time they didn’t know they were heroes. – A.W. Tozer (pg. 36)

Let’s Pray:

Father God, Your story is perfect. Show us how to live fully surrendered to You every single day. Help us to let go of things that we need to release from our lives so that You can fill us with Your plans. Guide us in Your ways and in Your truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


With Love,


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

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  1. Jennifer, thank you for sharing your story. How beautifully written. Tears filled my eyes as I read this beautiful story. Oh, how satan is a Liar. Your blog this morning personally means so much to me. I have a story too, but not quite ready to share it yet. I love that we are not just daughters of the Most High God, we are “ANNOINTED.” Praise the Lord! The enemy may believe he has us defeated, but we serve a Mighty God. He only has us defeated if we let him defeat us.

    • Agree, M. When people in the Bible were annointed it was for a higher purpose, God has a higher purpose for us, and we will win! 🙂

    • Jennifer M. says

      Praise Him, indeed! Claim that anointing, girlfriend – it is yours! It is a GIFT, freely given!

  2. Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” We can’t see the whole plan right now but our faith in Him to be willing to “walk alongside Him day by day” makes us His heroes.(Heb 11:1-2, MSG, “The act of faith is what distinguished…them….” To have the courage to walk when I can’t see ahead, I have to have His Word/sword in my hand and faith in my heart and mind!
    Simple?–No, but well worth it.

    • Jennifer M. says

      This whole passage in Jeremiah was speaking so loudly to me as I was writing my blog for today. I read and re-read chapters in Jeremiah to understand the whole context of that particular verse. We may not know the future, but we know that He does! And His plans are always for good. Amen!

  3. thank you, jennifer, for sharing part of your story especially because “…I share this with you because I need for you to know something very important. Right now, where you are, you are living part of God’s story.” what a loving thing to be reminded of! ‘Loving’ because where we are tight now is due to God’s love for us; and ‘loving’ because you point us to God (not reflecting on our own involvement in this story, but His!) may we each stay right where He has us today! <3

  4. Beautifully written Jennifer. Reading this section is So FULL OF HOPE!!!! We are Heros and we don’t even know it. Til now!

  5. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your story , it brought tears to my eyes , because right now I am dealing with some issues it’s getting better by the grace of God and much prayers God is hearing this prayers , thank God for the HOPE He puts in our hearts , and thank God we serve A Mighty God , thank you for your post much encouragement today.

    • Jennifer M. says

      God Bless You, Carol. <3 It will get better - that I know. Keep walking alongside Him and He will show you the path to take. May He have all the glory.

  6. Sherrie Y says

    Thanks for being so transparent, Jennifer! I always love reading your blogs and today is awesome!

    Our sermon yesterday was about “Jesus and Me” and how we need to let him in to our story. Not only are we known fully by Him, and He will walk with us through it all, you are so right that we need to have our hands and our hearts open to him for this to happen.

    • Jennifer M. says

      Aww, Sherrie, your comment made my heart so happy! Thank you for your kind words! I know that what I share is what God wants for you all to hear, so however I can do that, I will do it. It’s hard to relive the feelings sometimes, but I know He will bring me through the pain and the words will be used for His glory. Amen.

  7. Beautiful!

  8. joann cochran says

    It is such a challenge day by day not to give in to the lies of the evil one. He would have me believe i am of no value to God. Yet i know that the truth is even with all my shortcomings i am still able to love others and bring glory to God!! I need Gods strength to fight the lies and daily pick up my sword.

    • Jennifer M. says

      I think we all struggle and fight this every day, Joann. You are not alone! Keep pressing into the Lord and His Word to build yourself up with His truth and His promises. Then you can defeat the enemy when he tries his silly attempts to get you down!

  9. Jennifer, I am always touched when I hear your story. And I am always reminded of what was indeeded evil for me, God meant it for good to save much people. God truly is using you to touch women’s lives through your testimony and through your writing. You are a blessing for sure.

    • Jennifer M. says

      As are you. <3 He just amazes me every day with the amount of love He pours out. I just feel compelled to share it!

  10. Cher Sorenson says

    I needed to hear this one today! Thanks and blessings : )

  11. Cynder60 says

    <3 it sweet friend. I, like you, struggle with this being a hero business. Thanks for reminding me that walking with Him day by day and surrendering my all to Him I am already becoming a hero

  12. beautiful Jennifer. Thinking that I’m a hero, I don’t see it! I’m trying to release a couple things right now in my life but it does get hard! I had a time of prayer last night and I prayed, I want to be Christ like, want to be like Christ wants me to be, this morning I was feeling defeated again but I have to know I’m with Christ and that’s who I need to believe in and follow!

    • Jennifer M. says

      Those are BIG prayers and when you pray them, the enemy will try to defeat you! He doesn’t want you to be anything like Jesus! Nip it in the bud. Claim God’s promises. Capture those negative thoughts and replace them with Truth. Praying for you, my friend! <3

  13. “Never doubt you are part of the story of your day.” (Lisa Bevere, pg. 36).. I loved this line, it definately spoke to my heart. One thing that I know I find myself doing is questioning if I am where I’m supposed to be? What is my part in this story we call life? But thepoint she made was very true, heros didn’t know they were hero’s while they were living their story. Thank you Jennifer for your words, and thank you for letting God work through you. :-).

    • Jennifer M. says

      You are so right, Tonya. I often question my position in life, too. Is this what I should be doing right now? Shouldn’t I be doing “this” or “that”? As Megan likes to say… God is not a God of confusion. I will continue to live where I am and do what I feel God is calling me to do, even if it doesn’t seem “big” to me. It’s all part of the bigger story of GOD.. How cool is that?!

  14. Jennifer, you are my hero!! Look what God is doing in your life, and the lives that you are touching through your own life experiences! What satan meant for harm, God is using for GOOD!!! I know your heart aches for a little one of your own, and I pray that one day God will give you your hearts desire! That would be a huge blessing for so many of us to see that happen! Just remember one thing Girlfriend…..NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!! Absolutely NOTHING!!! Love you girlfriend!!

  15. Angie Schuh says

    Thank you for today’s message, for sharing this with all of us. You are so correct when you said God never stops His pursuit of us. Sometimes He just patiently waits for us, sometimes He allows life’s trials to get us on our knees so that we can see how much we really need Him. With God all things are possible.