February 22, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 2 Weekly Review – “A Sword is Born.”

Click Here for Next Week’s Reading Schedule

Last week, “the 5 girlfriends on their road trip,”  voted unanimously to continue their journey into The Prince of Darkness Territory, despite knowing they were a TARGET.  However, they realized the key to being victorious in battle against the enemy was choosing the right WEAPON.  To get their thoughts together, they pulled over at a rest stop. 

While they were standing there in the moonlight, two bus loads of women pulled into the parking lot, and about 125 women made their way over to where the five girlfriends were gathered. Four women stepped up and introduced themselves as Amy, Christi, Laurie, and Kim, the leaders of the group.  “We’ve heard about your decision to enter into the Prince of Darkness Territory, and we want to join forces with you,” Christi said.  

The 5 girlfriends welcomed them, and told the women that they were in the process of choosing the weapon they would use for the battle ahead.  A murmur could be heard among the crowd of women at the mention of a weapon for self-defense.  The consensus of the crowd seemed to be that “heavy artillery guns” should be bought before driving any further into enemy territory.

But, knowing this was not the answer, Jennifer hopped up on top of a picnic table nearby.  With her Bible lifted up toward heaven, it was a sight to behold, as the moonlight beamed down on her as she spoke very eloquently and simply about the only weapon to use.

“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:1-5, NLT).

“So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son” (verse 14).

His Word (The sword) stands alone. Nothing I can add to it will make it better!

A hush swept across the group of women gathered.  It was obvious many of them were thinking,

“Are you saying that God’s Word can be used as a Sword?”  

Teresa was the next one to step on top of the picnic table to address the crowd. 

“Ladies, we have been handed a sword—a God Sword.  Ephesians 6 addresses the Armor of God that we are to put on daily to protect ourselves from spiritual attack.  Verse 17 says this, “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”  The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God—my Bible

In her book, Girls with Swords, Lisa Bevere says she had a revelation that “…many of God’s daughters in this generation are unarmed, ill equipped and unprepared.  This means they are at risk and incredibly vulnerable to deception.”

I proclaim tonight that:  “As Christ-followers we need to be properly equipped with the whole Bible, not just the pieces we like and disregard the rest.”

Next, Tonya, addressed the crowdShe admitted something about The Sword in her life that all the ladies seemed to relate to: 

“There have been times in my life where I have felt beaten down, like I was unable to pick anything up; times where I have felt I couldn’t read the word of God; times where I felt I couldn’t even pray.” “But, I also know what it feels like to have the sword renewed in my life—to pick up the Bible and have God lead me to the scripture I needed to read that day, to say a prayer, and to feel His presence.

As Lisa Bevere said in her book, Girls With Swords, it is time for the church to know what a girl with a sword can do, it’s time for Satan to know what a girl with a sword can do, and it’s time that we believe this ourselves—that we take up our swords and declare what God has said in His Scriptures.

Next, Diane hopped on top of the picnic table.  “Ladies, these are the words that I know God wants YOU to hear tonight.”

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Do you believe these words spoken by Jesus is God’s Living Word?  No matter how badly Satan attempts to discourage us, these words will always remain true.  I have found the more time I spend in God’s Word; the more I feel the truth of these words.  The more I learn the power of the “sword” God has given me to deter Satan’s attacks, the more thankful I become that God has already fought my battles for me. 



After Diane spoke, a murmur could be heard among the 125 plus gathered at this rest stop.  I, Martha, did a little eavesdropping just to hear some of their comments.  Here are some of the things I heard them saying.

“I totally believe the Word of God!  It’s the flesh that gets in the way!”

“Everything we need or we will need is hidden in His Word, and we search it out like buried treasure.” 

“I need to pick up the whole word and start really listening to His Word, not just reading it.”

“You wouldn’t go into battle without being extremely familiar with your sword, right?  We wouldn’t make it out alive.  Same with this world.  These battles can kill us spiritually and defeat us if we aren’t in His word. So lets prepare. Lets really get in His word. Ahead of time is so much better than in the midst.”

“When the word is alive in us, we can weather any storm knowing that Jesus is with us and is greater than the one who is in the world. The sword is our weapon. Lets declare the victory.”

“For the Word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow.  It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart” [Hebrews 4:12].

Finally, Christi, the lady who appeared to be in charge of both groups on the buses, stepped up on the picnic table, and with a voice of authority proclaimed:

 “We should be seeing the sick healed, the lame walk, the blind see, cancers falling off of people, lives miraculously changed because of Him!! We should be laying hands on the sick and through the power of the Holy Spirit, see them become whole again! We should be spreading the gospel so much more than what we are.”

And with that, such shouting like you never heard broke out all over that rest stop.  And then—with their Swords lifted up toward heaven, the women began to worship the Lord as the moonlight from above beamed down on them. 

They had united and settled on their weapon for battle—God’s Word!


Let’s Pray:  Father God, we are so grateful for your Word.  It is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path, a light into our path.  Help us never to use it in pieces, but make use of the fullness of God.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

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About Martha Bush

Martha Bush — Blog Contributor
Martha has been married to her amazing husband for 46 years. Together they have two grown daughters, and three grandchildren, of whom she is very proud of! She lives in Orange, Texas. Martha has been involved in ministry with her church for 20 years. Some of her favorite hobbies include reading, walking, and playing with her grandchildren.


  1. Mary Simpson says

    Outstanding review Martha! I love the way this blog makes me feel like I am right there in the story. I totally believe with all my heart, soul, and mind that Gods word is living and capable of withstanding any attacks from the enemy. I will carry my (s)word in my heart daily and continually prepare myself to fight the enemy. My prayer is that “All” will unite in the fight against the enemy. We will and I do see miraculous things happening in my life and in the life of others as well. Standing firm in Gods word, in faith, and praying are key to this fight. We are victorious and more than conqueors when we study the word of God and strive to live and love as He lived and loved. Thank you Martha and praise God for his saving grace, love, and mercy.

  2. That makes me feel good, Mary, that it makes you feel like you are right there in the story – -and you know what? YOU are! I appreciate all the comments you make throughout the week – -I can teel you have got your Sword up high, and enjoying this course. I am expecting big testimonies to come.

  3. Yea! I feel stronger knowing God’s Word is my sword, and knowing that I’m surrounded by this great army of Christian soldiers! I sense that I’m in the middle of this crowd with our swords lifted high and we are pressing into whatever comes next, not alone but together. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up…A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

  4. Clella, I love that verse you quoted, and I believe it fits perfect for this study we are on right now together. I can’t say enought: “I am expecting great testimonies to come out of this.” Some we have waited for years to manifest.

  5. What a creative review. I love it. Thank you Martha! This was a great chapter! Have a great weekend.

  6. Thanks, Jackie. Hope you are enjoying the ride. As for my weekend, I get to meet Lynn Donovan and Dimeen Miller at their conference being hold about 2 hours from me. Don’t remember if you were a part of the study on Winning Him Without Words or not, but they are the authors. I am excited.

  7. Martha, another great “finish!” This was so amazingly clear in my mind’s eye – it really spoke to me. You chose the perfect setting to represent the times we are facing today. The dialogue was, again, a great way to sum up the week. Thank you to all writers for your words of wisdom and encouragement this week. There was so much good to take away.Thank you for another wonderful blog!

  8. Cindy Dehner says

    Wow Martha! What a wonderful read! Truly inspiring. Like Clella, I immediately thought of the passage in Ecclesiates. This committed group of women had been a HUGE part of my being able to make it through the past few months. There is nothing stronger than a believer who is in the Word. Thanks to you and our other leaders for helping us become Girls with (very sharp) Swords! 🙂

  9. Rita Bradford says

    WOW ! What a great review, Martha !
    God has truly blessed you with wisdom.
    I have always loved the Word of God but you made me fall in love with God’s Word, THE Sword, all over again. Thank You !

  10. Do you know just how much your Weekly Review blesses me, Martha? This is awesome! You have a way of making me feel like I am right there, live, and in person!! I LOVE this!!!

  11. You have an amazing gift and a very speical heart, Martha!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

  12. Oh, Lordy, Lordy, you all are now blessing my socks off, as Christi would say. I love that you are feeling like you are right there on the scene. But, I can tell you – -you all had better be praying cause I have no idea where this road trip will take us next week.

  13. Cher Sorenson says

    All I can say is that the blog made me so glad to be on the Lord’s side with weapon at hand and friends along for the ride
    : )

  14. Amen to that Cher. Don’t we need our friends?

  15. Martha, I just read this to my husband … his comment: “WOW!!!! She’s GOOD!!!” I was covered w/ Holy Ghost goosebumps after reading this out loud to him!!! Such anointed writing!! I know the Holy Spirit has spoken through your writing!!! THANK YOU!!

  16. My thanks to your husband, Christi. Tell him I could use a little man input where I can take this group next week. I am clueless right now. I do pray it is making the ladies feel right on the spot present. I did get to the conference with Lynn and Dineen – -only two hours from my home. What a day we had. They are, indeed, so warm and loving, and bold in using our sword. Wish you could have been there.

  17. sherry haynes says

    Thank you, how amazing the Holy Spirit is when working through us. Thank you again.

  18. Sherry, the Holy Spirit is definitely moving and working through all of us here. Can’t wait to see how many more lives are going to be changed.