February 22, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 1 – “Old Tactics” (pgs 12-15)

As I re-read this section of the book over again, I am reminded of Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

When first learning this verse I wondered who this great cloud of witnesses was exactly.  As I asked God to show me, he taught me that this great cloud is the faithful followers of God whom we learn about throughout the Bible.  Yes, Moses is included in the cloud!  We see countless examples of people just like you and me throughout the Bible who have run their race and won!  The more I read the stories of these faithful ones, the more I stand in awe of our inspiring heritage.  Each one of these people has one thing in common—they lived by faith and not by fear.  They let God control their lives, and not fear.

Satan will never be able to live for God.  He has no choice but to live by fear.  His fear drives Him to attempt to destroy God’s chosen ones.  He knows the power God’s chosen ones possess.  You and me, we are included as God’s chosen ones.  1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.  Let us bask for a moment in the glorious truth that we belong to God, not Satan!  We are living in God’s wonderful light not the darkness of our past.  No matter what way Satan attempts to win our soul, if we belong to God and choose daily to live for God alone, Satan will never win.  His attack will never produce victory.  Our victory is with God.

RightPath_MeyersAs much as I truly hate when Satan attacks me, without His attacks, I would not be certain that I am on the path God has called me to.  Satan will make war on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus (Revelation 12:17).  I know I am on God’s side in this war.  I was not always though.  Even at my weakest points, Satan never had me, but neither did God.  It was like my soul was caught in the middle of the war at one point in my life.  Satan knew that ultimately God would win and get me back for good, but I had to figure that out for myself.  The moment I chose to take the path of a hero was the same moment I realized the power of the Armor of God.

We cannot fight this battle alone.  We have the power to win but we must prepare.  We must read the Bible to learn Satan’s ways.  The Bible tells us what we need to know about Satan:

  • He is limited by God (Genesis 3:1)
  • He is defeated by Jesus’ death and resurrection (Revelation 12:11)
  • He rules the evil, spiritual world (Ephesians 2:2)
  • He will meet his doom in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10)

Satan knows us very well; the more understanding we have of our enemy, the more we can prepare for his attacks against us.  The best way to withstand his attacks is to put on the full Armor of God daily.  There will not be a day that goes by that Satan will not attempt to destroy us.  We must follow the examples of the faithful followers of our heritage, and put on the full Armor of God and be strong in His mighty power.  We must trust that God has a plan for our lives, one in which we are a Hero for God.

I don’t know about you, but I am so excited to be on this journey with you.  I am ready to learn from God’s Word.  I desire to be armed for God, growing in His strength, and giving Satan something to really be fearful of—becoming the hero God created me to be.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the examples You have given us in Your Word of not only how to withstand the evil one, but how others have found victory in You alone.  Help us and guide us through this journey to find victory in our lives with You.  Lord, enable us to embrace the life that You created us for.  Let us get rid of any hindrances and run the race You have marked out for us!  Thank You for giving us what we need always.  Thank You for loving us.  Thank You for choosing us to be a hero for You!  I pray that each and every one of us also chooses to be that hero for You, every day!  In Your Precious Name, Amen.


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About Diane Meyers

Diane Meyers – Blog Contributor
Diane lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She is surrounded by a ton of family and loved ones God has given her to share life with. To the world, Diane may be single, but to her she has the best date of all… Jesus! Diane is very involved with the children’s ministry at her church, and is also a spiritual coach for a ministry aimed toward the youth.


  1. Thank you Diane. Great blog. Thank you Jesus for your Armor, your protection from the enemy, and thank you Lord for the Victory. Thank you Lord for allowing us to become who God created us to be. I love the quote in the book that says “Becoming who God created you to be is the best offense and best defense against the enemy’s strategy”

    • Yes Thank you Lord! I love that quote too. I loved this whole section. I am so thankful that God gives us His living Word to help us prepare for the attacks of Satan! Thanks for reading:)

  2. Thanks Diane for the good study today.
    “When the enemy oppresses, it is always because he fears what we might become.” He’s afraid of what we MIGHT become and attacks many times before we have even made our choice. Our only hope of survival is in God. God chose us for this time, now we must choose to take up His sword.

    • Clella, I LOVE that part of the reading for today:)
      I pray that we all show Satan what He really needs to fear…God inside of us, living through us!!! For then we will surely be the Hero God created us to be!!

  3. Tonya Tucker says

    Lord, enable us to embrace the life that You created us for. VICTORY!! Thank you ,for reminding us We must read the Bible to learn Satan’s ways. We must trust that God has a plan for our lives, one in which we are a Hero for God.Basking in His Presence.t.

  4. Thank you Diane. It’s a compliment when the enemy messes with you!!!

  5. thankful, happy me, too, diane…so excited that God has us on this journey together. thank you for the encouragement you shared with us in your writing today! <3

  6. Can you tell me the bible reference you are using so I can understand the scripture references Younare using I use the NIV and so I am just trying to compare ,
    I also beleieve we do not know when the attacks are coming and yes we need to be prepared when we are attacked , we need to have the word of God hidden in our hearts and put on the full armor of God , and that’s why God says to hide His word in our hearts.

    • As I was writing this blog, I immediately thought of that verse Carol! It is so important to not only know His Word but to use it also. I use the NIV study bible. I just checked all of the verses to make sure they match up. I am at work and do not have that particular Bible with me, I think the 1st reference, Satan is limited by God should be referenced in the book of Job. Not sure of the exact verse, this is when Satan desires to tempt Job and God limits Satan to what he is allowed to do. I apologize:) I can look it up when I get home and let you know the correct verse!! SO sorry about that.

      • Gen. 3:1 shows Satan has definite limitations because he is a created being. And, the verse I was thinking of in Job is 2:6. God limits Satan and in this case He did not allow Satan to destroy Job.

  7. Awesome blog D!

  8. Reading this scripture in Hebrews 12, I envision us all throwing off anything and everything that hinders our walk in total victory, and throwing it all into the wind….and feeling that liberating feeling of having NOTHING weighing you down! That wonderful sense of total freedom!! Nothing weighing us down that keeps us from running the race to the finish line! There is a huge freedom in that, Ladies!! Throw your cares, the bondage, the sin, the heaviness, the oppression, the depression, the unforgiveness, the lack, anything and EVERYTHING that has been keeping you from experiencing the FULL freedom and VICTORY that God has for YOU! We CAN do this!!! We WILL do this!!!

  9. It’s a sad truth that Satan knows more scripture than we do. He knows God better than we do. He made the choice to rebel and be separated from God. I want to know the person of God, hide His word in my heart so I might not sin against Him. I can have what Satan gave up with his pride. Thank you for your gifted words today.

    • Teresa,

      You are right, it is sad and very true. I had this realization the beginning of the year. Thank you for sharing that thought, because it encourages me more to dive in the Living word of God daily and USE His words in my life.

  10. Diane, one of my favorite scriptures has always been about the great cloud of witnesses. Often times, when facing something difficult, that scripture comes to my mind, and I just sort of imagining all of the patriots, as well as my deceased family members, just sort of cheering me on from heaven. It helps. Great post.

  11. Great blog! When I started following Jesus, Satan tried constantly to fill my mind with thoughts of failure, guilt, painful memories, ect doing his best to distract me and turn me away..satan fears us growing Our relationship with God, he really pushes hard, but turning from those thoughts he tries to discourage me with, actually harms him more. this only draws me closet to God

    • 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and EVERY pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ! This was one of my theme verses in therapy. It is such an important verse to use every moment of every day. And I find just as you that in these moments when I have to use this verse it absolutely does draw me closer to God! Thanks for sharing Leslie<3

  12. Thank you so much for such an inspiring study today.. loved every word of it… I appreciate your time in preparing this for us.

    • Ann thank you! I am so glad that these words have touched your heart, I pray just for that as I am writing! It truly is an awesome experience writing with God:) Glad to have you apart of this study!!

  13. Embracing God’s victory by standing shoulder to shoulder with other strong women who are each seeking God’s will for their lives and the lives of their families is truly a great place to be. Onward to plunge deeper. Women of God prepare to armor up.

  14. Jennette Hill says

    Well I’m up on my reading just behind in my blogging! Just wanted to add what I think all of us do. We’ve all heard about armor, about satan attacking, and everything that goes with it. But what I have a tendency to do is hear fresh material, or a new sermon, pick up my sword and wage war again with my 2nd wind.

    I fight with a vengeance for a while, and at the moment that things calm down I lay the sword down, to rest, as if I could have actually defeated him.

    Silly me. Like I could defeat satan and he be gone from my life forever. However, since we are human I am positive that satan knows we will eventually lay our swords down. He is a patient demon, lurks in the dark watching and waiting. The moment we lay it down is the moment he pounces. What a jerk! But then again, he never promised to play fair, there is no Geneva Convention in this battle.

    My prayer for myself and every lady that is going through this study is to be determined that we will never lay down the sword. I personally have been imagining myself standing, holding high a huge sword that glows Gods spirit. Flanked on my left and right are my personal angels, the ones assigned to me. (They are thrilled to see me stand up and fight cause I’ve put them through quite a but over the years and they are TIRED!) LOL

    As I am going through my day, if something gets difficult in any way, I see my image and it makes me feel strong, able to get through the situation. I think I’m going to have to name my band of merry angels … !