March 31, 2025

Captivating: Chapter 7 Review – Romanced



Just the title of this week’s reading assignment is enough to make a romantic heart like mine inquisitive to find out what will happen in this chapter. Let’s see what our girlfriend bloggers had to say.

On Monday, Jackie told us that we have to understand that we don’t need to wait for a man to feel special, worthy, or beautiful. Jesus is our Bridegroom and we are His Bride.  Expect God to romance you the way your feminine heart needs because you are His Darling! “How beautiful you are my darling” (Song of Solomon 1:15).

On Tuesday, Tonya shared with us that when God pursues us, our hearts come back to life. When we allow our hearts to truly know God, and when we seek that intimate relationship with God , our hearts will begin to grow into the heart God intended for us to have all along.

On Wednesday, Carissa wanted to know if we know that God ‘gets us?’  You don’t need to hide your true self from Him; He created you to be just the way you are. So when you are talking to Him, you can just be yourself. He is your oldest, most true friend. ‘He knew you before you were even born!’ (Jeremiah 1:5).

On Thursday, Michelle asked a very important question, ‘Where has God been on your list of priorities?’  Whether God has been at #1 or He has been relegated to “if I have time,” God is still there…He is still waiting for you. He longs to spend time with you, and He will delight in you the very second you return to Him.

Girlfriends, at times when life seems to spin out of control, I find peace at the feet of my Father. When you feel lonely, put in some worship music and let His presence fill your life. God has good plans for all of us, we do not have to feel disconnected.  All we have to do is spend time with Him, allow Him to romance us.

Be blessed!



Let’s Pray:

Father, thank You for being our friend, confidant, lover, husband, our everything. We love You and we long to spend time with You, Amen.

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About Edwina Howard

Edwina Botha Howard – Blog Contributor – Singles Ministry
Edwina currently lives in Cape Town, South Africa. She is married to an awesome man and has an adorable 12 year old daughter. She is an International English Teacher and has traveled quit extensively. Edwina loves to read and travel, experiencing new cultures and trying out foreign cuisine. Her message to others is stop fretting, God is in control!