March 30, 2025

Crazy Love: Chapter 7 – Your Best Life…Later (pp 113-116)



“Christians today like to play it safe. We want to put ourselves in situations where we are safe ‘even if there is no God.’ But if we truly desire to please God, we cannot live that way. We have to do things that cost us during our life on earth but will be more than worth it in eternity.” ~page 116

There are countless examples throughout Scripture of people just like you and me who followed God with their whole hearts…faults and all. When we read about people in the Bible such as Abraham, Paul, Daniel, and Elijah it’s so easy to lose sight of the fact that their God THEN is the exact same as our merciful God NOW!

God answered BIG prayers back then and He is the same God that answers BIG prayers from us NOW…we only need to trust Him with our prayers and with our very best life. Have you ever thought about this before? We limit ourselves and God when we do not dare to give up our life to Him and BOLDLY live our life by faith in what He will do with it!


Megan 🙂


Let’s Pray:

God, we come to You humbled and with repentant hearts if there has been any way that we have been steering clear of situations or circumstances that might make us uncomfortable for Your glory. Please forgive us, Father, and show us today how to make it right and to be bold enough to live in such a way where we are not afraid to do things that cost us in this world. Thank You, Lord, for showing us grace and for guiding us closer to You through this. In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, Amen. <3

Your Assignment:

How are you “playing it safe” in your life right now? Pray for God to show you where and how He needs you to kick your life up a notch and not be complacent to “play it safe” for Him any longer. Leave me a comment about this below.



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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. coleen hayden says

    “…if there has been any way that we have been steering clear of situations or circumstances that might make us uncomfortable for Your glory…” i love that thought in your prayer this morning, megan! truly, truly may we repent of that holding back and live our ALL for Him! <3

  2. My area of “playing it safe” is in witnessing. I don’t mind looking, acting, or sounding different but the fear of rejection holds me back sometimes. The times I am bold and share the message of salvation with someone, I feel alive and encouraged. Why don’t I remember that and take those bold steps more often? Fear fights hard against faith. “Lord, help me walk more in faith and less in fear as i walk through this day and this week. Help me to be sensitive for and courageous in opportunities to share Your Good News with others. Amen.”

  3. I, too, like the statement in your prayer: if there has been any way that we have been steering clear of situations or circumstances that might make us uncomfortable for Your glory. My first thought is facing conflict, which I believe there are times we should. But, I hold back sometimes because, it is not a comfortable place to be in. More and more, God is working in me and on me in that area.

    • I know what you mean Martha. Sometimes I struggle with speaking up for the Lord, or for things that I know God doesn’t like, like abortion, and etc. I want to, but don’t always. I know I need to work on that! It’s more of a fear of conflict that I struggle with. But again, I am not to fear what man can do to me! But I am to stand up for my Lord! I’m so blessed by this study!!!

  4. I was also in that mode for sometime and just recently have been stepping out there to live more boldly! I can honestly say it was scary but now that I’m doing it, I am so excited about the things God is doing. I am still scared deep inside but I’m trying to fight it and reach further and God is right there with me. Have some more new things He’s asking me to do,and believe me I don’t like new!, but I am going to do it with His hand on me! Thank you Jesus!!

  5. Donna, you have such a beautiful spirit! I see God using you in many ways!! Sometimes I’ll bet you don’t even realize when He is using you!! Like when you leave a word of encouragement with someone who is struggling…and you just thought you were being nice! 🙂 You are a very encouraging person, and that’s what I love about you!!! God uses you in some pretty big ways!