February 22, 2025

Captivating: Chapter 5 – A Special Hatred (pgs 82-85)

So I don’t know about you, but I’m a big-time people pleaser.  I’ll say “yes” to invitations that I know full well I will not attend just to avoid disappointing someone by saying “no, thanks.”  I want friends. I want love. I want peace.  I want to be liked.  I want to be accepted.

See, I can try to “people-please” all I want, but the fact is, I’ll always be hated.  And I’m not talking about by people (though that would be true, too).  I will always be hated by the one who hates God, even the slightest hint of Him.  I’m talking about our greatest enemy, Satan.

He absolutely despises me! And he hates you, too! Yep, I said it—HATE.  That’s a powerful word.  And the evil one has his reasons.  We, as women, have something that he loved and then lost because he fell from God.  We are beautiful, and we give life…very much like the image of God.  And how does Satan compare to you and me?  He is straight-up UGLY, and he is the definition of DEATH.

I want you all to do something for me right now.  Just hold your pointer finger up in the air. All right, now stand it up tall, and get it as close to God as you can.  Your finger, right now, represents your light.  It’s the light the world sees when there exists nothing but darkness.  It’s the light a stranger sees when you help someone in need, when you look someone in the eye, when you speak words of truth and life, when you exchange a smile or offer an encouraging word.  Do you all know the children’s song “This Little Light of Mine”? If you don’t, I encourage you to YouTube it.  One of the stanzas in the song reads:

Don’t let the Satan blow it out,

I’m going to let it shine.

Don’t let the Satan blow it out,

I’m going to let it shine.

Don’t let the Satan blow it out,

I’m going to let it shine.

Let it Shine,

Let it Shine,

Let it Shine. 

So do like this kiddy song says, and don’t let him blow out your light! Don’t believe the evil one.  He has many, many lies for you.  Lies that you’re too much, too flawed, too complicated, too emotional, too confusing, too unworthy, too boring, too crazy, too damaged, too too too too too too!

Guess what?!  Satan is TOO powerless against us.  He feeds us lies through our culture, our men, our own thoughts about ourselves, and our own situations.  He instills the fear of abandonment in us, a lie from the bowels of Hell.  How can we ever be abandoned when God is always with us?


Satan is fighting a losing battle.  We have won, and we are crowned princesses of the Most High. Hallelujah!


“O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law;

but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 15:55-58


Plain and simple, we have victory in Christ.  Put the fears and lies aside, and rest in that victory today.

Praise Him,



Let’s Pray

Dear Father, thank You for defeating every fear and every lie that Satan can throw at us.  Father, let us find ourselves in You each and every day, victorious, worthy, loved, and never to be abandoned.  Thank You for these promises.  In Your Precious Name, Amen.

Your Assignment

After you fill in the blank (either comment on the blog or in our private Facebook group), meditate on the power we have over Satan and his lies.  Like Eowyn from The Lord of the Rings, say with authority, “Leave me alone, snake!” #winning

Today, I am letting go of the lie that I am too _________.

If you are interested in joining us for this amazing online Bible study, click HERE. Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you would like to send Carissa a private message in regards to this blog, please email her at: Carissa@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com

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About Carissa Markantone

Carissa Markantone - Blog Contributor – Singles Ministry
Carissa joins us from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she’s lived nearly all of her 25 years. She has a huge heart for serving others, especially children with terminal illnesses. Carissa desires for every woman to know her worth through the eyes of God. Her motto for 2012 (which will definitely carry to 2013) is “get comfortable with the uncomfortable.” God doesn’t call us to an easy life. Living for Him is hard, but it will be so worth it once we get Home!


  1. coleen hayden says

    singing along with you, carissa! i am reminded of my granddaugter’s dance recital last summer…they tap – danced to ‘this little light of mine.’ here were 9 or 10 beautiful four- and five-year olds singing and dancing; and (i believe) not one of them thought that they were too complicated, too chubby, too emotional, too unworthy at all. with all their little hearts they sang ‘don’t let satan blow it out…’ and shouted (and stomped their tap shoes) ‘NOOO!!!’ convinced and committed to do it!
    how about us bigger girls? are we as committed in our hearts? today may we each stomp our boot-clad, slipper-clad, uggs-clad foot…and tell our enemy that NOOOO! he is not gonna blow our little light out…we ARE gonna let it shine for Jesus! <3

  2. Michelle Graziano says

    I am letting go of the lie that I am too damaged.

    Thank you Carissa xo

    • Michelle, when we become born-again, we become a NEW creature in Christ. That old life no longer exists. It’s only our minds now that won’t let go of the past. Christ has already forgiven your past; cleansed you from ALL unrighteousness, and made you white as snow!! When those old thought patterns return to remind you of your past, tell them to FLEE!!! Remind them of WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST!!! You are an amazingly wonderful, and beautiful, woman, Michelle!! Don’t let satan steal from you any longer!!!! BE the woman you are in Christ!

      • Beautifully stated. Amen amen amen! God works ALL things for His good…I know I need to dwell in that truth more often than I do now. Most importantly, His love is never ending and never failing. It keeps no records of wrongs!

    • yay!!! that IS a lie! praying God takes it so far away that you will not be tempted to pick it back up again! <3

  3. Good blog Carissa! Satan is a liar!