February 22, 2025

Crazy Love: Chapter 4 – Lukewarm People

This chapter in the book is hard to read because it’s making me examine every part of my walk with God. It’s also very good because it’s making me examine every part of my walk with God! If that sounds like a contradiction, I guess that’s okay. I believe God gives us these study books, times, and people in our lives to re-examine our walk and commitment to Him. We shouldn’t take it lightly. Everything is done for a reason and  for His purposes.  Some of the things presented do not line up with our world today and that is a good thing. We don’t want our lives to measure up with the world and what it thinks we should tolerate and be today.

So, in reading this part of the book, I have compiled a few questions for myself:

1. Do I love God with all my heart, soul, and mind?

2. Am I one of those people who think that this kind of love is radical?

3. Do I love others more than myself, or just those that love me back?

4.  Am I willing to serve God without limits?

5. Do I think about my life here on earth more than I do eternity in Heaven?

6. Do I give out of a heart that is willing to sacrifice even if it makes me uncomfortable?

7. Am I content with being just good enough?

8. Do I just play it safe or do I sacrifice and takes risks for God?

I find myself really lacking  in some of these questions. I love God and am so grateful for my salvation. I need to let go of things that hold me back from experiencing all God has for me. I know there are some things I could change to help my walk be closer to His ideal. First and foremost, I could spend more time with God, learning more about Him and His plan for my life.  Then put into practice more of what these questions are implying, a more Godly approach to life and others, a right perspective.

Perhaps I need to examine how many  worldly things I participate in that can be curtailed or even taken out of my life. Like how much time DO I spend in front of the TV watching things that  I shouldn’t be watching?  Have you seen some of the shows on TV? I mean I try to be selective in what I watch but even the commercials are ungodly! Do I realize that Jesus is right there watching along with me?  WOAH!  And how about the music I’m listening to, does it glorify God? What about the book I’m reading?

These things are hard!!  These things are so accepted in the world today and, yes, even in the Christian realm! We tolerate so many things in our lives because the world doesn’t think it is wrong. But we need to ask God if it’s wrong instead.

When I’m in church do I seek out the unlovely and pour out God’s genuine love on them?

I have a dear friend who often asks me to go a little past comfortable…go a little further in the things of God. She says she is stretching me! Sometimes that make me uncomfortable, but I do it. You know what? It usually turns out to be exactly what I needed! She’s not afraid to take risks and she helps me see the good in that.


I want to be able to answer all of these questions, and more, in the positive, but unfortunately I can’t do that at all times. There are areas in my life that I need to work on. I believe we all do. I don’t want to be a shallow Christian. I want my roots to go deep into God. I believe our walk with God is a continual growing process. We should never be at a stand still, but moving forward with our eyes fixed on the upward call of God. The minute we take our eyes off Him, they go to self. And then we get caught up in ourselves, our circumstances, and the world. Our priority is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing it with others; that’s why we’re here. It’s not about us.  It’s all about Him.



In Christ,



Let’s Pray:

Lord, I am praying for a right perspective on our world and how we live in  it. May You be our one and only priority when living out our faith. Bring to mind in our daily lives these questions and help us to answer them in the positive at the end of the day. And that we have our faith and walk on track with Your purposes in mind. Thank You that You love us with such unending love.  In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Your Assignment:

Did you ask yourself some questions when reading this part of the book today? What are some of those questions? Let’s get our heads together and ponder them and maybe they will help us to change some things in our lives that God would have us change in order to serve Him with a right perspective.



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If you would like to email a private message to Donna in regards to this blog, please email her at: Donna@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


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About Donna Day

Donna Day, Blog Contributor – Women’s Ministry
Donna lives in Southeast Wisconsin with her husband Ronald. Together they have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. She loves to read, sing and listen to some talk-radio. Donna attends Rock Assembly of God, where she is active in coffee ministry, Worship team and heads up their Women’s Ministry, as well.


  1. thank you, donna, for sharing those tough/needful questions. like david prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me" (psalm 51:10), so can we! <3

  2. Megan Smidt says

    I love these questions, Donna!!!! God is really doing a work inside me and I am so uncomfortable about it, I KNOW its all Him! Lord, give us all the strength we need to be not of this world!

  3. These questions are so stirring. When you talk about roots that's scary. I remember back 7 years ago as a prodigal daughter coming home the fear I had in not knowing how to lay down roots & now I have the fear of having to leave my current church because Hector wants to leave this area. One thing I do know is I won't worry about leaving but I will trust in and lean on God and the Holy Spirit to guide us in this. Because now I am rooted in Christ not just some pew.

    • Absolutely Anne! We need to find our roots in Christ, not in a church or pew or person. God will be faithful and lead you right where you need to go!! Praying for you to find that exact place where God wants you. Trust Him to proivide. zHugs Anne!!

  4. Great post, Donna! These are questions that are tough to face, and I definitely find myself lacking in many of these areas. I have to turn to my Father and let him help me and change me.

    And, as I was reading your post, it occurred to me that this isn't something that happens immediately, it is a gradual change. Like you said, we can be stretched, and after we are, then we become that new person in Him, even if it is in little tiny baby steps. This study is definitely one to help us to stretch ourselves.

  5. Sherrie we all struglle with our walk at times, I do continually. I know I'm not where God wants me all the time, but it spurs me on to work at it. We can trust God to answer these questions in our hearts and where you are is maybe not where I am yet and vice versa. but we'll get there in His time. IF we allow God to lead us, we wil be victorious in the end. The stretching isn't alway easy, but it's worth it!! Thanks Sherrie!!

  6. Dawn Benson says

    Thank you for the hard lesson and discussion. This section reminds me of Job and in chapter 29 Verses 19 – 20

    For I am like a tree whose roots reach the water,

    whose branches are refreshed with the dew.

    20 New honors are constantly bestowed on me,

    and my strength is continually renewed.’

    When our roots reach toward the water or our souls long for Christ, He will refresh those roots with water and renew our souls. That is an honor! God hearing our cry for help, quenching out thirst for him and then blessing us for wanting Him…

    mmmm…mmmm…mmmmm That makes my heart sing with JOY!!

  7. Michelle Stevens says


    Wonderful blog! I'm like you I see myself lacking in these areas as well. For me is just stepping out of my comfort zone and and also spend more tine with God and seek his will for my life.

  8. "Lukewarm people will serve God and others, but there are limits to how far they will go or how much time, money, and energy they are willing to give." I don't want to be content in just being good enough. However, growing deep roots is hard work and takes conscious effort. The neat thing is God's promise, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." I agree that it is a continual growing process. "Help me, Lord, to keep moving closer to You."

  9. Thanks Dawn!!

  10. Thank you Michelle! We should always be working on doing God's will, we won't be finished til with our Savior in Heaven. I just try to keep that iin mind!

  11. This is a wonderfully thought provoking, encouraging and challenging post! I had a situation come up yesterday and as I read your post and talked to the Lord about how I could stretch myself today HE gave me the answer to do with the situation. YES, stretch but i am so excited… I want all He has for me and I want to be as close as i possible can to Him.. I do not want any lukewarmness in me at all… Ty for you wonderful blog!

  12. Sisters in Christ says

    thanks Donna for the post…all of the questions were really hit at the gut….Am I content with just being good enough, do I take risk…you sure gave us some “food for thought” to look at with ourselves and God. I loved the part about the friend stretching you….Our church is getting ready to go through a capital campaign and anyone who knows me, knows that I am a quite person(I like behind the scenes jobs)….well I guess that God and our pastor did not get that “Memo” ….my husband and I are going to be the director’s of the campaign….so much for being quite…better start working on that now…guess that is my #6 from above…