February 22, 2025

Crazy Love: Chapter 3 Weekly Review

Weekly Review

WOW…. this past week had us digging into our past… living in our present AND looking with excitement and passion to our future! Let’s take a look back at this week’s lessons for a moment together…

Monday, you and I explored our relationships with our earthly father and how we can translate that onto our relationship with God. That can be good and/ or not so good…. but we learned how important it is to understand that God is above all humanity and it is dangerous to our relationship with Him to try to put earthly limits on Him.

Martha shared with us about coming to God with a reverent intimacy. I enjoyed that lesson so much as she walked us through the stages of childhood developement and how we need to look to our heavenly Father with a reverent fear out of the crazy love we have for Him.

On Wednesday, Donna shared with us about how no matter what rejection we might have faced on this earth, that God has wanted and loved us since he formed us in our mother’s womb. We are wanted by Him… always and He will never forsake or turn from us.

Jennifer shared with us on yesterday about what choice we have in all of this….. God will always love us, no matter what… but we all have a choice whether or not to love Him and live for Him in return. We need to know Him and love Him no matter what… unconditionally the way He loves each of us. He deserves nothing less from His children <3

Francis Chan has another amazing video for us this week. Please go watch it now…


Are you just SO struck with the love of the father… SO struck with the love of Jesus that there are no words?

Chan challenges us  to live love-struck by the love of Jesus every day of our life. He challenges us to think about the cross in traffic, at the grocery store or in line at the bank…. to think about what HE did for you and for me and be completely broken again right there. I can’t think of anything more humbling or a better way to keep our focus on Jesus as we live our every day.

No one has ever or will ever love you like Jesus has and does…. HE IS THE greatest love of my life and your life. Do you feel it? Are you letting that fill every part of your heart and soul? This love is stronger than that of a parent/ child relationship because it is flawless…. without any earthly hang-ups and issues. The redemptive work of Jesus on the cross is the most pure love ever….

And its all yours <3

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord, thank you for the lessons in this week’s chapter. For any of us who still have not been broken by the love you have for us, I ask you today to break our hearts either again or for the first time. Help us feel your love in every part of who we are… to not just want to do our best for you to do it, but because we love you THAT much and THAT completely! Thank you for this provision, Father, as we seek you more completely and fiercely than ever before. Amen <3

Your Assignment:

Do you remember when you “got it”… when you LOVED Him?  Let’s each share those experiences when you “got it.” When you feel in LOVE with Your Creator. Chan urges us to understand this part of the book. It’s not about trying harder to please God, but to REALLY be in love with him…. to make the cross central in your life. It’s about relationship… intimate relationship and not legalism.Please share with us in a comment below about the time in your life when you “got” the Love you have for Jesus!


Megan 🙂


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If you would like to email a private message to Megan in regards to this blog, please email her at: Megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. I'm not sure I can pinpoint just one time when I "got it" because there have been many times in my life when my breathe has been taken away by the "new" realization of how Awesome God is and how much He loves me, a bit of dust in His big universe! Perhaps this is one example–My husband and I were on a trip in Spain, and I had gotten up early to read my Bible. As I was reading in Psalms about the majesty of God's creation, the sun rose over the Mediterranian Sea. It was the most gorgeous sight I have seen but more importantly I felt that God was showing me how much He loves me and wants to share Himself and His beauty with me. It was just such a personal intimate moment with Him that I have trouble describing it but I'll never forget it. "Thank You, Lord!"

  2. Dawn Benson says

    I love rainbows and one day I was driving home from work and the sun was shining and it was raining. I said "Lord, I would love to see a rainbow right now. It would be so awesome if you'd just give me one."

    The next day I was at work sitting at the desk and I looked out the window. I yelled "oh my do you see that? Do you see that?" my friend said what do you see? I said there is a rainbow on the edge of that cloud. There were actually 2 clouds together and the rainbow was on the edges of them. She said yes, that's so neat. I said out loud "thank You, Lord. I know that is my special gift because you know how much I love your Promise, seeing a rainbow"

    Every time I see a rainbow I instantly thank God out loud because he knows how much I love seeing them and he gives them to me in the most wonderful times of my life. Sometimes it's on a bad day, one day it was right before I was almost in a 3 car wreck, when I've been struggling with something, on a great day that I'm feeling full of the Spirit.

    That is how much he loves us. He hears our prayers and gives us exactly what we need, when we need it. There are many other times I've had that "I got it" moment but these are my favorite. It's a reminder of God's promise that he will never destroy the earth by flood and something special for us to look at and acknowledge his promise to us verbally. I am in awe of our God so many times and lately he's been blessing me so abundantly that I think I may need a heart transplant soon. I literally think my heart will explode with the joy I have inside.

    BTW – Francis' video had me in tears. Every time I ponder the sacrifice God made in sending Jesus and what Jesus did for me….oh the emotion that erupts in my soul.

    Thank you Father God for loving us. Thank You for the blessings you give us daily. Thank You for the trials and tests that bring us closer to You. Thank You for the people you bring into our lives that we can minister to and that minister to us. Thank You for the beauty you surround us with daily, things we take for granted and forget to praise you for. I am in love with YOU LORD and I know and understand you love me too, however the depths of your love are hard for my little brain to comprehend.

    • Megan Smidt says

      I love this dawn!!!! God speaks to me with trees <3

      • Dawn Benson says

        Isn't it great how he takes something he knows we love and uses it to reach us? There is a little hill I drive over on my way to work and the sun was just rising over the top of the mountain and I would cry at the beauty. I think God loves that we notice him in those things as well as the blessings he bestows on us.

        He also lets me see dolphins when I'm at the beach. I love those also. The little things in life make me so happy. I am so easy to please but I love that he takes the time to do it anyway <3

        • wow, Dawn, I love dolphins and trees too! I think we could be sisters–oh yea, we are! 🙂 I see God in all His beautiful nature and I do believe He expresses His love to us through those things that He knows pleases us.