February 22, 2025

Life’s Healing Choices: Week 3 “The Commitment Choice” – What’s Holding You Back?

I have a question for you this morning: What is holding you back from surrendering your problems and your life to the care of God?

Today we are going to talk about five things that keep us from making this choice: Pride, Fear, Guilt, Worry, and Doubt.  

This has been, and to this day still is, a battle for me in a few areas in my life. I found it painfully hard to fully acknowledge to myself those painful feelings of guilt that I tried to push down deep inside that would continue to pop up and hurt. Satan loves to try and ruin our day by bringing up past scars. He loves to see us reliving that pain and being pushed bit by bit away from God. His desire is that the pain will always be there and we will not ever be able to heal.

Everyone has feelings of pride, fear, guilt, worry, and doubt from time to time. But God wants us to stop, let go, and give Him these feelings and hurts that cause destruction in our lives and to those we love. He simply wants to take care of our hurts; all we have to do is hand them over to Him today. For many, this is not easy. In fact, this was so very hard for me to do. I would like to share a situation in which I had a very hard time giving up control and putting my love and trust in God.

Due to the lack of male figures as a child growing up, I had trust issues and I yearned for male attention. I had my heart broken many times as a young child and I truly felt very sorry for myself and very angry toward men, but on the other hand, I wanted their love so badly. When I was 14 years old, I was raped by my boyfriend. He pressured me to be with him because he “loved” me. Although I wanted that love so bad, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to give myself to him.  At the last minute, I decided not to go through with it, but he chose to continue…without my consent.  Afterwards, he threatened that if I ever told anyone what he did, or tried to break up with him, he would let everyone know what I had done with him; that I was no longer innocent and pure.

As time went on, anger, hurt, love, and trust turned into major resentment toward every man I came in contact with. I was not about to trust a man with my heart. I would be the one in control, and I would not have to fear rejection. I started using my body as a way to control that overwhelming need for love. I used sex lying to myself calling it “love.” I would now become the rejecter. Although, reality was that sex became disgusting to me because it was filth and not love that I always yearned for. That was when I decided I would be the one who would cause one to feel sad, hurt, and unloved. I wanted men to “want” me, because this is what I thought love was. I learned great ways to manipulate them with my eyes, the way I moved my body, the way I did things to cause them to feel jealousy so they would stay with me. This was (in my mind) justifiable behavior. I had been treated that way, so why shouldn’t I treat men that way. Isn’t that how love works?

After this, I turned very selfish and could not offer real intimacy and pure love to anyone, even with my devoted husband who truly loved me. I just never believed that love was real. I had never received it in any other male relationships before, so I thought how would my marriage be any different. That boyfriend I had, said he loved me, but look how that turned out. I believe this is my reason for having a hard time putting my trust, not only in my husband, but mostly with the Lord. How on earth could my Heavenly Father really love me that way?

Finally I woke up and decided to quit playing the victim. I chose to give this hurt to the Lord along with the control, pride, guilt, fear, worry, and doubt. In the beginning, I did not think He could change me, but God did. He was going to set me free!

“I have swept away your sins like a cloud.  I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist.  Oh return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.”  — Isaiah 44:22

Today, love is changing between me and my husband. I am “learning to trust” him and even more, trusting God in all things. God is calling out to all of us “This is the Lord, trust me, let go, and I will catch you.” (Baker)

How about you? Are you willing to lay down your pride and surrender? Are you ready to stop being tormented by your hurts that have controlled you for so long? Are you having doubts right now even though you want to believe? Ask God right now to help you with your unbelief. As John Baker says, “Jesus said, that’s good enough.” All you need is faith as small as a mustard seed. If you put that faith in our Big God then you will get results. (Baker)

Jesus replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

So what are you waiting for? Let go and give Christ control! He wants a loving relationship with you more than anything!



Let’s Pray:

Lord, Thank You for Your love for us. You tell us, Lord, to come to You with all things and You will give us rest. Lord, we want to do this and surrender our problems and care over to You; but it’s not easy. The pride, guilt, fear, worry, and doubt get in the way. Lord, we ask You to help us right now to let go and surrender our problems and lives to the care and control of You. Lord,we need help. We need You in our lives. All this we pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Your Assignment: 

Write down and explain which of these things God is showing to you about yourself such as: pride, guilt, fear, worry, and doubt that is holding you back from making a decision to surrender and give Christ control of your life. Remember, comments made here are public. You do have the option of signing in anonymously.


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If you would like to send Leslie a private email in regards to this blog, please email her at: Leslie@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

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About Leslie Stewart

Leslie Stewart - Blog Contributor – GCH:Victorious Healing
Leslie lives in Manchester Tennessee with her husband Bart, and her two daughters, ages 8 and 10. She works part-time at a local gymnastics company in Tullahoma and serves in Children’s Church Ministry and Cleaning Ministry at her church. She also hosts a church small group every Wednesday night at her home. Leslie loves to volunteer at her children’s school and loves painting and decorating.


  1. truly, such little faith is required of us! our Father is so very gracious to us that He will take our 'mustard seed faith' and make big things of it!

    thank you, leslie, so much for sharing your heart and all that the Lord brought you through and changed you!!! <3

  2. I LOVED this! I needed this right now in y life… My biggest struggle is worry and fear… I know God is on control if my life however I struggle daily dealing with not being able to fully trust that he will not fail! I have struggled with always having to "do" and can't "let go and let GOD"! I am excited to learn more about life's healing choices! Thank you Leslie!!

  3. Kim Spring says

    Me too. My faith is about the size of a mustard seed sometimes and yet sometimes it's the size of a boulder. I forget so quickly how my needs are always met. It's my wants that I need to line up with what God wants and I will have joy joy joy. Thanks girl!!

  4. Amy Butterfield says

    Thank you, Leslie, for sharing your heart & your life so openly for us today. I understand your struggles and spent many years trying to reconcile my earthly father with my Heavenly Father … how could two called "father" be so radically different? So many times we expect others to be "all" for us. I've heard wives say that their husbands should be enough for them. Or husbands say that they need no one but their wives. Truth is, that's a horrible burden to place on another human being. We were never intended to be all for each other. That's God's role … He is to be all that we need. He is the one to provide everything abundantly (as Laurie shared yesterday). Love you, sweet friend, and appreciate your honesty <3

  5. I can relate to what you are saying here Cherie. I used to feel the same way! But what I found is that the more I got to know God and what His character truly was like, I grew to believe that He would never let me down, as man did. God LOVES you honey, and He is always there for you, and always has your best interest at heart. I pray that He will reveal Himself to you in a powerful way!! ((HUGS))

  6. Leslie, one thing that I want to say to you is that I am so blessed to see the steps that you have taken to better your life. You had a choice, my friend, to stay the way you were….OR you could CHOOSE to make your life better. You CHOSE to allow God into your heart, and to allow Him to heal the past and totally tranform your life! I am so blessed to see what God did in your life, and continues to do!!! Love you sweet girlfriend!