February 22, 2025

Crazy Love: Week 2 / Chapter 2 – “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” (Brooke’s Story)

“You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age.”

— Brooke Bronkowski —


I will be honest with you. When I read through this section of the chapter, at first I felt a sense of hopelessness. How does someone so young inspire so many? How does someone so young preach the gospel to her peers, hand out Bibles, and share the love of Christ without fear? And, how does someone so young, who could have done so much more, die at such a young age?

At her funeral service, at least 200 students came forward and accepted Christ. 200 students. God used the life of a willing servant, who happened to be just 14 years old, to transform hundreds of lives while she was alive as well as through her passing.

What am I doing to have an impact? What could I ever do that would have that great of an impact? If I take a good, long, hard look in the mirror, can I truly say that I am a willing servant?

(Stay with me here. . . I know we are digging through a lot of deep stuff in this study!)

God has divinely placed each and every one of us where He wants us to be. You are uniquely female for a reason. You are in your family unit, married to a certain person (or single), raising particular children, all for a purpose. You are in your job not by chance, but because God willed you to be there. If we believe that the Lord is ruler of all; that He orchestrates all things and directs our every step, then we know the following to be true—our daily interactions with store clerks, salespeople, neighbors, and family are placed in our path for a reason. Not one thing is by chance. Every moment of our lives comes from above.

I am sure that each of us has experienced a divine appointment with someone in this world. It could have been a stranger (did someone pay your toll? hold the door? smile at you for no reason?) or someone who we know well (a spiritual mentor, a family member, or friend). God places people in our lives at certain times to serve a need that we have. He shows His love and faithfulness to us in this way.

On the flip-side…have you ever thought about God divinely using you in someone else’s life to help them meet a need that the Lord knows that they have? It could be as simple as a friendly smile or holding a door. It could be more-–buying coffee or lunch for the person in the drive-thru behind you or starting a conversation. Are you actively looking for these moments? Do you go through your day seeking God and waiting for Him to speak to your heart?

The differences we make in this life do not have to be extravagant. We are all wired differently to serve a specific purpose for our Lord. Just because you do not hand out Bibles or share the gospel with everyone you meet does not mean you are not of worth or of value to God. We are difference-makers by actively seeking our Lord, listening to what He says, and looking for opportunities to do His Will in this earthly world. God wants a willing servant. When He has your heart, He will direct your steps. And all of our steps are different.

So, although at first I felt a sense of hopelessness and condemnation reading the author’s words in this section, because that is what Satan wanted me to feel…now I know that God is using me in the way He knows He can. He used Brooke in the way He knew would work in HER life, based on her divinely created personality and attributes. And He will use YOU, too…as long as you listen and let Him. Brooke’s story is amazing…but so is yours.  Amen?


Father, as we reflect on the life of young Brooke, let us not lose heart for what we are not doing; yet, let us look forward to what we can still do while we are here. Help us to lay the past down and to forgive ourselves for any missed opportunities. Continue to work in and through us as we go about our daily lives, showing us who we can serve and how we can serve them. Let us become willing servants for You, oh Lord. In Jesus name, we pray–Amen!


Leave a comment and answer this question: How can we live differently knowing that the next interaction we have with someone, even a stranger, is one that is divinely orchestrated by the Lord?


Would you like to read a bit more about Brooke? I found a link to this news article discussing her accident where her friends talked about her deep faith. An incredible young girl.

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up.

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If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at: Jennifer@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


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  1. This is so exciting! I totally get the intimidating part too though! I pray all the time that God will use me to bless others! It makes me feel excited to know that God could use me in big or little ways and at peace knowing that God created me on purpose! Thanks for a great post!

  2. i need to hold this concept in my head AND my heart…it is awesome as well as humbling to know that our Father, the Creator—Who doesn't NEED any of us to do anything, He is quite capable—chooses to give us these divine appointments! it is such an incredible privilege to be Jesus' hands and feet!

    so how do/how must i live differently? for me, i think, that i need to remember ALL the grace that has been applied to my own life and heart…and to be willing to give back grace. i am asking God to help me through the holy spirit to be cognizant of that. <3

  3. I need to remember that God is a part of even the smallest things. One thing I do know is that God has placed quite a few single and hurting moms in my path with my daycare. The newest one is just starting the process of a messy divorce. I want to be what she needs me to be…even if it's just a shoulder. I know God is involved in every child coming to my home every day. I want to show them God in amazing and powerful ways.

  4. Great post. I felt the nudge through this not to compare myself with others who, in my eyes, might be doing "bigger" things than me. As you said, God uniquely designed me for a purpose. For me, I feel God leads me to lend a "listening ear" to those who are hurting that I come in contact with

    • Joyce Meyer talked about this exact thing on her show today, Martha. We should never ever compare ourselves to another Christian. It robs us of the JOY that is available to us to serve Him through who HE created us to be!! He didn't create me to be like you, and vice versa. So we have different ways that we are to serve Him. He has given you the beautiful ability to write; something I wholeheartedly admire! Use those gifts, as you have been, to be a blessing to others! 🙂

  5. Jennifer great post!! Keeping in perspective is what I need to do. I am NOT Billy Graham but God still uses me. In my part of the world here I can take every opportunity to spread the Gospel just the way HE ordained me to do. Little is much when placed in the Masters hands!!!

    • I am always reminded of Moses when we have discussions like this. Moses felt so inadequate to be used by God because of his speech impediment. He even asked God to use his brother Aaron instead. But God said "I want YOU!" And just look what happened when Moses finally agreed! God used him in a big way. He may want to use us to bless a grocery store clerk, or our nurse, or one of the women in your church! We just need to be WILLING!! 🙂

  6. We are treatment foster parents, and have one 16 yr old boy living with us. He will be with us til at least 18. We also have a son of our own (adopted @ 22 months), who is 17. We are going to be empty nesters in a couple of yrs, (unless our other son, who is also adopted, moves back in ((19 yrs old). So we told our agency we were done taking in more kids. Well through this study, we have decided (God inspired) to continue to take on more kids. We CAN make a difference in their lives. God working through us, will make an impact on their lives!! We want to live the way God wants us to live (and serve). Yep, not taking in other foster kids was a selfish decision. But God had other plans! 🙂

    • I don't think your decision to no longer take anymore kids is a selfish decision, Rae Ann, because I believe God can still use you to help others who are in foster care, such as offering advice, or just being there as a support person for prayer! He can still continue to use you in many ways. Plus, now may be the time that He will use you to minister to each other, and to be a blessing to your husband. Just so many possibilities ahead of you!! Praying for you, my friend!

  7. I am one of those people that purposely smiles at someone who looks grumpy, talks kindly to a check out clerk that looks like she's having a bad day or hug someone that just looks like they need it. I feel that is what God made me for. To be a comforter, a small bit of happiness, proof that not all man kind is rude & self serving. I am the nice person, lol! It gives me joy & hopefully gives joy to others, even if for just a little while.

    Brooke's story made me think the same as you. She was obviously going to be a good steward for God, so why did He take her to heaven when she could've done so much good here on earth. But what happened at her funeral answered my question. Her death affected the young people that so desperately need God in their life. Anything else she may have done on earth may not have had such an impact. Death at a young age is so sad, but when you think about it in a spiritual way, she was rewarded greatly by getting to go home to be with our loving father.

    Excellent post, Jen!

  8. "Are you actively looking for these moments?" That was my wake up call for today. I do try to remember to ask God at the beginning of my day to use me for His glory, but honestly I don't always LOOK for those moments. I'm sure I've missed many opportunities that He has set up but i didn't pay attention to. I do believe that even the hug and compliment I gave one of Mother's aids was God touching her through me. But I need to be brave to speak out for Him too when He guides me. "Help me, Lord, to stay in tune for Your still small voice to guide me to touch the lives of others in whatever way You would have me to."

    • I am reminded of the scripture "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It's in our weakness that He will give us His strength to do the work He calls us to do. Amen?!

  9. I tend to be shy & self conscious so I look down instead of looking at people. Being reminded that little things can make a difference, i will make an effort to look up and smile at people I pass, open doors, those small, random acts of kindness might make a big difference

    • 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 came to mind for you Cynda: We are confident of all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. 5 It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. 6 He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant. This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The old written covenant ends in death; but under the new covenant, the Spirit gives life.

      God bless you girl. YOU ARE A BLESSING TO MANY!!! I hope you know that!

  10. When I read this blog this passage came to mind – Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.-Philippians 4:9 (AMP). Brooke practiced these words and others around her were drawn to her. What a legacy she left!!!

    How differently do I live believing that the next moment has been orchestrated by God? I pray on a daily basis that when I share the good news that the way to heaven is through Jesus that those I share with can see him in all aspects of my life.

  11. Thank you 🙂

  12. Christi, I still find myself comparing myself to other Christians, what they have, how they are! what they do and can do! It's hard not to!I I'm still trying to find "my worth" in Christ. Still to this day Christi I don't know my purpose. Maybe I should do a whole lot more praying, soul searching`!!

  13. All this week, I have been reminded of this. I'm on a business trip in Phoenix with my husband, and I've had opportunities the past few days to interact with others. It's been so amazing and fun! Nothing big, nothing fancy…but I do wonder why God has me in this place at this time. Yesterday I went exploring in the "old downtown" part of this city, and was looking at a lunch menu outside a restaurant. Well, two ladies walked by me and one said, "The food here is really good". So I decided to go in. I asked them what they would recommend and went back to sit at a table. They noticed that I was alone, so one of them came over and invited me to sit with them! It was so much fun talking to them – we discovered that all three of us had lived in the same general area near Richmond, VA at about the same time! Talk about a small world – or…I like to think of it as God orchestrating this "chance" meeting. I have no idea why we were brought together, and I may never know…and I'm okay with that. But I'd like to think that God had a purpose in that chance meeting. I tend to be a shy and quiet person, so for me to think that something like that was fun is another miracle in itself – but it's true – it's fun when God uses you, if even in a small way. I also tend to compare myself with other "well known" Christians and think that I can't have the same impact as they do. And yes, that may very well be true! But maybe God uses me to impact others in a more quiet way, perhaps I can touch those who are downtrodden or shy – and in His Kingdom, those souls are just as precious as any other.

  14. Cindy Dehner says

    I think the biggest challenge we face is realizing that while our story may not be as "big" as Brooke's, it is just as impactful. Leaving ourselves open to be used by God in just the way, time and place created leaves an impact. It may not be one that we see right away, but you may be the one who plants the seed, while another helps it to grow and blossom. May we remember that we are called according to his purpose and not our own. Blessings!

  15. bethsewing says

    We can trust G-d to give us the words to bless someone we do not know. One time at the store I really felt the urge to help someone in need and as I walked into the next aisle there was a woman who could not reach something. I asked her if she needed help and she said "yes". It was such a blessing to know that I can wish to help someone and He will fulfill that wish. Thank you G-d!!!!!!!

  16. It is my greatest heart desire to serve my Lord in any way that He orchestrates. Whether that be through the musical talent He has given me or His gift of teaching. I am totally in agreement with you that every person, every job, every part of our lives has been orchestrated by Him for a Heavenly purpose. I don't always know what that is but I've often moved forward no matter.

  17. Sisters in Christ says

    Great blog Jennifer!! How can we live differently waiting for interaction….I try to always be a cheerful and postive person, sometimes family and friends say I am too cheerful and positive thinking but I try to always lift people up and give them postive ways of looking @ things. I know I am not my SS teacher who is a very godly Lady and freind but God uses all of us in different ways that is way we are the Body of Christ with MANY parts….All of us work together to serve Him