February 22, 2025

Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” – Before the Throne (pgs. 34-38)

This week we have looked at creation from the expansive galaxies to the smallest creatures. We have examined the eternal attributes of God. But, have you ever spent time thinking about what it must be like to BE with God in Heaven; to actually BE in His presence; to SEE Him? If you have not taken the time to read Revelation 4 and Isaiah 6, click this link and read it now.

What image comes to your mind of what it must be like to be in the actual physical presence of God? As Isaiah said, “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty” (Isaiah 6:5). What a powerful statement! As sinful humans, we aren’t worthy to be in God’s presence. We just aren’t. God is perfect and holy. But, He loves us so very much that He sent Jesus, His Son, to make a way for us to be with Him in Heaven one day. What response do we have other than bowing down in worship to our King?

“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
To receive glory and honor and power,
For you created all things,
And by your will they were created
And have their being.” (Revelation 4:11, emphasis mine)

God created every single galaxy, placed each star; he created every creature that roams the earth… including you and me. He could have created anything, but it is by His Will that we are here. He wanted us. He wants us still. And even though we are human and cannot seem to get out of God’s way most of the time, He still loves us without conditions and without expectations. His only desire is that we acknowledge Him, accept Him, and love Him with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, and all of our strength. He wants to be part of our lives; to walk this rocky road of life with us. He wants our heart. And not just a piece of it – He wants the whole thing.

Will you give Him your whole heart and trust in his enduring faithfulness to see you through?

I leave you with one of the most incredible worship songs ever – Revelation Song by Kari Jobe. Spend some time worshiping the King of Kings today. Imagine that you are John standing in the Throne room, experiencing what he experienced. Put yourself right there. Think of it each time you begin your prayer or devotional time. It’s quite a picture, isn’t it?!

Father, you are deserving of our enduring love, praise, and worship. You create and sustain all things. It is by YOUR WILL that all life was created, Lord, and we can do nothing but bow to you in thankfulness for who you are and what you do for us each and every day. Help us to see You in all things and to see beyond our current circumstances to the abundant life that you have for us in Christ. And it is in His precious and holy name that we pray, Amen!

I have the “Living Crazy Love” study guide to go along with this book and I’d like to pose the question that is in the guide because it goes so well with today’s blog post. What do you think would come out of your mouth the moment you first saw God? What would be the first words you would say?

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Donna in regards to this blog, please email her at: Jennifer@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

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  1. I would hope to be silent, reason being, I am always saying something. I want to just soak it in. I want to stand there in awe of His presence and not utter a word of my own.

  2. I confess when I read that question and thought about being right in The Throne Room with God, the first words that popped into my mind were: "Forgive me for not taking the time to worship you more."

  3. Dawn Benson says

    I don't know that I would be able to speak. I see myself face down on the ground in such awe of the God that loves me so much he sent his son to die for me. When I was able to speak I hope Thank You rolls off my tongue and pours out from my heart.

  4. After falling to my knees and starting to cry, I would attempt a weak "Thank you."

  5. Megan Smidt says

    I really think I would not be able to stop crying and I think i would be filled with so much joy, awe and love that I would not be able to speak. <3 I'm tearing up just thinking about it 🙂

    • Samele Thorner says

      I also doubt I would be able to get a word out. I would probably stand there dumbfounded and I can imagine Him saying, Samele close your mouth. If I eve composed myself, I have no idea what I would say because nothing seems to be enough.

  6. The first thing that came to my mind was a picture of myself looking up at the Lord & saying "I'm sorry." Tears!!!

  7. I don't know that I would be able to speak. Or tear my gaze away from His beauty, His majesty, looking at Him in awe, in love and adoration & just longing to be near to Him.

    • Jennifer M. says

      Yes…just to rest near Him.. that's what we long for in this earthly life.. it will be grand!

  8. Speechless! I believe I would fall on my knees and want to melt into the floor because I will feel so unworthy of being in His presence. When I can speak, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is my Lord God Almighty. I love You, Lord! Thank You for loving me first and more than I can imagine. Cleanse me that I might stay in Your presence forever."

  9. Jennifer M. says

    LOL Christine!! That made me chuckle!! But, yes, I don't know that I would be able to utter a word either. I think I would be rendered speechless!

  10. Jennifer M. says

    Ah, Martha, I'm so thankful that he pours out His abundant grace. But while we are still here, we CAN make changes if we are led to do so! <3

  11. Jennifer M. says

    I think it would, Dawn. I don't know that "Thank You" could even be enough! I'm so glad that He knows, though… that even when we don't have the words, He seeks our heart and just knows. What a comfort!

  12. Jennifer M. says

    That's beautiful, Pamela <3

  13. Jennifer M. says

    I agree, Megan… I don't think words could even describe the feelings that would overpower us.

  14. Jennifer M. says

    LOL!!! I think He would know and understand exactly what you were feeling and words wouldn't even need to be uttered.. You would just be one.. How amazing is that?

  15. I don't know what I'd be able to say! Maybe cry, I know I'd be at peace, I think I'm with Martha, I'd say forgive me for not taking more time!! Good question though to think on, what would we say?!!!

    • Jennifer M. says

      It's definitely a great question to ponder as we go about our daily lives!!! And I love your comment that you said you would be at peace. Yes, absolutely!! Love it!

  16. "My Lord and My God"!!!!!!!! HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!!! – or probably stunned into silence!

  17. I, too, don’t think I would be able to speak one word. I would be crying too hard. I know I am not worthy, and just the fact that I could be in His presence would be extremely overwhelming.
    I hope one day that I find out 🙂

  18. I would be so overwhelmed and probably cry and just repeat thank you a million times:)

  19. Megan Smidt says

    I'm glad i'm not the only weepy lady around here!!! LOL!!! 🙂

  20. I truly believe that my first words would be "Thank You!!" He has never let me down and I don't see any better words coming out of my mouth!!

  21. Michelle Stevens says

    I think I would be so Awestruck that I was face to face with Jesus that I would be speechless that a single word would not come out of my mouth even if I did speak.

  22. I don't think I could speak either.

  23. I just do not know what I would do. Fall down on my knees and just cry in complete Awe of him….forgive me Lord….I am not worthy….Thank you for your wonderful amazing Grace.