February 22, 2025

Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” pgs. 29-34

I love what Francis Chan says on page 29 of our study today: “Most of us know that we are supposed to love God; that we are supposed to read our Bibles and pray so that we can get to know Him better; that we are supposed to worship Him with our lives. But actually living it out is a challenge.” I was so blessed when I read that! To actually have that said, out loud, was a relief to me, because some days it IS a challenge. Life just seems to get in the way:  husband, kids, school, job, dishes, just everyday life. Hard things we can’t understand too, like divorce, betrayal, death. Wow! Those things pull us away from reading, praying and worshiping. That “amnesia” flares up and we forget!

Let’s go over the defining attributes of God that Francis Chan pointed out to us in this section.

God is Holy: In Exodus 3:14 we read: “God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am’.” No one can change that. And yet it is so hard to fathom! So, in other words, He is everything. He is our all. We just can’t brag on Him enough because He IS all that and even more!

God is Eternal: Francis points out that we would probably all agree to this, and yet we don’t really comprehend it because we are limited to time, beginnings and endings. God has always been and always will be. Psalm 102:12,17 says “But you, O Lord, sit enthroned forever, your renown endures through all generations….. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.” We, however, are here only for a short time.

God is All-Knowing: YES in the deepest part of me that I hide from everyone else, God knows me! Hebrews 4:13 says “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.” That is sobering. I like that “He doesn’t have to know us so well, but He chooses to.” In spite of my sinfulness. So why do we question? Do we know more than the One who created us? He sees the whole picture from beginning to end. He is not obligated to explain Himself, we just need to trust Him.

God is All-Powerful: Psalm 115:3 says: “Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever pleases Him.” If He wanted He could destroy us in a second. He could create a whole new world and not even blink an eye. And He can take care of every little thing we have on our plates if we yield it to Him.

God is Fair and Just: One definition Of justice, Francis tell us, is reward and/or penalty as deserved.  God never excuses sin. We must let God decide and mete out justice and judge what is fair. He is always consistent. And thank God He does it!  I don’t want that responsibility!  As Francis Chan says, When you get your own universe you can make your own standards.

Let’s put it all into perspective as much as I can: When life gets in the way, when the hard times come, when we struggle sometimes to just keep it together – remember God. Don’t let the amnesia take over or you will miss out.

God is Holy and you can’t change that. Even if you think He’s far away, He’s not. And He is working it out for us.

Because He is eternal, He is not limited by anything.

Because He is all-knowing He sees us and knows the deepest parts of us that we keep hidden from everyone else. He knows your doubt and your lack of faith. He chooses to know us well.

Because He is all-powerful He’s got it under His control; we need not question, we just need to trust.

Because He is just and fair He has to punish sin. But because He loved us, chose to know us, and is concerned for us, He made a way. He sent His son to be spit on, laughed at, beaten and killed to pay the penalty of our sin that we could know Him.

Because He is GOD He knew it was the only way.

He loves you – worship, praise and adore this God who is our Father and loved us that much.

When you can’t see His hand, trust His heart.


Let’s pray:

Father we are so humbled that You love us. We thank You that you have all of these attributes that we can count on. Help us to trust You. To keep in perspective that You are GOD. Let us not forget to worship and pray and adore You. Be with every woman today reading this. Pour Your love out over them and let them bask in your Holiness. In Jesus name we pray-Amen

Your assignment:

Name some of the things that hold us back from acknowledging God for who He is? What steps can you take to not let the amnesia set in and live a full life in Christ? Then let us pray over these for you and bless you.

In Christ,


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Donna in regards to this blog, please email her at: Donna@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.




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About Donna Day

Donna Day, Blog Contributor – Women’s Ministry
Donna lives in Southeast Wisconsin with her husband Ronald. Together they have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. She loves to read, sing and listen to some talk-radio. Donna attends Rock Assembly of God, where she is active in coffee ministry, Worship team and heads up their Women’s Ministry, as well.


  1. I feel like I just need a daily reminder to let it be in God's control. It probably feels to some that I am apathetic, but I really want to truly trust that God will care for the big and the little. He will provide for our needs according to his great riches, I don't have to worry. But, I worry and I get scared.

    • Christi you are so right! I tend to worry too! I think that is the way of a lot of women, mostly because we are responsible for more than ourselves as women, wives and mothers. Meditaitng on God everyday does help and gives us that daily reminder we need. And He is right there waiting for us, He has provided it for us! Thank God!

    • Megan Smidt says

      It is so hard as a human not to put human attributes onto GOD!!! Earthly souls fail us every day….. but our God never will 🙂 It's all about trust and making sure we aren't putting our human dissapointments on our perfect God <3

  2. I loved "when you can't see His hand, trust His heart." Wow, what a simple but profound statement. That's where I want to be every moment of every day, but the busy-ness of life and the curveballs it throws sure get in the way. Our children's pastor gave a story recently using black light on a picture. When the light was off there was just one lone person in the picture, but when the black light was on Jesus was standing right there beside the person. Oh to remember, we can trust His heart, He is right there with us through every circumstance in our lives. HE LOVES US THAT MUCH!

    • Clella He is! And what an amazing way to think aobut it in that picture your pastor showed!! We can't always see God but He is right there with us all the time. He has all the best for us, we just need to trust and He wil work it out for us. Thank you for sharing that today!

    • Oh I love that image! He is always right there beside us! I love it!!! Thank you for sharing that!

  3. One of my problems to acknowledging God for who he is would be my pride. Thinking I can do this all on my own. As I am doing this thing something will happen to make me realize that it is God nudging me and saying "Hey, I did this for you." That is when my head drops and I ask Him to forgive me. Of course most of the time this does not happen right away, because I tend to ignore the nudges, but He has ways of making us listen.

    Thanks for going through the attributes that Chan had talked about. Never hurts to hear things more than once.

    • Pamela I fall in that area too! Thankfully people and God can see who really has done it most times. And you are right in that we can't ever have enough of what are God is!!

  4. I have an issue with waiting on God's perfect timing. When I grow impatient, I start to make my own plans & things quickly fall apart b/c I am not trusting God. Such a silly thing to do! I am currently waiting on God to help us with a problem. This time I WILL wait for Him & not try to think I know better than Him. It is very hard, especially when I see the clock clicking forward, but I know He's got this. For the first time I'm going to truly Give It To God!

    Excellent post, Donna. Your words helped me to calm down a bit in my waiting. 😉

    • Sp glad Sarah!! I have a problem with waiting at time too. I think we all do when we are limited to the here and now! We are finite, but He is infinite and sees it all!! Hang in there

      girl! He is faithful and able to complete it in you!!! 🙂

  5. Like Megan said, it is very easy to put our human limitations onto God, and the world around us is only too happy to support us in that endeavor! So we must keep our relationship with Him important and vital by spending time with Him by reading, praying and meditating on His word. Sometimes in the midst of a busy life, I find that hard to do…but I realize more and more each day that it is a necessity, just like the air I breathe to stay alive spiritually! I also find it hard to trust in the everyday situations of life, which is silly when I have entrusted to Him my very soul! But reading this book, and seeing that video helps to grow that trust in Him more and more. I also love that quote "When you can't see His hand, trust His heart", and just reading the first few pages of this book, we definitely see God's heart toward us – and I am so thankful for His love, grace and mercy!!

  6. Janet Jackson says

    Something that hit me today is that God knows when I don't feel like worshiping Him, he knows when I worship Him bc it's what i'm supposed to do and not because I want too. Dear Heavenly Father, today it is my prayer as it was David's that you will create a clean heart in me O God and renew a right spirit within me. Amen

  7. Great post today, Donna! There is so much good stuff in this section! I love all of the scriptural references, too! For me, I think that remembering what God has done for me in the past when I am facing a current trial is key. He has been faithful..will always be faithful.. even though I can't see what's going to happen, I have to learn to trust that He's got it in His hand. It's SO hard for me, sometimes! But He lovingly reminds me of all He's done and I KNOW that He's walking this journey alongside me.

    • Jennifer I can relate to your dilemma too!! Praying god also gives me a good memory, when going through a new trial, of the old one I have gotten victory over because of Him!!! thanks Hun!!

  8. Wonderful read today…The attributes of God! He is so awesome!!! I love the saying, “When you can’t see His hand, trust His heart”. I first heard this phrase about 8-9 years ago in a song, and it was embedded in my heart. In 2009 I lost my youngest son, then a few months later, I lost my beloved mother. What a comfort those words were! Really good posts today, sisters in Christ!

    • Patty that is where I got the phrase to be honest. I have hung onto that many times! Our God is so Good and loving and kind! thanks for reading and commenting, it means a lot Sister!!

  9. Two things struck me today. 1) Do I live as though God was created for me, to do my bidding, to bless me & care for my loved ones? 2) it is arrogant for me to think God owes me an explanation. Wow! When I behave this way, it is pride, impatience and the need for control. Unfortunately I behave like this way more than I would like to admit 🙁 So thankful He chooses to know me well and love me anyway <3

  10. Patricia Yoken says

    Reading "God is All-Knowing: YES in the deepest part of me that I hide from everyone else, God knows me!" made me stop and think about where I put God in my life and what things in my past am I holding on to that keep me from him and cause the " amnesia" to set in. I often try to do things on my own time instead of waiting on God's timing. I get caught up in the day to day with my lists of things to do, work, kids, husband. I have been really striving to not let the worry and stress take over and keep my focus on God. When I put Him first at the beginning of my day it all seems to fall into place.

  11. Michelle Stevens says


    Amazing blog today!!! The statement : When you can't see His hand, trust His heart, it really hit home. Some of things that hold me back to acknowledging God for who he is are worry, fear, being impatient and waiting on his timing. I was recently let go from my job and for some reason God only knows I'm not to be working there. I am looking and applying for work nothing has come up yet. I also think with this little break between jobs God wants me to stop and draw closer to Him.

    • Michelle I would say use this time to immerse yourself in God. Let Him speak to you and just love on you during this break. and then when the right job comes up He will release you! What a treat for you!!!

  12. donna, you wrote: Because He is all-powerful He’s got it under His control; we need not question, we just need to trust. I struggle with His timing sometimes. The old saying: He is never early, never late, but always on time carries a lot of meaning to it. I would like to hurry Him up sometimes, but I know He has lessons for me to learn. Good points. Good job on this post.

    • Marhta, Boy woulkd I love to hurry Him up too at times!! Thankfully He only moves when He chooses to and not because I can't wait! Thank you!

  13. Beverly McCormick says

    Thanks Donna, one thing that holds us back from acknowledging God for who He is, is fully "letting go" and believing God has total control of "everything" and not trying to put our hands in His work….when we pray and talk to God to share our hearts we need to "BE STILL AND KNOW" …..most of us have tried many times to guide God or hurry Him up, when if we would just "lay it down and leave it"….there is where our peace would come from….we could boldy acknowledge Him more if we would let Him lead…..

  14. Reading this section, one specific event in my life comes to mind. When I was a child, I went through horrible abuse by the hands of my brother. I went through counseling over and over, but almost 2 years ago, I asked my Pastor for counseling. It was the best thing I did! He asked me where I thought God was during the abuse. I was brutally honest and told him that I thought God turned away because it was so evil. He said "No! There has only been one time ever that God has turned His back, and that was when Jesus died on the cross and our sin was put on Him." It wasn't until then that I was able to let go, and forgive my brother! Do I have it mastered? No way, but God has really done a great deal through this! This is one serious thing that kept my eyes off of who God truly is.

    The steps that I seriously could use prayer for involve forgiveness. There are people that have hurt me deeply, that I haven't been able to let go of! I need to take the steps and realize what God is doing through those situations too. I'll be honest! I need to forgive my ex-husband, my sister, my mom and myself! I really appreciate the prayers and I am so thankful for this study and how eye-opening it has been for me. 🙂

    • Jennifer M. says

      Thank you for sharing your heart, Becky. I'm holding you in prayer tonight.

      • Becky, one of the things that I have learned about forgiveness is that it is a CHOICE, it is not a feeling. If you ever go by whether or not you "feel" like you have forgiven someone, you will continue to battle with this. But, when you sit down at the feet of Jesus, and you speak out with your mouth, "Jesus, today I CHOOSE to forgive all those who hurt me. I CHOOSE to allow You to walk through this forgiveness process. I CHOOSE to not go by my feelings from this day forth." Then when those feelings of anger, hurt, or bitterness, show their ugly face again, you can step back and say "Devil, on this day, I CHOSE to walk in forgiveness toward that person, and I gave that situation to Jesus on that day! There is nothing you can do to me to make me take this back upon my shoulders again! It isn't mine any longer! It belongs to JESUS!! So if you want someone to talk to about this situation, go talk to Jesus….not me!!!"

        When satan knocks at your door, say: "Jesus, would you get that for me?" 🙂

        You may have to do that time and time and time again. But one day you will wake up and realize that it has been a long, long, time since you have felt that anger, hurt, or bitterness, and you will realize that you have gone through the process that it took to walk in complete forgiveness, and your heart will finally be able to smile!!

        I'm not saying that this is the magic answer, or the magic words. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to go through counseling. I did, for the things that happened to me. But one day, it occurred to me, that forgiveness is really a CHOICE. It isn't saying that what that person did to you is right! It's just choosing to no longer let that persons sin hold you in prison one more second!!! It's saying "Enough is Enough!!" It's saying "I CHOOSE to live the life that Jesus died to give to you, filled with abundance, and joy!!!

        If ever we can pray for you, please feel free to drop us an email at: GCH_Prayer@girlfriendscoffeehour.com. We're here for you!

        • Becky I am agreeing with everything that is said here. I went through some abuse too and had to make the CHOICE to forgive. It doesn't always feel like I've done it and I certainly don't always FEEL like doing it but it is a choice and it's very freeing. I will pray for you and also that God would hol you in the palm of His hand. Thank you for contributing, I know it was hard.

        • I totally agree with all of you. God has done so much in my heart in the past few years. My hubby and I found our church home about 2 1/2 years ago, and since then, I have seen God change my heart and my thought processes! I appreciate this group and the support! (I just don't want to come across as negative or asking for pity) 🙂 Have a great day everyone!

  15. I can only name one thing myself. I own my weaknesses and strengths. I continue to ask God to take the lead as I love Him faithfully and seek His will in my life.

  16. Stacy Smith says

    The one thing that holds me back, that has held me back from acknowledging God, who He is and what that really means, stems for a painful childhood filled with verbal, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. This has had a ripple effect reaching into all faucets of my existence. I have went to therapy and have made progress but I still struggle with issues everyday. Mainly forgiveness to the perpetrator and forgiveness toward for my family because I really didn't have a support system. It was a step-uncle that sexually abused me, my step father chose his family over me and my mother played the go between. There were always presents under the tree for the man who sexually assaulted me, he was allowed to come to my childhood home when I wasn't there – that was there way of making a concession for me – to this day he is allowed at family functions and no one has the courage to say anything. I wasn't the first person he abused, nor was I the last. The entire family turns a blind eye. I got involved in a relationship with a high school classmate "to have a normal life" and to escape my reality at home, was pregnant at 17. That relationship turned to be nine years of physical, emotional and verbally abusive. So indeed, I thought God had turned His back on me, even when I questioned if He was real I thought yeah he is real, He just doesn't care. I carry around a lot of anger, pain and confusion over my childhood and early adulthood. I can see that because of what happened I made choices that were unhealthy for me but how could I know any better at the time? Yet I have had to live with the consequences of it all. Trying to claim my beauty for ashes but realizing I have an extremely hard time giving up the ghosts of my past. It seems the root of it all seems to be trust, trusting God, trusting people, trusting men. I don't have a good relationship with my father and haven't since I was 8. I am married now with five children and these past hurts have effected my marriage and parenting. In addition to that just the daily grind, demands of living and being in the world but not of it make us weary. It isn't any wonder we can't live this life without Him.

    I have set out to woke early to spend time with God getting to know Him, to worship Him, to draw close to Him, to allow Him to heal these areas of my life. As it is a new concept and old habits of staying up late and sleeping in are hard to break it has been hit and miss. Partaking in Bible studies, fellowship with on-line groups until I find a church home are the things I have laid before me to help me to live a full life in Christ.

  17. Great blog Donna. Sometimes it is hard for me to give things over to God. I will give him all my worries, concerns and then I will just take right back over control of them. I need to remember that HE'S GOT THIS!!!! God is All Knowing!!