March 12, 2025

A Daughter’s Worth: Week 12/ Day 4 – Rest in the Hope of God


I believe that we all have things that we worry about. It can be hard not to worry and work things out on our own. We have to learn how to truly give our problems and worries over to God, for Him to work out for us. If we tried to work it out on our own, it would probably drive us to a state of frustration and anxiety. It can be hard to give something over to God that you want to fix on your own, when you know that you really cannot.

I can say that I have for the most part of my life, been a worrier. I have always tried to fix things on my own, even when I knew that I couldn’t. I usually made the problems worse for myself. If I only could have given it over to God and rest in the hope that He would fix it for me. It has never been an easy task for me to do. I can now say that I am having to learn how to do this because of the different things that God has placed in my life for me to have to deal with. I am eagerly placing them all in His hands because surely I know now that these are things that I cannot physically handle on my own.

Girls, please don’t take as long as I did to figure that out, that God wants you to bring your worries and problems to Him and rest in knowing that He is going to handle it, in His time. He loves you so much! If you don’t know yet, He really, really does! Give Him a chance to show you : ) Give whatever you may be wrestling with, worrying about, frustrated with, over to Him and watch Him work it out for you, because He loves you and you are most definitely one of His daughters! : ) Rest in knowing that He is on the job!

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11: 28

Let’s pray:

Dear God thank You for allowing us to take this journey with You called, A Daughter’s Worth. We have learned so much and made so many new friends and Lord we ask that You continue to watch over them and deepen Your relationship with them.

Love, Ms. Tonya : )


Have you found things in your life that are extremely difficult to deal with?  We invite you today, to ask Jesus into your heart to help you with these things.   Whether it’s stress, fear, anxiety, temptations, peer pressure, whatever it may be, Jesus can and will give you wisdom, guidance, and rest!  If you would like to ask Jesus into your heart today, please pray with us now:

Jesus, I recognize now that I was not meant to handle all these cares and pressures on my own.  I know now that I can turn to You and ask You to come live in my heart, as my personal Lord and Savior, and I know that You will guide me from now on.  Jesus, I ask You today, right here and right now, to come live in my heart.  I invite You to be my Lord and Savior.  I confess my sins to You today, and I ask for Your forgiveness.  Cleanse me of the unrighteousness in my life.  I thank You now Jesus, for dying on the cross for ME, and for my sins.  In Your Name I pray, AMEN!

If you have just prayed that prayer with us, please send us an email and let us know.

Our email address is:  We would like to celebrate this day with you!!

Be Blessed!!


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About Tonya Elliott

Tonya Elliott - Blog Contributor – Teens Ministry
Tonya is a 40-year-old Memphis native, where she lives with her 4 beautiful children, ranging in age from 19 years to 12. She currently works for a faith-based organization called Memphis Leadership Foundation as a Young Women’s Coordinator, working with middle school aged girls. She loves to read and learn new things, and is currently seeking her degree in Human Services.


  1. coleen hayden says

    thanks, tonya! oh where would we be without our eternal Hope! two of my favorite verses in the Scriptures: "[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living! Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord" (psalms 27:13, 14). <3