February 22, 2025

Winning Him Without Words: Are We the Sweet Aroma of Christ, Or the Stench of Death?

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those perishing. To one we are the smell of death, to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?”

2 Corinthians 2:14-16


I had an Aunt that I loved to hug when I was a child. She always smelled like Lillie’s of the Valley. Her aroma was always so sweet to me, not only because of her perfume, but she radiated love to me. She always showed love and attention to me when I was with her. She made me feel special and that I mattered to her. Her love was genuine and I could sense it, smell it and see it every time I was with her. I want to smell as sweet as my Aunt did to me.

I don’t know about you , but when I get ready for a special occasion, or a date with my husband, I take time to put on special lotions and perfume. This part of our chapter really spoke to me. I never once gave a thought, before now, how I “smell” as a christian! But God wants us to know we give off an aroma to our loved ones, be it death or life. WOW! It is really an eye opener to me to know that.  I know that I can speak life or death to my husband, but what do I smell like when he is next to me??

Does he see me living out my faith as the aroma of Christ? Does he something in me that he longs for in the deepest depths of his soul? Or does he see an ugly example that turns him off?

I agree with Dineen when she says she gets excited because the verse uses the present tense of the verb, “those who are being saved”. I love that because it gives us hope that God’s work in our spouse, or loved one, is NOT done. It is an ongoing process, continual. He hasn’t given up on them. As we pray for our spouses we can be assured that God is still working on them , even if we don’t see anything changed in them. On Page 89 Dineen says, “According to Paul, God may have put us where we are because we are to be a key factor to our spouse’s salvation. We may be one of the tools God is choosing specifically to use in bringing our loved ones to Him. God may have called us to this exact place at this exact time.”   This just gets me so excited!! First that God would use me, just a wife, mother and grandmother, but I love God and I want my whole family to know and love Him. Second it excites me because I don’t ever have to give up, God is always working!! God has placed us in our loved ones lives for a purpose. That purpose is the privilege of showing them Christ!  What an honor!

From now on I will pay close attention to the aroma I’m giving off, not only on special occasions or a date, but everyday life. Ask yourself, “Do I want to be the aroma of death, stinky, decaying, rotting, death? Or do I want to give off the sweet, loving, breathtaking aroma of Christ?” I choose Christ.


Let’s Pray:

Lord I pray for myself and all the beautiful women involved in this study. Help us to give off your aroma to our spouses and loved ones everyday. Let them notice it and long for that aroma for themselves. Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your plan of salvation in their lives. Give us strength and life to pass along to them and bring it to fruition we pray.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Your assignment:

What kind of fragrance are you giving off to your spouse? Is it life giving or death? Share and tell us, if it’s the wrong one, How you plan to change it through Christ.


For the “Winning Him Without Words” Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website by clicking the “sign-up here” button at the top of our webpage; which is also where you can sign up to participate in this awesome bible study!

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About Donna Day

Donna Day, Blog Contributor – Women’s Ministry
Donna lives in Southeast Wisconsin with her husband Ronald. Together they have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. She loves to read, sing and listen to some talk-radio. Donna attends Rock Assembly of God, where she is active in coffee ministry, Worship team and heads up their Women’s Ministry, as well.


  1. I loved the way you described this, Donna, with your aunt. It set the tone for the scriptures in 2 Cor. 2:14-16. As for the aroma that I give out to my husband, to be honest, I really don't know. Sometimes, I think we smell different. What is think is sweet, he doesn't. So, this one I don't know.

    • Martha you are so right! I believe we can give off different aromas depending on mood, situations and circumstances. But we need to strive to always give off the aroma of life, especially to our unsaved loved ones. If they don't see Christ in us, then we are not doing what God calls us to do. If you are focusing on the mind of Christ, then it doesn't matter what they think, it matters what they see. And then they will hopefully want it for themselves. Be blessed today Marha!!!

  2. Mandi Ware says

    I guess that I have really no idea exactly what 'aroma' I give off to my husband (or family, for that matter), but I know that my 2 boys have this awkward habit (though quite amusing) of burying their faces in my hair and neck and sniffing me like a bloodhounds on the trail of a pack of fox.

  3. thanks, donna…i <3 this part: "This just gets me so excited!! First that God would use me, just a wife, mother and grandmother, but I love God and I want my whole family to know and love Him. Second it excites me because I don’t ever have to give up, God is always working!! God has placed us in our loved ones lives for a purpose. That purpose is the privilege of showing them Christ! What an honor!" it IS such an honor…wooboy, and that God would allow it!?! AAAA-mazing! as to your question, i am sort of stymied just how to answer it but i did ask robert… :-O he says i am not stinky. <3

  4. I hope that I have the aroma of Christ, but I am afraid that many days I fall short of this "smell". I have been working on keeping my focus on God instead of my circumstance so hopefully that is showing through to my husband, kids and siblings. Thanks for another wonderful post that keeps me thinking! <3

    • Jennifer we all fall short, but it's important to note that with the help of Christ we can get right back up and try again! Keep that focus Girlfriend!!

  5. Praying that I, for the most part, put off a sweet aroma for my hubby….and to others!!

  6. I was raised in the church, in the Word and I knew what it meant to be unequally yoked. God gave me a man that was totally outside what I was looking for. My mother even said, "You know he is NOT a Christian". He was a really good guy, but he did not know the Lord. We dated for 3 years and I prayed for him to understand. He asked me to marry him and I said NO at first because he was an unbeliever. I feel God convicted me and told me it was my place to show him the way. The next seven years God worked on his heart and when the Spirit drew him, he fully understood the commitment he was making to Jesus and his Lord and Savior. It has been so sweet ever since.

    I understand what it is like to be the believer in the relationship. I am now so blessed to say that God is first place in our marriage, in our family and David is the head of our household. God is good. Don't give up!

    Thank you for such a touching post today.

    • Teresa my husband is also save, but I think we still need to think about this. We need to always give off the aroma of Christ so that other loved ones might smell it and want it. As with my aunt, I saw as well as smelled her love, that's what I want to do with my aroma of Christ! Praise God we can celebrate the gift of a saved husband and work on the rest of the loved ones in our lives! Thank you Teresa!

  7. I love the present tense and ongoing process of this verse. It gives such hope. I am afraid I am both a sweet and stinky aroma to my husband, not only due to my actions and attitudes but also because of what is missing in his soul. I am so glad this is a process, even if I can't see what is happening.

    • Cynder we all have those times when we don't smell so good! I know I do at times. It is a process and if we keep the mind of Christ, it will be rewarded. We don't always see what God is doing but we can be assured He is working!

  8. Beverly Sellers McCo says

    I pray that I am giving off the most fragrant aroma in my hubby's life…however I am not perfect so I know there have been days/moments that I have given off the stench of "hell"…and when I realize those times I have to get in my "postinia" and get Him to clean me back up so that the wafts of sweetness comes shining thru once again. Lord help those stench moments get less and less as I spend more and more time in Your arms! Thanks Donna for helping me to check my "smell level" !!! Lol….

  9. Jennifer M. says

    This is an interesting topic and not one I really think about. I'm not even sure what it means exactly, other than the "gentle and quiet spirit" we keep talking about.. It's definitely given me something to think about!

  10. Donna, love the picture up top. LOL! Great post! Makes me think of 1 Cor. 7:14 too. Here's a link to a post I wrote about it last year. And tomorrow Lynn will have a powerful post up about it too. This is a promise for us, the believers in our marriages. This is our place of strength and peace! http://www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com/my_webl


  1. […] Winning Him Without Words: Are We the Sweet Aroma of Christ, Or the Stench of Death? (girlfriendscoffeehour.com) […]