March 3, 2025

A Daughter’s Worth Week 4/ Day 3: Know What (And What Not) to Wear

When we first received our blog schedule before the study started, I went through it and wrote down the topics I was to write about. I immediately sent Megan a text telling her how excited I was to have this topic!

I don’t know when it happened, but I have developed a hobby of putting together modest outfits. I believe that as daughters of the King, we have a responsibility to dress in a way that is glorifying to God. This doesn’t mean we cannot wear clothes that make us feel or look good; it simply means we must be cautious with our wardrobe. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” Part of honoring God with our bodies is dressing modestly.

What a lot of women don’t realize is that the way you dress reflects your heart. If you are confident in who God has called you to be, you will protect and cover your body. If you do not know your worth in Jesus, you will most likely dress to draw attention to certain areas of your body. Living a life of worship and obedience is an attitude of the heart. So, next time you put on an outfit, look in the mirror and say, “what are my motives behind what I am wearing?”

Let’s Pray:
Jesus, my prayer is that these girls would know that everything You do is not to place restrictions on them, but to protect them! I pray that every girl reading this would know that following You isn’t about saying “no” to everything. It’s about saying “YES” to You and saying “yes” to everything You ask of us, living with an obedient heart that trusts that You know what’s best for us. Thank You for giving us role models who dress modestly! Give us conviction if our motives aren’t pure when putting on an outfit. Give us peace when our clothes glorify You. Give us hearts after You, God. Thank You for Your love! Amen



For the A Daughter’s Worth Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website from clicking the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Our new study is A Daughter’s Worth! Please email for more information.

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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. Yay! Jordan, thanks for saying what needs to be said. We can be stylish and modest AND beautiful. You go girl! So proud of you.

  2. sweetly, succintly, soundly spoken, miss jordan…i am sure your heavenly Father is pleased! xo <3

  3. Thank you for this message Jordan. I pray a lot of girls take it to heart! <3

  4. Megan Smidt says

    it IS possible!!!! Such an important message and you delivered it beautifully!!

  5. Excellent post Jordan! I am a mom of 5 girls and this is an important issue in our home! You hit it perfectly! <3

  6. yay Jordan! Awesome post! I love the last thing you said,what are my motives behind what I am wearing??

  7. Jordan I love your blog for today! I love your pictures that you used as well! Love Love Love your pictures of you singing and worshiping God!! Beautiful blog post Jordan!!

  8. Shandy Showers says

    Yay, Jordan!!! This is SO important for girls to hear, especially in the world we live in. The topic of modesty is an important one in our home. My daughter's dream is to be a fashion designer, making modest, affordable clothes. I will be sharing this with her! <3