February 22, 2025

Lady in Waiting: Lady of Diligence, No Time to Waste and Free to Follow

LADY OF DILIGENCE – The perfect time to make the most of every opportunity is while you are single.

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 (NIV)

Before I got married, I used to wonder why the young married ladies of our church stopped being active in church after they said I do.   We discussed this at one of Singles Ministry meetings because it puzzled us.  How come the gifted lead singer in the choir with a beautiful Soprano could no longer usher in the presence of the Lord during the worship service?  That beautiful voice was now seated quietly in the pew opposite her husband.

I got that answer when I got married.  I realized that my time was not mine alone.  I had to consider that my husband’s needs came before my own.  I could no longer just come home, change clothes and leave for an evening meeting.  There was dinner and other things to be prepared.  Most of ministry meetings took place in the evenings and since I was at work all day, I could not be out in the evening as well.

“God has called me to live now. He wants me to realize my full potential as a man right now, to be thankful about where I am, and to enjoy it to the fullest. I have a strange feeling that the single person who is always wishing he were married will probably get married, discover all that is involved, and wish he were single again! He will ask himself, ‘Why didn’t I use that time for the Lord when I didn’t have so many other obligations? Why didn’t I give myself totally to Him when I was single?’ ”

John Fischer could easily have written the above with me in mind because as a single woman, I was so zealous for the Lord.  I grabbed every opportunity that came my way to reach out to others.  I was out of the house on Monday for Youth Meeting, Tuesday for Bible Study, Wednesday was mid-week service, Thursdays, we had Singles Ministry meetings, Friday evenings and Saturday were mine to have girlfriends over for  slumber parties, watch movies and talk all night.   Housework was also thrown in the mix.  Sunday was a day spent at church starting with teaching Sunday school, ushering in church during the main service and in the evening, community outreach.  You must be rolling your eyes just by reading this schedule but I enjoyed doing this so much.  No out of boredom but because the time was just perfect for me.

Now, to adjust all this to married life and staying at home in the evening really took some doing.  It’s a topic on its own!  I asked my husband for at least two evenings.  But overtime even the two evenings were too much until I settled for just Sundays.

“The single woman can be involved in the Lord’s work on a level that a married woman cannot because of the distractions and responsibilities of being a wife and mother. Ironically, some single women can be so distressed by their single state that they become emotionally more distracted than a wife and mother of four children.  Page 26.

It’s so easy to judge when you are seating on the other side of the table.  But when you get there you tend to appreciate things more.  I always admire a mother with children who are under 5.  To get them prepared and be on time for any activity is really work.  While I only need 45 minutes to get ready, she needs at least 2 hours or more!

Let’s end today by thinking about what Jackie and Debbie asked us.

Are you busy serving Jesus during your free time, or do you waste hours trying to pursue and snag an available guy? Ruth was a widow, but she did not use her time sponsoring pity parties for all unhappy single women to gather and compare the misery of datelessness. When she and Naomi moved back to Bethlehem, Ruth did not waste a moment feeling sorry for herself. She went right to work. Instead of being drained by her discouraging circumstances, she took advantage of them and diligently embraced each day. Page 27.

I don’t know about you but I am challenged by Ruth not to waste time anymore.  You have all the freedom to follow Christ wherever He may lead you.  I still dream of visiting India one day for missionary work!



Father I thank you for challenging us through the life of Ruth who did not waste time feeling sorry for herself as a widow but she did her work diligently.  Lord help us to open our eyes and see that the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few.  May we seize the opportunities that come our way so that we may joyfully serve you.   In Jesus Name. Amen.



Life is so full of traumatic situations.  Single ladies have their share of such situations.  In the comment below let’s discuss the following:


  1. Has someone disappointed you in the past that you feel like you cannot fully serve the Lord in any way?

  2. Have you put your life on hold and you are using this as an excuse for not serving Jesus?


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Be Blessed,



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About Jackie Chingawale

Jacqueline (Jackie) Chingawale – Blog Contributor – Singles Ministry Co-Leader
Jackie currently lives in Lilongwe, Malawi, in Africa. She works as an Administrator for a Christian School where she has worked for the last 9 years. She loves to read, cook, and watch television. Her hearts desire is to travel the world one day!


  1. Great blog, Jackie!!!
    I was never single in the church but I can tell you that even being married, priorities change as life goes. I LOVE to serve the Lord and go to small groups and things such as that. And with one child I was able to. With two it got more than a little challenging. And now with three, I relish an hour when I only have to take one of them to the store with me. Lol This chapter did challenge me to use the time I do have more effectively for God and, in doing that, for my family. 🙂

    • jackiechingawale says

      Thanks Tracy. This chapter is indeed a challenge for us to do more for the Lord. I may not do all that I used to do but God still wants me to serve Him where I am. There is no excuse and definitely no time to waste.

  2. Great job Jackie, thanks for giving us a different perspective!

  3. When I first started going back to church, I thought that no one would ever want me to serve. I felt handicapped to serving in the church. I clung onto the Lord for strength and confidence, I knew I wanted to be obedient to the Lord, and I knew He was calling me to serve, so we did it together and continue to do it together, and it is one of my favorite things we do together:) thanks Jackie for sharing!!!

    • jackiechingawale says

      thanks Diane. I felt the same way as you did when I started out as an Usher greeting people at the door. I felt unworthy ushering people into the house of the Lord. But the Lord always reminded me of the great men and women in the Bible who obediently served Him. They all had a past and issues but He still chose them. God doesn't choose perfect people but the broken, rejected, beaten and stutters. He molds them to be the vessels suitable for the work at thanks Diane. I felt the same way as you did when I started out as an Usher greeting people at the door. I felt unworthy ushering people into the house of the Lord. But the Lord always reminded me of the great men and women in the Bible who obediently served Him. They all had a past and issues but He still chose them. God doesn't choose perfect people but the broken, rejected, beaten and stutters. He molds them to be the vessels suitable for the work at thanks Diane. I felt the same way as you did when I started out as an Usher greeting people at the door. I felt unworthy ushering people into the house of the Lord. But the Lord always reminded me of the great men and women in the Bible who obediently served Him. They all had a past and issues but He still chose them. God doesn't choose perfect people but the broken, rejected, beaten and stutters. He molds them to be the vessels suitable for the work at thanks Diane. I felt the same way as you did when I started out as an Usher greeting people at the door. I felt unworthy ushering people into the house of the Lord. But the Lord always reminded me of the great men and women in the Bible who obediently served Him. They all had a past and issues but He still chose them. God doesn't choose perfect people but the broken, rejected, beaten and stutters. He molds them to be the vessels suitable for the work at hand.

  4. Oustanding site!