February 22, 2025

Resolution for Women: Choose Wisely

Ladies…. if you have read today’s resolution you know that it is imperative that you ask yourself the following questions…

  • Are you making today’s decisions with tomorrow’s impact in mind?
  • When you’re arranging your priorities and forming your habits, do you think about your children, your grandchildren, about the kind of character they’ll remember about you and inherit from you?
  • When you spend your money, or sport your fashion sense, or speak your piece, or spare your time, does it ever occur to you that you;re not just making a choice for yourself, in the moment?

The types of resolutions you choose to make each and every day not only matter RIGHT NOW, but they keep on mattering because they are your LEGACY!

Proverbs 13:22

A good (woman) leaves an inheritance.

Last Sunday my family and I were having dinner and my 14-year-old daughter Vicky announced to everyone that *I* am her God story.I was blown away. She said that through watching me, she has learned how to have an intimate relationship with the Lord and she doesn’t think she would be this close to Him if I was not in her life.

I am not her biological mother. I have been her mother for the past 10 years and have been walking with Jesus for only that last 6 of those years. I have yelled, I have screamed, I have been mean, I have gotten frustrated and I have not always been the best example. I HAVE BEEN HUMAN.

BUT….. that isn’t what she credits me for. By the grace of God, she chooses to credit me for teaching her to pray and walk with our Lord and Savior. I can’t think of anything more humbling…. can you? I can only pray that her brothers will one day be able to say the same thing. They have all seen me INTENTIONALLY spend my time every day working to be BETTER in all that I am and all that I do.

They see me serve. They see me pray. They see me say “yes” to God when I want to say “no.” They hear me encourage and they see me be a good steward of my time and other resources. They see me work hard. They see me mess up and they see me repent. They see me give and they feel my love.

I am telling you all of this for you to see that leaving a legacy does not mean that you are perfect by any means. It means that you purpose to be your BEST and live intentionally with the future in mind. It means that it’s not about YOU… and if it has been in the past, you can change that NOW and be a difference maker for you and your children… and every other life you make contact with. It is not too late. Please, let your legacy begin now <3

Let’s pray:

Lord, I ask that you be with each and every one of us as we determine to start this day anew with a fresh heart and spirit and intentionally look to the future in all our actions. We want to be difference makers, Father, and we desperately need your help in order to impact our children the way you intend us to. Help us leave a legacy like only we can, God! We thank you for this perfect provision! In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3


Don’t forget!!! Our next Women’s Online Bible Study starts next week on October 1, 2012!!  We will begin an awesome study by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller, “Winning Him Without Words…10 Keys to Thriving in a Spiritually Mismatched Marriage“.  We are VERY excited about this study!!  This study will end on December 13th.  I hope you will join us!!  To sign up for this study, please email us at


We will send you all the details to get registered.  All you will need is a copy of the book, a pen/pencil, your bible, and a journal (if you like).  Each day, Monday through Friday, we will blog about this study RIGHT HERE on our website!  Then you will go to our Facebook Discussion Group, where we have set up a SECRET Facebook Group, so you can share your thoughts privately with just the women in that group.  The Facebook Groups are an awesome way to let your hair down, be yourself, be real, and not have to worry about the whole world reading your thoughts!  Plus, it’s a GREAT way to meet other Christian like-minded women and build friendships all over the world!  Give it a try!

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. Thanks so much!!! I need to work on balance in my life and allow my children to see more of my worship of Him. Thanks for the reminder!!!

    • Kim…. I am praying for God to show you the most direct way to speak to their hearts as you walk out your faith in front of them <3

  2. thanks, megan, for sharing about your vicky and your heart of intentionality. xo
    i am so thankful that priscilla is ending this incredible book with this particular resolution! i believe that each of the other resolutions play out in this one–to leave a legacy. and i praise God from the depths of my heart 'cause there was a time when i was in my early 20's when i was sure that i would not live long enough to have children, or that i could be a good mother even if i had children, or that my life made a difference at all. BUT GOD…but God had a different thought. and by His grace&mercy&intervention&blessings, i have a legacy to leave and am intentionally doing just that! thank You, Father!!! <3

    • Praise The Lord!!!! I agree with you 100% coleen on ending with this crucial resolution… It all builds to THIS!!! <3

  3. Thank you Megan for this wonderful blog 🙂 God is so awesome! I thank God for you and for Vicky having you in her life to help guide and mold her into who God has called her to be! Oh what a wonderful task to have!! I love you Megan!!! God Bless <3

    • Dear sister…. Bless you for such kind words 🙂 God sure did know what He was doing when he brought the Kids and Craig and I together <3 I thank Him everyday 🙂

  4. This part blew me away! I want to INTETIONALLY leave a great legacy of God behind for my Grankids as well as my own children!! I love that I can do that and don't have to live in the old me!! WOW!!! Powerful words form words from the book and the blog today!!!

  5. Thank you Megan for your awesome blog!! Like you I'm not the biological mom for my kids. The Lord blessed me with them to leave a godly legacy something He had impressed upon me from infancy.
    My kids have seen God move in my life and in their own. I'm going to continue to surround them with kindling( God's word) and pray for the Holy Spirit to light the fire. Then shoot them as arrows into the world.

  6. jackiechingawale says

    Great post Megan. Thank you for leaving a godly legacy for Vicki to emulate.

    My mum left my sisters and I legacy of hard work, love, faith, selflessness to name but a few. She always led by example and she never grew tired of giving us advice even in the simplest of things like how to make a bed. She invested so much in us as her children so that we are able to move on in life and keep on the good work that she started.

    I too would love to leave a legacy like hers and each day that I am still here on earth, I pray that I bless someone.

    • Jackie… Those little things mean so much, don't they? I think that it is so important to focus on intentional making the most common things in our lives extraordinary!!! 🙂

  7. Lannette Boe says

    Thank you Megan for that encouraging word. I have always purposed to be the very best example to both of my kids and of course all those I come in contact with. Just the other day I was talking with my daughter who is married and does not live with me about talking or venting with a girlfriend about things that may be bottled up inside of us. I told her I don't vent to my husband (her step dad), or friends. And she immediately responded and said you talk to God don't you? And I said yes. I felt at that moment that all the years of her growing up in the home and "watching" me just came into full circle by that one comment from her. I continue even more so to be an Godly example in all things and if course with everyone but more so for my two kids and now as I have a granddaughter and another on the way it's even more so important because I want the Godly example (my legacy) to carry on throughout family generation should The Lord tarry. Thank you so much for sharing your heart through these blogs. You have always encouraged in so many ways!

  8. Greatest message sweet lady! Thank you for sharing! ❤❤❤

  9. I have said it before and I will say it again, I LOVE YOUR FAMILY STORIES MEGAN!!!! They touch my heart, a lot:)

  10. I like how you talk about humanness!!! I was a yeller and a screamer too!!! The other day my girls shared with me how much they love there new mom. I have been walking with The Lord for the last 6 years and I wouldn't walk any other way. Yeah we life about the remember when's but I would not trade what I have today for anything. Thank you for my gentle reminder!!! I love you MEGAN Crackle!!!