February 22, 2025

Resolution for Women – Chapter 9, My Heart – PLUS … BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!

“He has showed you, O man, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy and

to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8


This week we deal with the heart.  What does God want from our heart?  This scripture above gives us a clue:  He requires us to pursue justice; love mercy; and walk humbly with Him.   He wants our hearts to break for what breaks His heart.   He wants us to have a revelation of what His will is.  He wants us to respond to what God has called us to.  He wants us to have His heart.

This week, we are going to see the heart of God and what He wants our heart to look like!  It reminds me of a song that I will post below…..  READ the lyrics and let them sink deep into your heart.  Pray these lyrics as a prayer to our Lord & Savior!

What stirs compassion in your heart?

What tugs at your heart?

Your Reading Assignment for this week:

  • Come to our blog on Monday, where Christi will do a preview of this weeks topic “My Heart”
  • Come to our blog on Tuesday, where Megan will be discussing pages 164-168 “Look Again.”
  • Come to our blog on Wednesday, where Kelley will be discussing pages 169-173
  • “How Do You Heal an Unbroken Heart”
  • Come to our blog on Thursday, where Beverly will be discussing pages 174-179, “Mercy Me”.
  • Come back on Friday, where we will do an overview of the week, AND sign this weeks resolution!



 Our Next Women’s Bible Study

Girlfriends Coffee Hour is so excited to announce the next brand new Online Bible Studies that will begin October 1st!

If you are struggling with being in an unequally yoked marriage, this study is for YOU!!

“Winning Him Without Words –

10 Keys to Thriving in Your Spiritually Mismatched Marriage”. 

To join this study, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with “Winning Him” in the subject line.  We’ll send you all the details you need to get signed up!

This book is based on the scripture from 1 Peter 3:1 “…they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.”   This Online Bible Study will be led by Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour.  Beverly McCormick and Donna Day will help with the blogging for this study.  You won’t want to miss this study!! It is AMAZING!!!

If your husband does not share your faith, you may feel like you are walking a tightrope of spiritual survival – guarding the flame of your belief in Christ, yet unable to share it with the person you love most in the world.  But your spiritually mismatched marriage can be a vibrant, blessed relationship where you’re free to grow in love with God and your man! 

Winning Him With Words, written by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller, both Christian women married to unbelieving husbands, is your invitation to thrive instead of survive!  This study begins October 1st right here on our website:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com.


Mark your calendars also for October 2nd when Lynn Donovan,

one of the authors of this book, “Winning Him Without Words”

joins us for our monthly Conference call!!  More details to be given soon!! 

If you’ve made it this far, GREAT!  Because I am actually giving away a FREE copy of  “Winning Him Without Words” to ONE person.  This person will be randomly chosen.

All you have to do is:

1.  Comment below WHY you want to win a copy of “Winning Him” 


2.  Comment on our FACEBOOK Community Page why you love Girlfriends Coffee Hour! (Click HERE)

You MUST do BOTH in order to be entered into this drawing!

We will announce the winner on our FB Community Page Monday Morning!!!


Be sure to check out our Teens & Singles blogs, also, for details on their next study, as well!   Go back to our front page … CLICK HERE …  and you will see the Teens & Singles blogs under the Featured blog.  This is going to be an amazing time with GCH!!


If you haven’t signed up for our Online Study Groups on Facebook, and you want to be a part of this amazing trend, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll email you the details that you will need to get added to these groups!  You will have a blast with women all across the world who loves the Lord, and enjoys studying His word!

Wow! I’m tired just from typing all this!  We have some AMAZING things happening here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour, and we hope you are enjoying the ride, as well!  Stay tuned for more announcements this week!

Living Intentionally to Be My Very BEST for Him,

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  1. From the description I am not sure how I can relate to this new study. My husband is a man of God and if anything he has dragged me to the cross. I am planning on taking it because I do not want to miss out on the teachings of this wonderful team, and I am sure that there will be something in it that I can hang on to. I have so loved this study with Priscilla I am hating to see it end, but as the saying goes, "All good things must come to an end."

    Thank you ladies for what you are doing.

  2. I would like to win a copy of Winning Him so I can continue to go deeper in my marriage. We are two hearts united but to be two souls united is where I want to be.

  3. I'm really looking forward to this week! The song made me cry (gee thanks Mama C!), I believe all of us should have regular heart checks.
    I'm also looking forward to the next study! My hubby is a strong believer to the glory of God, but I enjoy learning and know God will bless this study & we'll be better able to minister to others. Plus I'm sure there's something in there everyone!

  4. In light of recent events in my marriage, my husband's acknowledgement that he longer speaks with God & the fact that I am being given another chance I can hardly wait for this study to begin. 1 Peter 3:1 is the verse that God showed me during the Resolutions study as my purpose for this season in my life. It is my heart's desire to see my husband turn back to God and deepen his relationship with the One who loves him more than I do

    • 1 Peter 3:1 — Not by our Words….By Our Action! A lot of women miss that! Nagging gets NOWHERE! Love covers a multitude of sin, and has a much better way of showing our husbands just how much Jesus loves them, too! Praying for you, Girlfriend!

  5. This is the perfect study for me. My husband is not saved and it is very hard to be in an unequaally yoked marriage raising 4 boys. I am active in church and I am active in ministering to other women and there are many times we have conflict.

  6. Emilie Keen says

    Hi Christi!

    Hope I can win the book Win Him Without Words! 🙂

  7. Mine has fire insurance (he thinks) but no fruit. Looking forward to this study.

  8. That is the exact scripture God gave me a few years ago for my hubby. Perhaps that is a sign 🙂

  9. Really hope I can win this book!!!

  10. I would like to win this book, because I need to learn how to give God my relationship with my husband.

  11. carol costello says

    Even though I feel I have a strong marriage, I believe every marriage has its down times…its during those times I tend to be negative and a nag. Fairly certain this study is for me. Big love!

  12. Cindy Kane says

    I would love to win, winning him without words. Because I feel we have gone in two directions.

  13. Carol Elburg says

    I am very blessed to have a husband who loves the Lord like I do, but I would like to win the book to share with someone at church who might need it. I don't know who yet but I know God will lead me to them.

    • Oh Carol, our drawing ended last night, and our winner was announced this morning!!! 🙁 It is an awesome book though. I would highly recommend it for your friend!

      • Carol Elburg says

        Thanks for the update! Maybe next time. Love your site! Currently reading Resolutions for Women.

  14. Beth Fedasz says

    I am trying to catch up with you in Resolutions For Women. i would also like to be added to your next study. So glad I found your sight. Thank You

  15. Hi to all there! My name is Đurđa and i'm from Croatia. Before few days i found a " SPIRITUALLY UNEQUALLY MARRIAGE", and thru them i found this precious page…and i'm verry thankfull to God for that..Though my husband's faith grow a slowlly, and he wasd baptize, i allways have a burden to walk alone in faith , and trying to teach my children, our four boys to faith. Our marriage will shore be finish if i didn't stand against devil and put my husband, children, my hole family in Jesu's hand and protection! Because we hade really big problems. So, when i found this two precious pages, i felt like i was found really a big treasure, because i was see that i'm not alone and you all helping me in a verry diferrent ways…we all can make in our marrage! I'm shore…because if Jesus can save my marriage, he can save every other!

    I will really loved to have copy of this book, because…i live far from you and i've never bye a book thru internet, and sincerely i don't know how to do it, and i dont know when i will can collect money for her..
    And other reason is that i have one girl( like my spiritual doughter), and she will married for a non believer, and my heart is really concern for her…and thru that book i CAN, i believe that i will can prove her that she CAN live in faith freely and be in love with her fiance…i want that she read and her from you and from other woman allround the world, that she can make it!
    So, this are my reasons, and i hope ..and thank you all that you are here
    Father bless you in all

    • Durda, Welcome to Girlfriends Coffee Hour!!! We are so glad you found us! We have held our drawing and the winners were announced on our Facebook Community page, last week!! 🙂 I'm sorry you missed the drawing, but so glad you were able to share what you did here. :God bless you hon!

  16. And…i didn't see that someone got the book..enyway thanks for everything…i will be reading your posts…