February 22, 2025

Resolution for Women — Weekly Overview – Integrity

“Blessed are those whose way is blameless”

Psalm 119:1


Wow! What an amazing week we’ve had this week here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour!

We opened up our Fellowship Group to new members this week.  When we reached our 100th member, we offered a prize for that new member!  I’m happy to say that Catherine Drake, from Canada, is our blessed winner, and our 100th member of the GCH Fellowship Group!!  Congratulations, Catherine!

Our Fellowship Group is a fun group of women who are there just to fellowship with each other.  We also have our Study Group where we have our Daily Activity that is given each day, and where we discuss our study at hand!  If you would like to be a member of either, or both groups, please send an email to: GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll get the details out to you on how to join these amazingly fun groups!

This week in the Resolution for Women, we discussed Integrity.  It’s been a tough week for some of us, myself included!

We’ve had to look at the things in our life that are drawing us further and further away from integrity and our walk with the Lord.  We’ve had to look at how our actions behind closed doors can heavily impact our integrity walk!  Some of this wasn’t pleasant, but it was needed in order for us to be the very BEST we can be, for our Lord and Savior!  He is worthy of our BEST!

I am so glad Priscilla Shirer offered this chapter in her book The Resolution for Women.  I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week, too!  We’ve learned a lot from the book, and from the blog posts!  We’ve had some amazing discussions about integrity this week in our Facebook Groups!

We’ve had to ask ourselves:

  • Will what I am doing or saying bring glory to God?
  • Is my behavior worthy of God’s blessing?
  • Is there an area of my life that I would be embarrassed or ashamed for others to find out about?
  • What areas do I need to be held accountable?

Some pretty tough ones to ask ourselves, but important questions to keep us on the right path to victory!! Amen?  AMEN!

Let’s close this week with reviewing our Resolution and signing our names to yet another amazing promise to ourselves, and to God!

My Integrity

 I will not tolerate evil influences even in the most justifiable form,

in myself or my home, but will embrace and encourage a life of purity.


Your Signature

I have signed my book!  I hope you will sign too!


Next week, we will cover the topic of My Heart – A resolution to care!  Another awesome week!!!

…don’t forget to read what the men are up to with the Resolution for Men over on Craig’s blog…


Love you & I’ll see you on Sunday with next weeks reading lessons.

Living Intentionally to Be My Very Best for Him,

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  1. Christi I was so moved by this weeks chapter that I shared a few things with my ladies of the Rock last night! They all were moved and we are contemplating doing this book for a study. God has worked a work in me concerning my words and in the area if eating as well. I love your sign off:Living Intentionally to be my very best for Him! I too want to strive for that! God bless you!

  2. What a timely lesson. Yesterday, I was called out for saying something negative by God. I was immediately convicted. I decided to retread these chapters. I get it now!!! If my walk is going to be Godly then even in my own car with one one around I need to honor this resolution.

    This week when I watched "my" only TV show I was convicted also and decided it's trash so now I am committed to healthy entertainment and praying for guidance that my intentions and actions seen & unseen all match up!!!

    • Oh Girl, this whole week has been a "Called Out" week!! I don't have to worry about TV shows because we got rid of our cable a few months ago; but movies, yes….FB, yes….. I don't even like listening to Country Music anymore!!!

  3. What a lesson this week. So many things to think and pray about. Integrity! Lord help me to see myself through your eyes. Help me acknowledge the things that I have allowed to grow roots in my life that does not reflect my walk with you. As you are the vine and I am the branch. Prune me so that I may be even more fruitful in Jesus Name Amen.

  4. This was also a very powerful week and it made really take a look at my actions. I will be implementing some different ways of handling certain situations and what I do watch on tv with my 3yr old around.