February 22, 2025

Resolution for Women: From Strength to Strength

As I studied this lesson the first thing that truly penetrated deep with me was the story Priscilla shared about her stepping onto the log, you know the one that looked so sturdy and strong on the outside when in fact it was totally rotten on the inside.   It got me to thinking about myself and how I must look to God on the inside and outside.    So I found these two pictures to illustrate it for you.

Look at how nice this apple looks  (all juicy looking and ready for you to take a bite, and you pick it up, wash it, and get ready to take that bite.

And when you do….ewwww…is then what you are saying because the inside looks like this….

It looked good enough to whet your appetite when in fact decay and deterioration had taken over its inside, and sooner or later this same thing is what happens to each of us, the pressures of our life will reveal the truth of what is on the inside.

We can put up fronts and “look” strong on the outside but our insides are ready to snap, to fall to pieces.

Something caused this apple not to be able to stand up to keeping it strong and juicy and ready to eat just like something inside us does the same and that something we learned about in this week’s lessons is our integrity.

The story of Daniel in the lions den is truly one of the most pure Christian inspirational stories of all times. His pure love for God put his integrity to the ultimate test!

We find the story in Daniel Chapter 6. We have all heard the story but I would like to stress some points within the story that stand out to me and will help us to understand what this lesson is trying to teach us.

The story took place during the rule of king Darius. King Darius liked Daniel a lot, and had placed him in a very high position within his kingdom.  Of course because of Daniel’s status it caused a great deal of jealousy among the individuals placed below him. So much so that they plotted against him.  Now these weren’t just everyday people they were high ranking officials.

When they got together they decided that they needed to find out something about his life that they could use against him to destroy him.

Does that sound familiar at all to the way people still act today. People are always trying to get the scoop on us and what they can find out in order to tell others….Instead of trying to work hard and handle their own lives, they find it is a lot faster to the top of the food chain to destroy those around them.

Kids are a good example of this! What is the first thing a small child will do to gain favor of their parents over their siblings? They run to mama and daddy and tattle on them for what the other one was doing!  ***I did that to my younger sister several times**** They are just trying to get to the top of the parents totem pole by trampling on the backs of anyone who stands in their way.

That is what the people were doing to Daniel. They examined his life with a fine tooth comb and could not find anything wrong.

Wow! Can you imagine! How wonderful that could be to know someone was looking into our life and not being able to find just “one” something that could destroy us.

The only thing they could figure out was that Daniel would pray three times a day like clock work in his home. Throughout his life he didn’t care who was in charge, what the rules were, he was going to worship the one and only true God!

It started from the first time they brought him captive to Babylon. He would not eat the food they presented and with the help of God was given the proper diet.

At the time, Daniel’s praying was no problem. But the people intended to make it a problem because they knew he wouldn’t give up his dedicated worship to God. That is a true testament in itself of his Integrity! He was known for doing the right thing without compromise. How about us?   Will we do the same?

So the people went to King Darius and asked him to make a decree for thirty days that no one would bow down and make a request from anyone except the King himself. The NLT version states it like this in verse 7: We are all in agreement—we administrators, officials, high officers, advisers, and governors—that the king should make a law that will be strictly enforced. Give orders that for the next thirty days any person who prays to anyone, divine or human—except to you, Your Majesty—will be thrown into the den of lions.

Pretty straight forward huh?  They knew Daniel’s integrity would not allow him to stop doing what he would always do. That was to worship his God.

King Darius did agree to this unknowingly that they had plotted against his friend Daniel. He signed it in such a way that it couldn’t be undone. You see the people in that day believed that a king was like a God and could not make a mistake. So if a king signed a decree, it was irreversible!

So what do you suppose Daniel did?

  • Of course he went right on doing what he always did.
  • He didn’t try to hide it!
  • He didn’t try to delay it for thirty days!
  • He didn’t try to fake it by pretending not to!
  • He just kept on keeping on!
  • That’s Integrity!

He would be facing death if he were to bow down to his God, BUT he just kept on praying to Him. He didn’t change one thing about his normal routine.

What about us, are we committed that strongly to doing the right thing?

When we go into a public restaurant do we still pray before we eat, or are we afraid of the ridicule we might face?

When we have a non Christian over for dinner do we pray before eating or do we only do that with our Christian friends?

When we are behind closed doors do we worship the one and only true God or do we only do that on Sunday at Church?

Do we speak holy/churchy conversations around our church friends and need to wash our mouths out around our work friends?

These are only examples of how we might change what we are doing because we have formed our behaviors around society.

Integrity is doing the right thing no matter what the consequences!

Daniel knew that if he prayed as he always did, he was going to be thrown into the lions den. Was he afraid? I don’t know! But that showed a form of Integrity that can’t be matched anywhere, or anytime.

He decided that he would face death before he caved into the world and it’s rules of going against God!

Now we know how the story ended, but Daniel didn’t have the luxury of knowing!

I know that I would’ve probably caved like a sink hole! Each situation God allows us to experience that tests our ability to make the right choice makes us that much stronger in our relationship with Him and His Son Jesus.

Each experience we face makes doing the right thing a little easier! We can only do this with God’s help. By asking Jesus to be the Authority of our life, it will change us and make integrity a little more real everyday in our life.

Until maybe, just maybe, we will face the lions den as Daniel did and say, God I will follow you over them every time!!! I will NOT compromise integrity for a moment of fun. Remember as Christians we can still have fun but we don’t have to compromise what we know is right!  Let’s take this stand, and be free so we can be an example and an influence to those who are watching our lives so that we can draw them to a closer relationship with Christ.

Let’s pray:

God I pray for each woman who studied this lesson of integrity this week. You showed us many things about our lives that we need to give over to You in order for us to be strong over the evil influences that try to take hold in our lives and I pray You begin and continue to show each of us what those things are so we can place them at Your feet and rid them from our lives and so that we will be ready to sign this resolution to be a “woman of integrity” !  In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN!

Your assignment:

I would love to hear from each of you how God removed your hidden infested decay that was on your inside before you did this weeks’ study and how He brought it to the surface and revealed the truths to you and because of His teachings this week you are now “strong” and resolved to be a “woman of integrity”.

Now head on back to our Online Bible Study Facebook Group for the Daily Activity (Megan always has something great/fun for us!)  If you don’t belong to our OBS FB Group, and would like to, simply send us an email at: GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to send you the details you will need to get started!

…don’t forget to read what the men are up to over on Craig’s blog…


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About Beverly McCormick

Beverly McCormick - Blog Contributor
Beverly lives in South Carolina with her husband of 34 years. She is the mother of two children - a daughter who is 25 years old and married to a youth pastor; a son who is 22 years old and a senior in college. She looks forward to becoming a grandmother someday as God allows. She works outside the home, teaches Sunday School at her church, sings, leads women's conferences/retreats. She loves to read and study God's Word in addition just loves to read. She loves to travel and see this beautiful world God gave us. She accepted Christ as Savior on April 17, 1979 and has a passion since that day for ministering to others needs.


  1. Great lesson! My biggest issue is too much screen time. Specifically my phone since I have no tv and rarely get on the laptop. I've known that but He has brought it to the forefront over the last few weeks lessons. I'm doing better but still have a ways to go. Next week will be a bigger challenge with my hubby at work in the evenings. With His help I can get a handle on this. 🙂

    • bevannemac says

      Thanks Tracy for sharing….one thing that helped me was to set a time limit on electronic devices….and at first I had a hard time but you will love it when you fully engage in what you know God is wanting of you….and so will your family…Luv ya…have a great day

  2. I am feeling tugged in a certain area of my life that I KNOW I need to work on. I am beginning to set up some boundaries in this area, and am asking for prayer that I will stick to these boundaries! AMEN! GREAT Blog & Teaching today, Bev!!!!

    • Beverly McCormick says

      I love to see how God is changing many of us….and the rewards will be wonderful for each of us as well as our families…Christi I will be praying as God continues to show you and help you in this area. God I lift up Christi and ask you to help her set these boundaries the way YOU want her to Lord and help her as she adjusts her day to the new plan, in your anem I pray Amen! Thanks for sharing Christi

  3. Gwen Smith says

    As our government takes more and more control of what is politically correct instead of what is spiritually correct, we all will be put to the test of where we stand, are we going to be like Daniel or will we crumble.I just pray that I along with all of my GCH friends will be able to stand the test which lies before us.

    • bevannemac says

      We will Gwen…we will support each other and stand in the gap and pick each other up when we are falling…..thanks for sharing

  4. I pray I can stand up to the world like Daniel. I became a Christian about 15 months ago, I always believed in Jesus but never heard about needing the personal relationship. Before becoming a Christian I was very liberal in my thinking about gay marriage, abortion, etc…. my language was bad, I was flirt. Since I was saved, God has worked on my heart and mind and showed me what He wants from me. But the reaction of family and friends has been hard, they don't understand why I wont use inappropriate language anymore, why I no longer can support gay marriage or abortion. One of my sisters even was annoyed because I wouldn't use the worldly word for your rear end! She kept saying, come on, you can say it… I stood my ground. It was a small thing but I did it. I just pray with all my heart that when the big things come along I can do the same, stand my ground for Jesus, for God and His word!!! As the end times draw near we will all need the strength of Daniel and I pray for that for me and for all of my beautiful sisters in Christ!

    • bevannemac says

      thanks so much for sharing Paula….it is a great testimony to hear how you are taking a stand for your new character God is creating in You…I will be praying for you as you continue your relationship with Him and I will also be praying for your family as they watch you and your life that they will see and feel something special in You and that it will make them want the same….Have a wonderful evening

      • Jolie Rivera says

        Good for you. Paula stand your ground. It will get easier. They will be watching you very closely now. They'll wanna know if this is an act or a temporary thing. Be strong, stay in the word and cover yourself in prayer. Before you are with them, so that your light may shine and you glorify your Father in Heaven. My family thought I was in a cult. I heard it all. That I was brainwashed. That a lil Jesus was ok but don't get ridiculous that it was a passing fad, everything. But when they saw the old me pass away and the new me stay and grow and love and be different they respected it. Now they are all saved too. Never give up. And don't be ashamed or apologize for who u are in Christ, He will strengthen you. God bless you my sister.

  5. Beverly that was such a great word….thank you so much. For me personally I am constantly trying to be aware of my attitude more so in front of my close friends or family. With family and friends you can tend to let your hair down alittle more because of the relationship and possibly say or do things that you wouldnt outside the home. My integrity with my friends and family are just as important as it is with people I come across in my day to day activities. Just a couple days ago I said something to my husband that did not set well with him and I was oblivious to what I said and how it sounded. I noticed he was a tad indifferent to me and I asked what was wrong. He told me that what I said had offended him and that it was ugly coming out of me. I was crushed because I don’t ever want to have ugly things come out of me. I quickly apologized to him. So I think what has really opened my eyes this week is to be aware of the things I speak to my friends and family. Not to be so comfortable with them where something ugly comes out of my mouth that would tarnish my integrity before my God and those I interact with. Another example is my MIL is famous for gossip and if I’m not careful she will trap me into her gossip so with her I am always on my guard and am prepared to steer her away from the gossip or I have also many many times have said to her what you are saying is gossip and I don’t want any part of this conversation. That’s a whole other story. Haha. Thank you again Beverly for this awesome word!

    • Beverly McCormick says

      Thanks Lannette, my thoughts exactly…it is so easy to kid around with close friends and family but really like you shared about your hubby it may really be hurting someone…so I too have started really focusing on how I speak and interact even also my body language when I am talking with others….thanks for sharing

    • You brought up a great point, lannette! Thanks so much! Why do we have a tendency to treat strangers better than those we love? It's boggled my mind and yet I'm still so very guilty of it. Something else I need to work on. 🙂

  6. It took me hearing ladies at work talk behind my back to get me to stop doing it myself. I have Micah 6:8 posted on a note card in my car and I read every morning before I go into work. The more I apply that verse the more God disciplines me to keep my mouth shut.

    • Beverly McCormick says

      Michelle thanks for sharing…here is a verse God showed me a while back that I have posted on my computer at work, Psalms 141:3, set a guard over my mouth Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. NIV….this truly helps me as well….So glad God is working to show you and me that sometimes its the little things that really do matter as well….have a great weekend!