March 6, 2025

The Resolution for Women: Structural Soundness

“Blessed are those whose way is blameless”

Psalm 119:1


It just would not be right if I typed one more word without quoting Mrs. Shirer from page 147…

“No doubt, this point of resolution calls for an intimate, personal, introspective look at what’s going on in our hearts and homes. It touches on some of those allowances we make behind closed doors, in the quiet of our dens and living rooms, where laziness and leniency have been known to hang around after dinner and stay up into the wee hours. That’s why, honestly, it often requires a resolution like this before we recognize that these things we’ve been sanctioning with our time and attention are a glaring contradiction of who we are and what we say we believe.”

It is all about compromise, ladies….. and with God, THERE IS NO COMPROMISE!

These compromises can come in many shapes and forms and you can probably easily justify them…..

  • watching a movie or television show you shouldn’t watch
  • listening to music you shouldn’t fill your ears with
  • flirting with an old flame online
  • reading a book you shouldn’t be reading
  • eating food in amounts you shouldn’t be eating or to fill a void
  • ________________________________.

I am not interested in telling you what parameters you should have in place for this, because that is not my place 🙂 BUT…. I really would like you to take a good hard, honest look at what you are spending your time on and filling your precious senses with and decide whether you are compromising purity and virtue for the sake of entertainment.

O U C H….. yes, this hurts…. but it is more than necessary that we rip this band aid off in one clean yank rather than continue to live this charade.

We cannot continue to discourage one thing in public and then derive pleasure from it behind closed doors. The world, and God, needs us to stop being one thing on the outside and something entirely different on the inside. He NEEDS this from us in order to fulfill His purposes AND for us to be living in the fullness of what He has for our lives.

THIS is integrity.

Structural Integrity is when something doesn’t just look good, it also has strong functionality. What is the use of a house that looks nice if it will fall apart at the sign of any storm? You wouldn’t want to be seen in a gorgeous new dress if you knew that if you bent down, it would rip at the seams from weak construction. We cannot continue living day-to-day in the hypocrisy of our own actions.

Priscilla shared something with us in this chapter that MUST be shared here. John Wesley (an evangelist) received these words from his mother:

“Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off the relish of spiritual things- in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind- that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself.”

Yikes!!!! So dear sisters, which do WE want more…. God’s best, or your personal favorites?

Psalm 101:2-3 (NLT)

2 I will be careful to live a blameless life— when will you come to help me?

I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.

3 I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.

The verse gives us some guidelines that we would do well to live by:

  1. Have no tolerance for evil.
  2. Closely monitor the type of people you allow to influence you
  3. Recognize your need for divine help

So….. the big question to ask ourselves here today is: “Are you who you claim to be?”

Understand that God’s goal for you through your integrity isn’t to take away all of your fun, like it might look on the surface. He wants so much more for you than that, dear one! His goal is to “position you as a clean, pure, available recipient of His best, most fulfilling blessings.” He needs you to leave all of these compromising distractions behind so that He can fill you with His best!

That’s what I want and I hope you want it, too! Let;s dig deep today, my dear friends, so that we can once and for all be a complete open, pure vessel ready for God’s best!


Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord, You know how hard it is for us to let go of these worldly pleasures so I ask You to please kelp give each and every one of us the strength and courage we need today to stand for YOU and Your best for us! Impress upon our minds, hearts and soul what You need us to stop compromising in and help us to kick it all to the curb! We want to begin living the same life in private that we profess to live in public. We want YOur best, Lord, and although it won;t be easy, we know it will be worth it! In Your Son’s pure name we pray, amen <3


Your Assignment:

What do you participate in right now that weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, and/ or takes the relish off spiritual things? Please share with us in a comment below….


After you complete this assignment, then go back to your Facebook Group and see what Megan has for us for our daily activity.  I’m sure it is going to be interesting!!  If you do not belong to one of our FB Groups, and you wish to be added, please send us an email to:, and we’ll be happy to add you!!

Join us back here tomorrow where we will discuss the next chapter of this section:  The Three Percent DIfference.

Be a blessing,

Megan <3

…don’t forget to read what the men are up to over on Craig’s blog…

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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. I think my biggest distraction from everything has got to be Facebook. We don't have tv right now or that would probably be another. And it's not that I watch stuff I shouldn't. I watch it when I shouldn't. Instead if doing the things I ought to be doing, I'm watching tv or on Facebook. Trying desperately to curb the Facebook issue.

  2. WOW this was really good and right on! I want to be careful in what and how my response comes across because I do not want it to be taken that I'm all holy because believe me I'm not….I'm a work in progress like everyone else. But yesterday and today's chapters and blogs topics are so dear and near my heart. I believe our integrity goes before us and states who and what we are before others and God. We cannot live, think and behave one way in front of others and live, think and behave differently behind closed doors. It's a slap in the face to our Lord and a poor witness to others. There is this big craze right now in my surroundings at work about the book "Fifty Shades of Gray" and I have never heard of that book and once I was told about it and after I was encouraged to read it My response was "this would not be a book I would read because of its inappropriate contents". I have no desire to open the door to peak in and see what this book is about. The sliver becomes a river and an inch becomes a mile….and now our integrity has now been compromised and tarnished. Thank you Megan for the awesome word today!

    • i thought about that book as i was typing the blog post because THAT is exactly the type of thing that we come across in our world that seems so innocent but challenges the purity of our hearts.

  3. Janet Jackson says

    At one time my answer like Tracy's would have been facebook. Not that I was doing anything inappropriate on there but that ALL of my time was spent there instead of doing things that I needed to and should have been doing. God rescued me from that, I can spend just a short time on facebook now if I'm on the computer or 5 mins here or there if I'm on my phone. Not the hours on end that I was sucked into it before. I don't fully know how to answer for this point in time, I feel that I am doing other good things in place of it but not the BEST things or not the things I should be doing like house work and cooking, etc. Pretty much anything and everything but….I want to break away from that too with God's help but up to this point I haven't seen how. I have watched Days of Our Lives for 28 years and it seemed clean enough until recently when gay characters entered the scene and relationships started crumbling and a spouse entertained sexually impure thoughts and actions with someone other than there spouse. There was a time when I would NEVER watch anything like this it was happening on other soaps that my friends watched and I would say I hope something like this never happens on my soap! Now it has and instead of turning it off and not watching, the store lines (not with the gay and cheating people) but with the other people on the show are SO good I don't want to keep up and not turn it off. Is there a way I can still watch without compromising my values or do I have to resolve to give this up completely? This one is going to be really hard for me but I know that whatever advice I am give is good and Godly and therefore I have to pray about it and let God be in control, not me! Brokeback Mountain is another thing that comes to mind that I would never take part in when there was so much hype around it….

  4. OUCH!!!! i never thought of food being an integrity issue!!! I have been struggling lately with gaining some weight! (menopause!!!) I eat because I'm bored not really when I'm hungry!!! WOW! I will have to chew on this! (no pun intended!) I really think food has become some kind of issue with me, and I have been struggling with how to deal with it. I want to be a woman of integrity even in my eating. Help me Lord!!!

  5. For me it is books/tv. I love suspense books and movies. Like Lanette that fifty degrees of grey, it was recommended to me to read. When I looked into it and saw what it was all about. Are you kidding me!!! This is definitely not what I should be reading.
    There is a series on tv that when it started I loved called once upon a time. I enjoyed it then it started to get dark. I couldn't watch it. How could I tell my kids we are children of Light and allow darkness in my home. I'm not trying to be holier than anyone but for me it went against what I believe.
    Compromise is like leaven. A little leaven spoils the whole loaf.

  6. Ouch… that is all I can say. OUCH!! So dead on Megan! 'Magic Mike' was one of those things for me… My flesh wanted to watch it… but I just new it was inappropriate. And would I want my husband watching a movie with women like that? And I have thought the same about the Fifty Shades of Grey, like the other ladies were saying. I woldn't read that either. But yet, I am still watching Grey's Anatomy and General Hospital where everyone is sleeping with everyone else. Married, not married… married to someone else. Definitely words to think about. Thank you Megan!

  7. For me, facebook is a big one. I am working on it. It used to be television. But around 4 months ago, we canceled cable, mainly due to the JUNK that was in television!! We love it!! It has definitely strengthened our marriage. We spend a lot more time talking now, than we ever did!! We read more. We study more. We play games, card games, board games, Wii. The point is we are spending more quality time together. We were given some very good advice when we shut off our cable…"fill that void with something positive, so something as negative doesnt creep in". GOOD advice!!!

  8. Gwen Smith says

    I would say food is definetly a problem with me,I do love to read but stick to Christian authors,when people ask if I have read some secular authors and I tell themI hve never heard of them they think I am narrow minded.I have a problem with too much tv,but that has become so bad until it now seems its the news and the cooking shows, there goes that food thing. I do like football,but there again that is time I could use more wisely. Pray for me that I can get abetter balance with my time.

  9. Ouch and amen,Megan!

  10. TV is the big issue at our house. There are just some things I don't want to watch anymore but Hubby still does and just doesn't get it when I sit and read during those programs or movies. Garbage in — garbage out, right ladies?

  11. Ouch is right! I have to say food is a biggie for me…. And I have read books and watched tv/movies that I shouldn't…. I have always been a big fan of vampire books/movies but lately I've been feeling convicted when I try to read one or watch it on tv. So I'm getting rid of all my books and I'm quitting the shows I watch that I know I shouldn't. Food is not that easy though, but I'm working on it.

  12. This is an awesome chapter. I am loving the book..

  13. One thing that God has been working on me big time is not participating in all the gossip that goes on and talking behind another persons back. Also Facebook can be a distraction for me at times as well.

  14. I appreciate so many of you speaking your hearts! All that keeps coming to mind is that the more we put real labels and names to these things, the less power they have over our hearts!!!! We all know we struggle…. no surprise there…. but God calls us to be our very best in ALL we do, not just work or with our kids, but in EVERY SINGLE THING WE DO!!!! Its time to stop going through motions or acting one way in public and another way behind closed doors. God knows anyway!!! Let's give it all up, ladies!!!! NOW is the time to start living our fullest for His kingdom!!! <3 Let God into those places for healing and just stand back and watch Him work!!! 🙂

  15. Beverly McCormick says

    as I have stated before what keeps me from God's Word and praying and serving is myself…I can make excuses every day but I know there is NEVER an excuse good enough that suffices me not to spend time with my Lord….He is with me ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, and I can at least give him a minimum of 10% of my day….He desires me to spend time with Him…He pursues me daily……I WANT TO DO THE SAME….and I can say over the past several years I have and my desire grows stronger every day to where some days all I want to do is spend time with Him, then I find myself neglecting my other responsibilities….I must find BALANCE….

    • Continuing to stand in prayer with you, dear sister <3

      • Donna Slaten says

        I am such a work in progress!!! Thank God he accepts me right here, where I am! Feeling some conviction on a couple of things after reading this that I didn't feel before. Ladies, that is a GOOD thing, but it doesn't FEEL good :/. I must say that just before this study, purchased 50 Shades of Gray. I didn't want to download it on my Kindle in case someone wanted to pick it up and discover it——- uh huh???? I read maybe the first chapter, then this study started. I have NOT been able to open it again! It still sits on my nightstand, and now I need to figure out what to DO with it! Donate it to the public library …….. I don't think so, give it to my daughter? Absolutely not! Burn it like a crazy lunatic Christian? YES!!!!!! That's the only place this book belongs, up in smoke! OK, now about those other things…….not so easy :/


  1. Read More Here

    The Resolution for Women: Structural Soundness – Girlfriends Coffee Hour