February 22, 2025

Resolution for Women: The Gift

Our Memory Verse

Luke 6:45

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”

My sweet sisters in Christ…..

We are going to do things a little differently today here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour. As I was praying over writing this blog post, God put it on my heart to give you a gift. I hope you don’t mind and I certainly pray that it is a blessing to every single one of you.

First, I need you to ready today’s lesson in our book if you have not done so already. You can find it on pages 112-115 of our books.

Then, I need you to come right back here and read the rest of this post.

Priscilla tells us today that really actively listening to someone is the greatest gift we can give them…… as it is also a blessing God bestows on each of us. I need you to understand that by really listening to someone else…. you are also the benefactor of one incredible gift that should not be pushed aside or re-gifted. If someone ever trusts you so much that they share their heart with you, please understand that you have been given a priceless gift that you should treasure. I need you to BE THIS to someone today.

This is your gift. Each of you are going to write our blog post today. After you complete today’s assignment, I need you to come back here and tell all of us what it was like to give and receive this beautiful gift of listening and being trusted with someone’s heart. We don’t want to know the details of the conversation….. we just want you to share your heart with us about what it was like. Please say you’ll do it!


Your Assignment:

Today’s assignment will not cost you one precious penny…. but it is priceless!!! As Priscilla shares with us on page 115: “…listening is one of the most significant ways He blesses us. Therefore, quite predictably, it’s one of the key ways that we can bless others. ”

Please, dear sisters, choose to listen today….. REALLY listen! Who has been fighting for your attention? Please do not put them off for one more day…. give them all you have today and you might just be surprised by what you hear! FIGHT the urge to put your two cents in!!! Keep your conversation priceless by keeping your examples, criticisms, laughs and insults to yourself.

Report back to us here about who you shared this time with today and how God showed up! I triple-dog-dare you to do it…. and I can’t wait to listen in on how it goes <3


Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord,

I’d like to thank you in advance for meeting each and every woman reading this right where they are today in spending time with another of your precious souls. Give them your discernment, Father, of when to speak affirming, encouraging words and when to be silent. Have this time be all about the other person, Father, and I pray you give each and every woman the time back that they spend investing in Your Kingdom today. We love you, Lord, and we thank you for this lesson. May our actions spill over into every life we interact with and may we also be heard… really heard,…. by those we yearn to connect with the most. In Your Son’s name I pray, amen <3


Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!


Megan 🙂

Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. Edwina Botha Howard says

    A stranger walked up to me today, thinking that she has met me before. We started talking and I was genuinely interested in what she had to say. We spoke for s long time and as we got ready to part, she hugged me and spoke blessings over my life.
    I am so happy that although we've never met, I took the time to listen to her.

  2. Judy McMillin says

    I listened to a new friend at my job. The longer I listened, the more she talked. I kept thinking of things to say, but fought the urge and kept listening. It is a GREAT lesson of self discipline. God gave us 2 ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.

  3. today i chose to give the gift to my grandchildren, kaylie and levi. they were here, as usual, for 'tuesdays with tata.' i determined to not be so busy; to not sit down, check-in and see what y'all were up to but to BE with them—intentionally. (now i know this is not always available, of course stuff comes up and such, but i really want to cement this in my head and heart.) and what we 'accomplished!' we made 3 videos (uh-huh!), baked cookies, 2 craft projects and such. and oh, the stuff they told me…. but here's what i DIDN'T hear: 'tata, tata, did you see ME?' (twenty times over.) and here's what they DIDN'T hear: "hold on, guys…just let me finish this." (twenty times over.) i was reminded that my time with them today…hearing what was in their happy little hearts today can never be replicated. so i need to listen. "Lord, please help me to hold onto this truth. each day–with the people and the joys, the cares, the circumstances–is a gift from You. may i treasure it as such giving You thanks and praises. i SO desire, Father, to BE wholehearted in everything i do, with everyone i am with. please help me to rid myself of self-concern and live intentionally with the love that Jesus has placed in my heart." <3

  4. Donna Slaten says

    Looking back on the day, I realize that I didn't really get the opportunity to stop and 'listen' to anyone. I ran errands, was here and there, and just cant think of anything or anyone. I will keep this in the forefront of my mind, to be sure that even the subtle opportunities don't fly past me. I think that sometimes, in the busy- ness of my day that people don't even try to open up to me so as to not interrupt. The first step is to make eye contact and smile. You never know when the Lord may want to use you to make a difference in someone's life <3

  5. My listening came this morning when one the moms dropped her daughter off at my class. She started crying after our conversation and all I did was reached out and hugged her and let her cry on my shoulder.