February 22, 2025

Resolution for Women: Shhhhh

Our Memory Verse

  Luke 6:45

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”

WOW Ladies!  How many of you can relate to the picture above?   Be honest, be really really honest……Well?  No, you have to be really honest!  Can you?   Okay, I’ll admit – I can.   But…..if you don’t agree, can you at least agree that talking is one of the things women do best – We TALK. We love to talk!    We talk about everything and talk some more.   Many times we talk before we think.  We talk when we should just be quiet – when we should pray.  We like to talk.  It’s in our blood!

Have you been in situations where you have been listening to people talk and they are excited about being the first to tell someone something?  They absolutely love being the person to share news or happenings – they enjoy being in the position of getting noticed for what they are telling and talking about – even if its negative.   This is certainly not wisdom and can be rather embarrassing for her and those around her.

“Wisdom – knowing what to say and not saying it” – This is the definition Priscilla shares with us in our book. How many times have we been in situations where we said things when we should have just kept our mouth shut. Let’s face it ladies, for the majority of us, this happens quite often, or DID, before we met Jesus and began to learn wisdom.

With me, when I started building a relationship with Jesus Christ and started studying The Word, I too realized that I talk way too much (hold your laugh) and unfortunately not all of it would bring glory to our Father.  My husband was forever telling me I needed to ‘hush’;  I was talking too much, telling too much, and it would be better for all if I just stopped talking. Truth be told, he was right many times – Yes, I hate to admit it, but the Hubby was right.

I love the way Priscilla writes about this subject.  The following, shared by Priscilla in our chapter, really struck me personally.  When you read these statements what were your thoughts?

  • Silence is our friend. Silence is our strength.   –   I love this!  It’s amazing what we can do with silence now that we have a  relationship with Jesus.   Silence IS our friend and IS our strength!  All we have to do is utilize it, all to glorify Him.
  • A woman who is quick to listen is one who gathers up all the information before releasing her reaction.   WOW – YES!   This is my goal!  How about you!?
  • When she speaks, her advice and assessments are sensible and sober. Prudent and purposeful.  – these sisters represent WISDOM – Wisdom is a blessing!

In God’s Word, sweet sisters, it is made clear.    We need to stop and listen to the direction of our Father before acting or discussing a situation.  We need to remember that words DO have power – and not all power will glorify our Lord and Savior. We need to pray more and talk less.  We need to remember that we are children of the King.  We need to reach out and take hold of the wisdom we know comes from our Heavenly Father ~ and actively display this Wisdom in every situation.  We need to grow in the quiet.   I challenge you to read the following scriptures and become convicted by the words written especially for us.

‘…..the tongue of the righteous is pure silver’  Proverbs 10:20

‘The tongue has the power of life and death’  Proverbs 18:21

‘Be still and know that I am God’     Psalms 46:10

Remember, Silence is our Friend.  Silence is our Strength


Your Assignment:

  • What would immediately change for the better in your life if you began exercising the spiritual restraint of silence?
  • Try it for just a day or two.  Deliberately keep from saying something that’s better left unsaid.  Allow the bait of another’s unkind or inappropriate remark to land without hooking a response from you.  Record what you observe about yourself and the change in the dynamics around you.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord,

Father God thank you for the blessing of silence.  Change our hearts so that we may use this silence to prepare our words and actions in such ways to bring glory to you in all we do.  In addition, may we remember the power of words and the damage it can cause, as well as the praises it may bring.  Thank you for these blessings.  Thank you for each sister here. We love you Father and We ask these things in your precious and Holy name.  Amen.


Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!


Kelley <3<3

Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

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  1. One of the best pieces of advice, if you want to call it that, that I have ever gotten is that we have TWO ears and ONE mouth. We should be listening twice as much as we're talking. I struggle to remember that sometimes but when I do I don't regret it. 🙂

  2. Oh I need this one dear friend!

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      That's my prayer – that just one person "needed this one"! I was the one writing it and truly felt like I was writing to myself!

  3. I wish there was a "thumbs up" button I could click. 🙂

  4. Even though I'm late in reading the chapters this week, this information about talking and silence has been such a blessing! Today, when I'm at work, and my friends start coming in for Bible study tonight, inevitably, they will stop by my office and talk…so tonight I am going to step away from my computer and actually LISTEN to them without any distractions. Whatever I need to do at that moment is not as important as listening to them. Love, LOVE, LOVE this study!!

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      Yay!!!!!! I'm so glad you are loving this study!!! Me too! and I hope you 'heard' some great stuff last night when you stopped to "listen" to the bible study peeps!! Hugs

  5. I would HEAR what people really may be trying to say, and I would hear more from the Lord. I would be more attuned to HIS voice, and better able to BE his voice 🙂 I've been there before – I intentionally kept my words to a minimum, shut the television off, was purposefully in the word, and communed with Him ahhhhhhhh!

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      I too don't stop enough and just listen to His voice. I think if I did, I would hear more from Him than I think I am hearing. You used my favorite word here – INTENTIONALLY…..it's the only way to live as a Jesus girl. We have to be intentional in everything we do! Thank you for sharing!

  6. I'm a work in progress when it comes to listening! I'm better than I used to be, but still have a long ways to go yet. I'm working at being slow to speak, so I am able to "listen with BOTH ears"!! Intentional listening. God help me with to become a better listener and to be Your voice in a time of need!

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      We are all a work in progress Christi!!!! All we can do is keep on working on the good stuff! If we had it all down pat, we would not need our Heavenly Father to continue working on us! Thankful for the part you play in our lives as a vessel for Him.

  7. I agree silence is our friend but it's hard not to give your opinion on everything. I have learned that every situation, every conversation does not require that we give our thoughts on it unless asked. We must also ask for godly wisdom from God on what we should say to those we encounter.

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      ah ha! so true! And I agree, I firmly believe in asking God for wisdom and the words needed in every situation. I was always one of those people who had to put my 2 cents into every conversation – I think it was the need to be heard, have the attention on me – not sure. So glad that I found my Jesus and no longer have to be like that – how annoying it must have been for others. You know, my 2 cents were always the best 2 cents! (ouch, LOL – or so I thought!)

  8. I needed this eventhough I usually do keep my mouth shut unless I am pushed in a corner then my mouth flies of at the handle. I love the statement: Silence is our friend and that Silence is our strength. There are many times that it is better left unsaid than to insert your foot in your mouth and I am guilty of that as well. I have remember that I don't always have to voice my opinion

  9. Judy McMillin says

    This week I have purposefully been quiet. I love how much a person lights up when she is being heard.