February 22, 2025

The Resolution for Women- Week 5: It Only Works When I Breathe

The past two-three weeks at work have been crazy!  I was assigned 3 projects to work on all at the same time, all with deadlines of yesterday.  I also had my Online Bible Study groups , my family, grandchildren to spend the night, was planning for a mission trip to Nicaragua, and was attempting to keep up with all the day-to-day tasks.  By the way, the list goes on!   I desperately needed oxygen.   Unfortunately for me it was not dropping out of the sky ready to be used!   In addition to this, the ‘boxes’ that we talked about the other day that could be rearranged or moved around were not the ones that were labeled W O R K, they were the things I enjoyed – the things that brought me peace.  Lovely, huh!?    Have any of you ladies had this problem?   –as I chuckle!   Of course you have.   To bed late, up way too early, running kids here, running kids there, working, doing laundry – running yourself ragged – trying to do it all…..needing a LARGE oxygen tank!   Suffocating from attempting the impossible. Do any of us think about how destructive this behavior is to our bodies? Nope, we totally believe we can do it all!  In our book Priscilla explains what this type of behavior provides us ,

“by running yourself ragged, trying to do everything morning till night, you’re in essence trying to be God. Overwork is a form of unbelief.  You’re saying through your actions that you don’t believe He can take care of everything, meaning you’re on the hook for it” (page 109)

Ladies, it’s time to stop and smell the roses, time to find your oxygen tank whatever, wherever that may be.  There is no possible way that you can help anyone else – not your children, your husband or anyone  else when you are out of ‘gas’.  I will be honest, even during those very difficult weeks at work recently, I made time for the one thing that totally relieves me of stress – even if only for a few minutes – my MuayThai class.  For 1 solid hour 3 times a week no matter what goes on, I go and hit pads, kick bags – relieving every ounce of frustration and finding my’oxygen’.    I would leave work so tired, seriously feeling like I could go straight home and go to bed, then I would change into my gym clothes and head to the gym.  By the time I left, the good endorphins in my body were rolling, my energy level was up, and thankfully I had found my oxygen tank – right in the nick of time!

So let’s think about this ladies.  What is something that you can do each day to re-energize?  Perhaps it’s your quiet time with God, or maybe your on-line bible study time.  Perhaps it’s an amazing tough workout at the gym or a much-needed date with your hubby.  Whatever it is, it is necessary to reach out and grab it, to find that oxygen tank and use it!  For me it’s an hour in the gym, for you this time may mean 10 minutes with Jesus.  Whether it’s a quick outdoor walk or getting an hour-long massage – it is absolutely imperative that you take this time to replenish your soul, to fill your lungs with fresh air, to suck up the molecules necessary to rebuild the cells throughout your body – Only then can you be the person you need to be for yourself and for those that are depending on you.

And let’s not forget to seek guidance from the Lord as we handle the many things we do.  We need to work with Him and let Him show us the tasks and priorities we need to be addressing, not all of them belong to us  – although we think they do!

Assignment for Today

When will I put on my oxygen mask so I can ….  bre-e-e-eathe?  What does my oxygen mask look like?   I would like for each and every sister here to commit to some time each day to breathe and replenish their body.  Share with us what that will be for you.


Dear God, Guide and direct us each day as we go through our daily tasks.  Help us to reach for our oxgen in whatever form works for us, Provide us with the understanding Father that you are the only one in control, you are the only one capable of handling all of the tasks laid out for our lives.  Father, we love you and thank you.  We worship  you and praise you.  It is in your name we pray.  Amen.


After you have completed this assignment here, go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group, and see what fun activity we have for you there!  You never now what we will come up with!!  If you do not belong to an Online Bible Study Group, and would like to, please email us at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we will be happy to add you!


<3 Kelley

…Don’t forget about the Men’s Journey over here:


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  1. My oxygen mask is quiet time. I have my morning quiet time with my favorite person in the whole world ~ God, but sometimes I need time to sew, or go to the gym, or just read a book. I watch my four grandchildren and school is not in session so my to-do-list does not include anything but them and very important things. At the end of the day if I do not feel that I was productive I get down on myself, so I have had to work on that. I have had to let that one go. I have had to give up my Tai-Chi for this season.

    School starts in less than a week and there are so many things I will be doing. My oxygen mask will have a different color, but I am so looking forward to it. One of those is Tai-Chi and going to the gym.

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      I love how your post was so relaxing……teaches me a lot about you!!! and I love that your oxygen mask will have a different color come time when school goes back!!!! it sure will!!!!

  2. My oxygen mask is my time with the Lord. When I just sit back and be quiet and read, seek, learn, pray, and listen. I also like to loom knit. I have made baby blankets, chemo caps, prayer shawls, caps, scarves for several people. It is very relaxing!!

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      are you never not relaxed!!!! you always seem to so even keeled……! awesome oxygen mask!

  3. Kelley thank you for this blog. Like yesterday this is God's way of reminding me of His rebuke to take care of myself. My breathe moment or what I like to say I'm waiting to exhale and be refreshed which is for me best at the feet of Jesus. Quiet time with Him is refreshing and keeps me focused on what I need to do.

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      You MUST take care of yourself!!!! and always remember to get that quiet time in!!! I love that – Waiting to Exhale!

  4. carol costello says

    My mask needs to be quiet time with the Lord. I also need to get back to running. I quit 12 yrs ago when the kids were little and feel so out of sync. Thank u for this blog and reminder.

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      Oh girlfriend – I am 46 (47 in September) and I absolutely LOVE my Muay Thai and my walk/running . Unfortunately right now I'm 75 lbs. overweight and can't breathe to run – but there is nothing I'd rather do than be in the gym or out on the road – working up a sweat – it "syncs" me – Get back to that running! Running or being in the gym is the one thing you can do for YOU! and you will feel so awesome!!!!! I'll be excited to hear that you threw those shoes on and took to running really soon!

  5. I have a few things that I do that allows me to just breathe… driving down country back roads listening to music; working out on my gazelle while listening to music on my iPhone, and eyes closed – I like to just zone out; and knitting with soft music in the background. Wow there's a theme here… music, music, music.

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      Shandy, music is a beautiful thing. It tells its own story and can certainly bring peace to your soul. Keep on listening!!!!!

  6. my oxygen mask is music…it encourages my heart, it strips away the worldliness that creeps in, it puts a bounce into my step, it reminds me of the comforting arms of my Lord around me, it draws the eyes of my heart up to my awesome Almighty Father! and i breathe in His Presence. how blessed i am. <3

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      Yes Coleen, how awesome music is! for encouragement, to bask yourself in the love of the Heavenly Father…..to soak up the beauty that He brings – a true blessing for sure!!! HUGS

  7. Beverly McCormick says

    I have many oxygen masks (reading, walking, taking a bath in my garden tub, music and more) but in order to get the oxygen I need to refresh myself I actually need to put "stuff" down or in the background so I can allow God to help me to find that breath of fresh Holy Spirit air…..and I don't know why I don't do this every day cause it sure feels good….I feel new again! Well at least God is showing me how and I am getting better at it every day…..thanks Kelly for reminding us to step back and see the need to b-r-e-a-t-h-e…..awwh that felt good just to type that word out …now let's go Beverly and get some oxygen now!

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      All of these posts have been so relaxiing!!! ahhhh taking a bath in your garden tub – how nice! I'm glad you make yourself step away from life in order to gain a refreshing breath….we do need it and many times we push life until we can push no more before we step out and take that breath….sometimes it feels like its going to be too late….but God is there in his calmness and he rescues us – allows us to feel calm and refreshed. Keep taking that break – get that breath of fresh Holy Spirit air!!! hugs

  8. My oxygen tank comes in a lot of forms but only if I start my day the best way to breathe, On my balcony spending quality time with my Father! Then as I go through the day it's a walk with my good friend Patti Mclean and at the end of the day with my husband, praying, reading and/ or watching the Brewer game! I can only go as far as my tank goes and I absolutely need to start it out right and fill it every day as I can!!!

    • kbmurphy0921 says

      I love your analogy Donna of your oxygen tank forever on your back – I love how you fill it up in the morning and how it goes with you throughout the day…..a walk with Patti sounds wonderful, wish I could do that….and I love how you know you must fill it up first thing every morning with the air of the Spirit – only then will it get you through the day!

  9. Wow! I love reading all of these comments!! You all have shared some terrific ideas on how to "breathe" and take care of ourselves! I am learning all kinds of new stuff today!!! 🙂

  10. My oxygen mask is when I sit down and write a letter to God. I feel so restored,relaxed and my mind is renewed.

  11. I would have to say that my Oxygen mask is when I get to have a massage! Unfortunately, that is not often enough to sustain life! This book and study have been penetrating my heart. It's pure oxygen when the Lord can use a book and a study in such a personalized way.

  12. My new oxygen mask is going to the gym. I've only completed one week with a personal trainer, but working with a personal trainer to show me the exercises and help me has been a big benefit so far. Even though I am terribly out of shape, I love the challenge of working out. I now need to add my own personal exercise sessions into my week. My other oxygen mask is my drive to work…I often use this time to pray or listen to praise music to recharge.