February 22, 2025

The Resolution for Women: Divine Appointments

Our Memory Verse

Priscilla so eloquently points out to us in this lesson that in Resolving to be faithfully His, we are….

  • Women who lean into His voice- listening, heeding, conforming our will to His.
  • Women who uphold the laurels of Scripture in the face of contrary opinion.
  • Women who do not ultimately answer to earthly authorities but to the One who created us, and called us to Himself.
  • Women who live with heaven’s purpose in view and heaven;s whisper in our soul.
  • In the world, but we are not of the world- not controlled by it, consumed by it, compelled by it
  • Heaven called, pursuing His purposes and driven by the passions He has placed within our hearts.

THIS is what makes us uniquely His! No matter what our sin-filled world throws at us, we will stand strong, ever faithful, to HIM and the laurels of His Word!

James 1:3 (ESV)

for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

Amen!!!! We KNOW that we will be tested and we KNOW that we will not always be our best and do our best to pass the test…. but THANK GOD He loves us anyway! Each and every single one of us as daughters of the Most-high King have a heavenly calling God has uniquely and divinely designed us to fill.

We will not be perfect, but we MUST be purposeful!

We will not live without blemish, but we are marked with God’s PRESENCE!

We must not be swayed by the whims and fleeting passions of this world, but be fiercely focused on Heaven’s call!

“The faithful are those who resolve to despise the pathways of earthly success

in exchange for the divine mission

given specifically and uniquely by the Father.”

So, it is time that we all ask ourselves the BIG QUESTIONS:

  • What do you sense Heaven is calling you to do and be?
  • What do you believe to be God’s overarching purpose for creating you and then setting you down in THIS generation at THIS particular point in history?
  • Are you seeking to discover it as you wake up in the morning listening for the hush of Heaven?

Do you know that THE BEST WAY to begin is by being faithful to what God has set before you RIGHT NOW? That is the truth! In this very season, you are being called to be uniquely YOU for HIS purpose. Please, dear one, don’t miss it!!! Don’t rush ahead and don’t lag behind! He needs so intentionally PRESENT in your current situation and circumstance for a divine reason. You might not like it, but really, it is not about YOU! You are here for a higher purpose and He will equip you with all you need for His purpose to be fulfilled. Live BOLDLY for HIM in this season! He CHOSE YOU!!!

No rain-checks allowed, dear friends! No re-scheduling and no cancelling. This divine Appointment is meant for YOU and YOU ALONE. Don’t miss it. Don’t be late. Just show up and let Him lead!

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, we come to you today with bold abandon! Father, we ask that you make our divine appointments crystal clear to us in our current seasons so that we can fulfill the unique purpose You have for us in this time and place. We don’t want to miss a thing, Lord! Help strengthen us supernaturally to keep us committed to what You are calling us to do and not be distracted by our fallen world. Lord, help us each day to stand in the gap for our sisters where needed to ensure that your purposes be fulfilled. We love you, Lord, and we thank you in advance for all you will do in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits! In Your son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3


Your Assignment Today:

What is calling you to do and be in your current season? What is standing in your way of fulfilling this purpose in this season?

Share below in the comments section, what you will do this week to clear the way for God’s purpose within you to be fulfilled.  Then go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

Ladies, I believe in you and know I am praying for you every step of the way as we resolve to be different, changed and so Faithfully His! He deserves our very best and may He get all the glory!

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

Keep up with my journey on my blog here:


…and my husband Craig as he is on the Resolution for Men journey:


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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. We will not be perfect, but we MUST be purposeful! – this really stood out to me Megan! Thank you for another awesome blog! Hugs

    • Kelley… thank you!!!! I am waiting to hear all about YOUR divine purpose in this season <3 Your encouragement warms my soul 🙂

  2. Carol Bruntlett says

    Yep love your blog Megan awesome stuff
    We will not be perfect , But we Must be Purposeful
    In the world but not of the world
    So many times I conform to this world and blend in with the growd not good
    I have to remember He chose me, I am created for Him

    Love your heart Megan

    • Dear Carol, YOU YOU YOU were so purposefully chosen FOR A PURPOSE that only YOU can fulfill for God's kingdom!!! How incredibly AWESOME is that?!?!??!? So, now what? How will you fulfill this divine appointment right here, right now? God is counting on it <3

  3. God is calling me to be an EXCELLENT wife. Not selfish in MY wants, needs, but to be purposeful in HIS needs and wants. I noticed this past weekend when I did that he began asking ME what I wanted. Not that he hasn't ever done that, but it was "different". This past weekend we scoped out my new job location, lunch places for me to go… that is NOT my husband. I keep telling him it is my desire to be an excellent wife. He tells me I am, but I tell him, I know I can be better.

  4. "in this very season, you are being called to be uniquely YOU for HIS purpose…" amen to that, megan! all we have is today.
    in the book of james, chapter 4 it says, "yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. what is the nature of your life? you are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air]. you ought instead to say, if the Lord is willing, we shall live and we shall do this or that [thing]…."
    in this season of my life, i recognize that God has uniquely equipped me to encourage; to share the beautiful Truth given to us through the Scriptures; to speak words that, by His grace, will draw others to Him; to acknowledge His goodness&grace&mercy thereby encouraging someone else to praise this Awesome God Who we love & serve.
    sometimes it seems as if our lives have so many constraints. and that there are situations and circumstances which seem to limit us. but truly we each have much to offer within our circle of influence—those whom God has placed in our lives, in our hearts, today.
    today i will be salt&light. i will choose to speak the Truth in love. i desire to do Your will, my Father. as You lead, i will to follow. <3

  5. Megan you are the woman, awesome blog!!!! The season I'm in is wife and mom/homeschool mom. At times it seems overwhelming but like Moses I'm pressing on with my heavenly call until the Lord has me go no further. The Lord has impressed on me that I'm not only preparing my kids to be ready for life but for serving Him. With my husband to be intentionally loving/respecting him,
    and to support him. I'm loving my role and loving the Lord for choosing me. Thanks again Megan for a job well done. 🙂

    • Your appointment certainly is not an easy one Merol, but you certainly do it with grace and love! So happy to be on this journey with you!!

  6. Beverly McCormick says

    There are several areas/seasons That God needs me to be focused on…one is trying to guide my 21 yr old son Kevin to understand that God wants him to seek HIM with this relationship He has with his girlfriend, he just dates her without even asking God or seeking out God to find out if this is the "one" that God has set apart for Hm, so I try to help him to see he must do that. The second one is making sure I am continuing to be an example to my husband, so that he can see that it's God in our marriage that is making things happen and not me, I want to me reflecting God to him, and another is as I begin to teach a new class at church to allow God to shine through, let Him lead all of us, stay focused on studying and being prepared and ready to share Gods lessons to these women. I am sure I could think of many more things because God always has things I am in need of learning or changing but these are foremost on my heart today…. And the only thing that could stand in the way would be ME… Thanks Megan

  7. Awww Megan! How sweet of you to write ME such a personalized message! 🙂 Seriously, this is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. Your writing and your God-connection are amazing. Thank you once again….

  8. I believe my divine purpose is to honor Him in everything I do and say. To share what He has done in my own life, with other women who are struggling. To show what an awesome God we serve!!! The only real thing that gets in my way, is myself, but I am working on that!! 🙂

  9. Michelle V says

    Hi Megan, love your messages. Makes things so much clearer for me. Down to earth and in English :). I am seeking God at this time to let me see clearly what it is He has/is calling me to do. I have always felt it was to be home to raise my children, be there when my hubby comes in off the road. To be a helper to those in need. But I have always been made by others(not my hubby) to feel that isn't a real purpose. That I am lazy or whatever they want to coin at the time. I feel that I am to be a representation of His light/ways to my hubby, children etc. To guide my grandchildren with His ways etc. I feel more equipped now to not let them grow up un-educated like my children did. Oh, I taught them about God, we attended church sporadically. I was/have been struggling in my own walk so how was I to teach them. It was later that I started attending church and even more so recently have I tried to be more consistent and am I learning what it truly means to be His daughter. So, in a sense I feel like I failed them as a mother. I try to guide them now but they are adults in their own lives and will have to learn pretty much the same way I did. Oh how my heart aches to see them struggle and go through the things they are and not to have God to turn to. I pray for them. My grandchildren though are a different story, I play a huge part in their lives so I can place those little seeds and continue to teach them about God. My oldest grandson Trevor is with me alot. It makes my heart smile when I hear him a 6 year old singing in the back street to songs on k love. I love it when he goes around singing "where you go, I will follow you" etc. He loves to go to church and even at his age is asking questions. I am the only source in his life that can tell him about God. He is a child that easily can fall through the gaps. He lives with his other grandma who isn't a follower. His mom has issues, his dad has issues. Presently she(other grandmother is taking them to court for custody. She is a better parent on paper then either of them. But she is worldly and has her own life and partying to do. So, the majority of time I have him. I sit for him through the week. I have him every other weekend and if his dad slacks on his weekend as he often does I have him then too. So, I have alot of influence on him and I planned to use it to the best of my abilitiy. Equipping Him, letting Him know that God loves him etc.
    Boy did I go way off there. LOl! but this is where I feel my purpose is. To be a light to those in my home and family. To stand in the gap. To pray, and learn and grow myself so that I am able to teach them. I am a helper, I am always there for those in need. I am praying because I really want to take that further and as I mature in my walk I would love to be able to help mentor others especially young girls/women. I am learning that I can be confident and as I learn I hope to come out of my shell and really be able to serve my purpose for Him. I would like to take some classes in counselling and even though I may never work as it I feel I would be better equipped to help the young women that come to me for help, advice etc. I am so scared that I will steer them the wrong way that I often don't step out and guide them but help in more material ways.

  10. Michelle V says

    Something else I would like to add…I know lol! I already wrote a book. Not my strong point in school–writing the short version. I always had to re-vise my book reports over and over…anyways I feel that because of some of things I have been through in life it has given me such things as empathy with people. Being able to truly understand what a person is going through and also being an example of how one can turn out and not let such things destroy them as molestation, growing up with alcoholic parents or drug addicts in your family. I am not perfect, I have my faults but I thank God every day that He was there for me. and that I am able to empathizes with others and help them through situations because I felt His love and am able to pass that love onto others. He met me on a lonely night when my whole world was falling apart. When I should of been terrified but yet I was at peace. Others were falling apart around me which I was sad because it should of been my situation only to face but they were drug into my mess. but God was there with me that night when no one else was–not my husband(we were separated), not my mother, not my sister, no one. They were dealing with their own pains of what was going on. But I knew then on that night that God would always be there for me. That He always was even in my darkest times. And for that I am able to share and empathize with others in the same situations. Although when I was younger I did not feel this way. But as I have gotten older I can truly say that those things that happened to me I would not change as they have been a part of what made me who I am and has helped me to help some others see His love and not feel hopeless or alone. And taught me alot about forgiveness.

  11. Kathy S. says

    I think my purpose right now is to be the best wife and church secretary that I can be. I'm working at that church for a reason, and I believe God is revealing it to me through this study. My biggest obstacle is me, but, like Christi said, we're ( God and me) working on that. This was an excellent chapter and a great blog post. Thanks, Megan!

  12. Judy McMillin says

    I am in transition as my kids head to college and my Sweetie and I live in an empty nest. Our original goal 21 years ago was that we would go volunteer at a Missions agency in our retirement after the kids were off to college. Well, with the economy like it is, not only is my Man still needing to work, but I am looking for work too. So, the mission agency we are working for is not as far away as we thought. I am still called to be Evan's helmeet and to boldly speak the gospel whenever I open my mouth. I will focus on that until I receive further instruction.

  13. Cynder60 says

    God has REALLY been making it OBIVIOUS what He is calling me to do. A first it was just a nudge, a hint that Good has plans for my husband to make a difference & I was to be part of that but I didn't really understand how. Then Robin's blog on Role Reversal & 1 Peter 3:1 made it VERY clear what my purpose was. Authentically Me reinforced the idea that I have been chosen, appointed, given a task that is mine alone to complete with His help. I have been placed here at this time for a specific purpose. If that did not make it ABUNDANTLY clear then I read in Divine Appointment: " Heaven Calling. It's what keeps a wife faithful to her marriage, compelling her to hang in there without any real, earthly security worth mentioning to hang on to" I have so been struggling with this! It is as if this part was specifically written to me & my situation. Just reaffirms that He sees me & knows exactly what I am going through. So my purpose in this season is to be the submissive wife God has called me to be so that my husband returns to God without words or discussion but by my godly behavior & life. A BIG purpose but my God is bigger. What stands in the way is me. My selfish behavior, wants & desires. My need for affection, value & approval from my husband instead of looking to God for those things. But, at least now I am more aware & with God empowering me I can try to do my best taking it one day at a time.

  14. Just what is my purpose. I am not sure but I can say one thing I am steadfast in my belief and in the fact that God loves me. For such a time I this I must gather myself and seek just him