March 1, 2025

The Resolution for Women — Week 4 — Faithfully His

Our Memory Verse



So far, we’ve learned to be Surprisingly Satisfied, Purposefully Feminine, and Authentically You!  Now, this week, we are going to learn how to be Faithfully His, even more devoted to Christ, and even more defined by His Word!

I am so excited for this section of The Resolution for Women!  This week is going to be an amazing journey in learning how to be even more faithful to the Lord.  We are going to see some amazing TRUTH this week!  I hope you are ready!

PLEASE set aside some time this week just for this section!  I can’t say that strong enough!!  I promise you, you will not be disappointed!!  God is going to meet you right where you are this week!  Please, please, please, be still, and ready to hear His voice speak to You through this amazing section of this book!


Your Reading Assignment for the week of July 23-27th:


23rd: Faithfully His – Christi

24th:  Divine Appointment – Megan

25th:  Faith vs. Faithfulness – Kelley

26th:  I’d Like a Word with You – Robin

27th:  Week Overview – Christi


Let’s Pray:

Oh Lord, we come to You this week and we ask that You prepare our hearts for this weeks lessons!  Open our ears Lord, so we will be able to hear Your voice this week.  Lord, may we put aside all other things, annoyances, troubles, distractions, this week, so we are able to set aside that special quality time just for You.  Please help us schedule that time with You every day this week, and make this time a strong priority on our list of things to do.  May we seek You earnestly this week, and find the purpose that You have for our lives.  

I pray for Revelation Knowledge to fall upon each reader of this section of The Resolution for Women, and through our blog this week Lord.  Father, may each woman who seeks You this week, find You through this study. May each voice that cries out to You, be heard.  May each prayer lifted up to You, be answered, in Your perfect way, and in Your perfect timing!

In Jesus’ Name, I pray….AMEN!!!


Your assignment today:  



Be a Blessing to Someone Else!! 


See You Tomorrow….right here, on Girlfriends Coffee Hour!


Living Intentionally to Know Him Better with Each Passing Day,




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  1. Lannette says

    Looking forward to this weeks study 🙂

  2. Kim spring says

    Thank you Christi!!! I'm ready for a revelation. That third day song goes thru my head when I think about revelation. About trying to find our way thru Him. I'm going to be still this week and listen I need direction.

  3. thanks, christi, for that beautiful prayer! we are so very blessed in having God's promises to cling to. knowing that as we seek Him…He will be found; and that as we cry out to Him…He will hear us; and as we pray…He will answer; these truths give us such comfort knowing our confidence is absolutely founded on the most solid of Rocks.
    and what a lovely assignment! <3