March 1, 2025

The Resolution for Women — Week 3 Overview

Weekly Review


Memory Verse:

You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit.

John 15:16



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  1. What a good word to wake up to, Mama Christi. 🙂

  2. OH Christi!!! You spoke words today that I needed to hear!! Thanks for being obedient to God and saying what He has put on your heart!!! this weeks chapter was such a HUGE blessing to me and your words capped off everything God was speaking to me this week!! It was a hard week and an eyeopening week and I loved it!!!!

    • So glad it was a blessing to you! This week has been amazing for me, as well. God has opened my eyes in so many ways!!! I can't wait for you to see next week! It is going to be even more amazing!!!! 🙂

  3. Lisa Lagalo says

    Thank you for your words this morning, so powerful!!