February 23, 2025

The Resolution for Women …. Another Giveaway!!

Are you ready for another Giveaway??  I AM!!!  I can’t wait to show you what we are giving away today!  You’re going to LOVE it!!

How do you qualify for the giveaway, you ask??  Well, that’s easy!  All you have to do is post a comment below sharing something that you learned from last week’s chapters.  Any chapter….  Just share what God showed you last week, an area that you know you need to work on and resolve to be more content.  That’s it!!  We will draw the name of one lucky winner and announce the winner on tomorrow’s blog!

Now, are you ready to see what the prize is???  You’re gonna love it!

It’s a grey colored “I am Resolved” Tee shirt that comes in sizes small through X-large.


So, once again, all you have to do is post a comment below about one thing that the Lord spoke to you about in last week’s chapter.




After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!  If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study Facebook group, and would like to be, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!
Remember to invite a friend to join you in this new journey of discovering God’s resolutions for you!  
That’s it for today!  Enjoy your Monday!
Resolving to become better in Him, 
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  1. I am learning to be content in all areas of my life. There is no need to rush when I should just be thankful for today. I am thankful to have a roof over my head, to be healthy and have healthy children, and most of all I have a God who loves me even though I'm not perfect. I'm content with that.

  2. Blanche Henry says

    The Lord has spoke to my heart about being content. I need to slow down and be a faithful friend to God. I need prayer about focusing on God and not the problem.I am enjoying this study greatly!

  3. I had always read Philippians 4:13 and knew by heart, but studying 4:11,12 reallly was a blessing. God wants us to be content wherever we are. We are right where He wants us to be if we are following His word and learning more about Him. I will be cintent wherever He has me, knowing He is always faithful.

  4. I need to work on being more content with where I'm at with my talents and gifts. I use time as an excuse not to use these things instead of doing them and getting better at them.

  5. To be content with what I have at all times and to share my secret with the person that needs it the most and to be a blessing to them as well.

  6. Jackie Chingawale says

    I am learning to be content where I am but at the same time anticipating what the future may hold. There is a reason why God has given me certain things and withheld other things.

  7. Marieta Call says

    I am learning to be more patient. Being content with what we have,and trusting in God to provide for us instead of worrying about how can we pay for things. Contentment doesn't mean we have to keep up with the Jones's but being content in what GOD has provided.

  8. Kim Golds says

    I have learned so much already. One thing that really struck me was when she said contentment is the equilibrium between the enjoyment of life now and the anticipation of what is to come. Contentment serves as a guard against desires gone wild. I love that.I am working on balance 🙂

  9. Jolie Rivera says

    I wish I hadn't wasted al those years early in my marriage not being content. But the Lord has brought me to that point now. Not without loss and difficulty though. But I was amazed to see that when I started this study I had just written in my journal a few days prior that I was happy where I was in my life right now that i was in a good place of being content. Now theres more work to be done in me and i am really enjoying this book there is so much truth in it i I am excited to see where else God is moving and working in me. http://girlfriendscoffeehour.com/the-resolution-f

  10. CONTENTMENT!! I shouldn't be looking all around at what others have. God has blessed me….abundantly! I need to slow down to take time absorb what He has given and give thanks, praise and glory for it! And I LOVE this study!

  11. There were a couple of things that hit home. The first was making each day and each season of my life count. I have always rushed through things and I missed a lot by doing that. The other was contentment. I am just now content and I am 60 years old. Sad commentary to say the least. I love where I am in life and I am making every bite count. Thankfully, with God it is never too late to start.

  12. I am resolving to find a balance in my hectic world. The Lord has Blessed me in so many ways and yet, I tend to focus on the wrong stuff. need to Focus on HIM and HIS WORD~ thank you for enlightening my thoughts Lord.

  13. Andi Graham says

    I am constantly "in trouble" with family for not letting them know what is going on in my life more often. I always respond that it is because it is the same stuff all the time, nothing exciting, just the same old stuff. It really hit me that I am not fully enjoying my season of life, simply living it. I really felt convicted that I need to change my thinking from just being to fully engaging and making the most of where God has me now.

  14. Kimberly S Johnson says

    What I've learned is that whatever I have or don't have (ie: a family of my own) was done in my life for a specific purpose. I don't know what that is – I don't need to. What I"ve come to realize and what contentment looks like to me is in His provision. His grace overflows, He loves me to much to withhold any good to me if I live in His will. I will ALWAYS have what I need and probably more. 🙂 I'm learning once again (cause sometimes I get all into my flesh & forget!) to wait on His timing in my life. I want His good and pleasing and perfect will for me. Because I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW, that it really is all of those things. Thank You Jesus for your love, grace, favor and provision in my life. You are more than enough.

    • Cynder60 says

      "He loves me to much to withhold any good to me if I live in His will. I will ALWAYS have what I need and probably more. I’m learning once again (cause sometimes I get all into my flesh & forget!) to wait on His timing in my life. I want His good and pleasing and perfect will for me" – AMEN! Well said Kimberly

  15. Cynder60 says

    I was struck by the thought that if I don't have something, God doesn't think I need it right now, that it is not necessary to accomplish what He knows is most important for my life today. That really made me stop & think. Also, I love the fact that contentment is the key to unlock me from the bondage of unrestrained longings. By choosing contentment I keep my mind clear instead of allowing restlessness to hustle me into quick decisions being content means no longer allowing yearnings to control me or rob me of the thankfulness & joy of what I have been given. Such freedom!

  16. Anne Mireles says

    I have learned that I have it in me to be content. I need to ask for the resolve to know it, to be it and to show it. Contentment leads to God's peace.

    We are all teachable and reachable.

  17. To be thankful for what is going on in my life – good or bad! Contentment!

  18. I was astonished that I have always lived wanting the next thing!! In thinking about it, I realized that IS how I loved. I am learning to be content with what I have and enjoying it and not looking for the next thing until God prompts me to see it!!!! I have discovered things that I have neglected to be content with all week long!! WOW!!

  19. I am resolved to be content and in doing so I know that I am opening myself up for godly peace and also that I am not overlooking the most important parts of the "right now" that are in my life. No worry, ALL FAITH!!

  20. Judy McMillin says

    From last week I loved that I resolved to be content where I am and not to rush through this season of life. I pray for the Holy Spirit to help me do this.

  21. janet jackson says

    I am learning that things may not turn out the way i expect but nevertheless God is in control and He provides ALL of my needs in His way and in His time. The enemy comes at me causing worry anxiety stress and fear but God is always faithful!

  22. i just l-o-v-e reading your comments, ladies! sounds as the Lord is really getting our hearts in this matter of contentment. oh, this must make Him SO happy! 😉
    so for me, the Lord has opened my eyes to the fact that i have been living in a state of anticipation—of waiting. not good. here's what i am holding in my heart: "therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, what are we going to have to eat? or, what are we going to have to drink? or, what are we going to have to wear? for the gentiles wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all. but seek first of all His kingdom and His righteousness, and then all these things will be given you besides. so do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble" matthew 6:31-34. and "you ought instead to say, if the Lord is willing, we shall live and we shall do this or that [thing]" james 4:15.
    i am endeavoring to be engaged and content with today. <3

  23. Donna Slaten says

    There are so many things that I have been discontented with over this last year, and I would say legitimately so. Now I find myself asking the Lord, how can I be content with this? This new season of contentment is changing my countenance, and helping my patience!!

  24. Kati Stewart-Riggs&# says

    There are so many good things that I have gotten from my readings last week. I realize how easy it is to wish your life away and be discontented over silly things that really shouldn't matter. I worry and have anxiety over so much that really shouldn't matter at this point. I need to focus on my husband and children because they will not stay small long. I think back to the Apostle Paul and how he declared that he would chose to be content no matter what his situation because he had the peace of Jesus in his heart. If I could work to find contentment on the inside my life then the things around me will fall into place and not cause so much anxiety. I am loving what I am learning but it is hard to truly evaluate yourself.

  25. Being content is something that I have always struggled with. I am a definate worrier. I am learning to be content in my circumstances but i have quit trying to do it on my own. I've always thought I was leaning on God but I have found that I haven't been leaving it with him. This has come at a good time with my son starting Basic Training. Thank you Lord for handling my worries/concerns.

  26. Lisa Lagalo says

    I learned that I really need to make each moment of my life count. That whatever God has given or not givin it's for a reason. I need to completely trust in his reasons…..lean on his understanding and not my own. What ever he entrust to me he will always give me what I need to work it through. If not then it's not from God

  27. Beginning the study at this time in my life is exactly what I needed! I have been working with a christian counselor and the Friday before we began he had mentioned to me that I needed to learn contentment – and lo and behold what does our study begin with! God knows exaclty where I am and what I need.

  28. As with a lot of others who have commented, It was impressed upon me to be content in this season of my life. I am middle aged and raising a teenager. This is something I'm sure I'll have to continuously resolve to be. Content. It feels so good so why do I start with the whining and longing for the next stage? Also, while my husband is unemployed I feel the need to save what money I can and realize that I haven't been giving where I would have given before he lost his job. So I need to trust that when I feel the urge to give, God will replenish when I need it. Praise the Lord.

  29. Love Love Love Reading these comments!!!! Our God is so good!! If He's blessed you this much in just the FIRST chapter of this book….think what the rest of this book is going to do thru Him!!! I knew this was going to be a life-changing book…for all of us!! Praise God!!!

  30. To enjoy my current situation because this is the only time in my life that I will be in this exact situation. Savor this moment He has given me while anticipating, but not focusing on, the future.

  31. Kathy S. says

    I was convicted about being content in the moment. I live far away from my grandchildren and miss them terribly, and it seems like I mope around about that instead of being content with what I do have. I am better about it; but still need to grow in this area.

  32. I am resolved to savor every morsel of where I am because I am exactly where God wants me to be. God has been teaching me contentment, trust, and sole reliance on Him the past year and a half. I've learned how to be content, relax and enjoy the journey while continuing to expect and anticipate great things now and in my future. It may not look like I want it, but He's still blessing me. As long as I'm in His will, I am content. Read I Thessalonians 4:16-18

  33. tjeweltv says

    The post about being content and being in the moment really pricked my heart. Although I talk to my husband about planning a lot of things in the future most of the time he inserts how the bible speaks of 'contentment'. God love him, even though he knows that I do not always want to hear it he says it anyway…lol I am also learning about being in the moment and enjoying it with my boys, 8 & 12, before they become too tweenish to be playful or want to be seen hugging their mom. So bring on the pillow fights, water gun wars or other boyish games until I can't take anymore. Thank you for the Resolution Study and I know God is up to something.

    • Oh I'm so happy to hear that you are bringing on the pillow fights and water guns!!! YES!!! Your boys will love you for it, and you will have a ball!!!! God bless you!!!!

  34. Beverly McCormick says

    I learned so much from last week it is so hard to just pinpoint one thing but I guess my most favorite portion was on Pg. 26 where it was teaching us to live the moment…pour ourself out to others…drain the experience of each precious day…and be prepared for God's overflowing blessing……From the day we did that study on Overflowing Blessing and the many requests that were lifted up on that day alone I began seeing God work in many lives….and God just affirmed how much He overflows our lives everyday…..I want to keep pouring out to others lives as God pours into mine so that His blessings will continue to flow from home to home…person to person…with the ultimate blessing being when one says "yes" to accepting Him as Savior….So loving this study and How God is changing me.

  35. Kim spring says

    Well, I have learned so much. Where to begin. He really worked hard on my contented ness. I want to enjoy and be present in every moment and savor it like a last bite of dessert. I'm so happy and in love with my God and King and that He loves me enough to teach me to live my life. Just as it is.

  36. carolbruntlett1 says

    Okay one thing I have learned from this study is to learn to be content with my singleness and to enjoy my independence, and that He will give me everything I need to abound in every good work and that God will always replenish my supply, that I can bank on that, My God can be trusted to grant you the supply that I need to excel in His purposes.I want to be a woman of substance and a woman of satisfaction a woman who has chosen contentment over displeasure .
    Carol Bruntlett

  37. There are several things I am learning from this study.