February 23, 2025

The Resolution for Women-The Balancing Point

Memory Verse: “True godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.” 1 Timothy 6:6

A couple of years ago, I was going through a really hard period in my life. I was in a great deal of physical pain, which led to emotional pain, it was a very low point. When you’re in such a situation the enemy can really try to torment you, But God.

I was feeling like I wasn’t going anywhere. The dreams I had of becoming a nurse were squashed when I became ill. I’d waited to go back to college until felt my children were old enough to handle it, I was taking my pre-requisites and now I was too sick to attend and had to drop out. I was a C student in high school, in college I had a 4.0 gpa, this was of course with God’s help. I was SO excited! I loved learning! Finally!!

The enemy really had a field day with me, I became very depressed and discouraged and started thinking that this is it, how am I going to achieve my dreams if they’ve been ripped out from under me?  Yes, I became very good at throwing myself a party with Ms. Pity, she became a frequent guest.

The Lord told me to write a list of the things He’d blessed me with, things I was grateful for, big and small. It’s hard to be discouraged when it’s in front of your face in black and white. This list took my eyes off  of what I felt I could have had, vs what I did have.

I needed this and of course God knew it. I had become obsessed with guilt, thinking I messed up somehow and because I did, I was not going to get any further ahead in life, yes, Ms Drama Queen made a few appearances also. Bottom line was that it wasn’t even time for me  to attend school, I  had been following my own agenda instead of God’s plan for me. I thought that I was supposed to apply for nursing school with a friend of mine, but I got sick and  she just graduated this past May and was hired immediately. I’m truly very happy for her.

I’m a person who ALWAYS reads the end of a novel. I have to know the ending  and that determines whether or not I’ll finish it, this REALLY bugs my mother and my daughters. My “logic” is that I know how the Bible ends soooo,  I’m allowed to know the ending of each book I get my hands on. Unfortunately I had applied this same principle to my life, I was in a hurry to know what happened next instead of being content with where I was at, and trusting God for the rest.

Now I’m counseling alongside my Gorgeous Hubby, and had I not waited on the Lord, I might have missed this opportunity to minister to and be blessed by. I’m not giving myself any credit, this was all with God’s help. He showed me that I had to get out of the “what if’s” and the “if onlys” and be content where I’m at right now. To not worry about tomorrow but to trust that He has a good plan for me and will be faithful to complete it.

I thank God for where I’m at today. It’s like Joyce Meyer always says ” I’m not where I want to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be”. With the help of the Holy Spirit I’m reaching the “holy equilibrium” that Priscilla talked about, “a genuine gratitude for what the day brings, all the while maintaining a controlled anticipation for what tomorrow may offer”.

I like her statement “happy to be here, and when the time is right, happy to be there”.  Is this you?

Go back and reread your answers and comments from the questions in this section. Then read the resolution you are about to make. Pray about it. Sit with it awhile. Rest in it. Even if you’re exhausted from life’s challenges and demands, make this a moment to breathe deep and savor what God is inviting you into, what He’s asking you to give and what He’s promising to supply you in order to do it. When you’re ready, make this resolution out loud, maybe even in the presence of someone who can help hold you accountable to it. Then sign your name below.

Surprisingly Satisfied

I do solemnly resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it. I will resist the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a spirit of contentment.


Gorgeous Girlfriends, if there is no one in your area who you would like to hold you accountable, ask one of the women in our group.

Father I lift the women reading this You in prayer today. Which ever phase of life they are in, whether it be from raising toddlers to raising teenagers, raising grandchildren to empty nesters, those waiting to have children to those deciding not to, please help them to be content, to have a “holy equilibrium”. Help them to not lose hope in their dreams or expectations, but to keep their hope in You.

In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Write your blessings down on a sheet of paper if you haven’t already, then go to our Girlfriends Coffee Page for your assignment from Megan.

Love y’all and be blessed and content today!!

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  1. g'morning! thanks again, robin, for your prayer, "help them to not lose hope…but to keep their hope in You." our heavenly Father is always faithful, He always shows up, His promise to 'never leave you nor forsake you' is yea and amen. with the eyes of my heart set toward Him, my heart has peace and i will keep my hope in Him. <3

  2. "I like her statement “happy to be here, and when the time is right, happy to be there”. Is this you?" He is working on this in me.. I want to be that girl….

    Surprisingly Satisfied

    I do solemnly resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it. I will resist the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a spirit of contentment.

    I do not have anyone around like that… If someone would like to *befriend * me in this area… 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your heart,Robyn.. Great blog! <3

  3. What an amazing testimony for contentment! Thank so much, Robin! You are such a blessing!

  4. Signing my name to this first resolution: CHRISTI WILSON

  5. Thank you for this great encouragement.

  6. Beverly McCormick says

    I want this equilibrium in my life….I want my mind clear, peaceful, settled, Undisturbed…I want contentment to take root and take up residence inside me….there is one problem I admit to in the resolution statement though….the word “resist”, I am a hurried by nature and it is difficult for me to just “slow down”…..but I know to be truly “satisfied” I must REST in Him and to do that I need to change my pace so I don’t run right past Him as He is trying to teach me, lead me….so I will make this new commitment today and my name has been signed in my book!

  7. I LOVE this book! Not only was I already trying to focus on finding contentment this is helping me so much. God sure dies know what we need before we even need it doesn’t he. i also read Jesus Calling this morning and guess what it talked about – CONTENTMENT!

    I too sign my name to this resolution – I am not perfect – I may fall at times – but I WILL get back up and dust myself off with His help and with all of you lovely ladies as well.

  8. merol mattier says

    Robin, thank you for being a servant of the Lord to be transparent so that your experiences can bless us. I am bless to know you and call you friend and sister. I am happy to be here adn when God determines the time is right, happy to be there. Thank you Lord for all you do, will do and will continue to do. I signed resolution to live with a spirit of contentment.

  9. I am feeling as if the teeter totter of life is beginning to slow down a bit., The Lord is doing His best to get me in balance, if only I would stop taking everything back…….