March 1, 2025

The Resolution for Women: Every Bite Counts

Memory Verse for this week:


“Now godliness with contentment is great gain”

1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)


Welcome to our first week of The Resolution for Women!  I’m very excited to begin this new journey with you, as we resolve to become the very best that we can be!

This chapter “Every Bite Counts” really hit home for me!  I will be celebrating my 54th birthday in December of this year.  I’ve seen a lot of things happen in my lifetime:

  • I’ve experienced the joy of being pregnant three times.
  • I’ve experienced the immense joy that came when I saw the birth of my two daughters.
  • I’ve watched ten amazing grandchildren come into this world!
  • I’ve learned what being a stepmom means, and what it can bring into your life.
  • I’ve seen gasoline go from 75-cents a gallon to over $4.00!
  • I’ve seen bread go from 3 for $1.00 to over $2.00 / loaf!
  • I’ve seen milk go from $.99 a gallon to over $4.00 / gallon!
  • I saw the Space Shuttle Program begin in 1972.
  • I’ve seen 10 President’s serve theUnited States.

I’ve seen a lot in my 53 years.  But, what stood out to me in this chapter was Priscilla’s comment “Instead of relishing each moment, each year, each opportunity, each step on the journey, I’m constantly overeager to get to the next thing, which always looks more enticing than what is currently before me.  I’m rarely satisfied in full with my current situation.”

Can you relate to that statement?

Have you found yourself not being in full attendance for large portions of your life?

Are you taking the time today to enjoy your life to its fullest?

If not, what is stopping you? 

Priscilla discusses the word “discontentment” in this chapter.  It’s like an intruder that shows up at your front door step, eager to step inside and make himself at home.  A visitor that sometimes refuses to leave!  A visitor that robs you of your years!  Before you know it, you’ve missed the joy of the journey!

Let’s take a bit of time today to really think about the things in our lives that we have missed out on, and what we can do to change that for the future.

How can we slow down our life just a bit to be able to really enjoy the journey?  There is really nothing you can do to go backwards and change what has been done already.  But, there is a lot you can do to change while moving forward.  Pick yourself up.  Brush yourself off.  And move forward!  No looking back…and no going back!!  Just focus on being content and enjoying today!

Let’s pray:

Father, we are so very thankful for bible studies like this one that makes Your word so clear to us.  Lord, I ask that You teach us how to slow down, and really enjoy and appreciate the life that You have given us!  Teach us to make better use of our time, to allow more opportunity to enjoy life and all it holds in store for us.  In Your Son’s Precious Name, Amen.

Question of the day:

“What can you do differently today to “scrape the plate” – to gather up all the good things around you and begin enjoying the journey of your life?”  Please share your comments below.

After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!

If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study group, and would like to be, please send an email to, and we’ll be glad to add you!

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  1. Hilda Quintanilla says

    Great Exhortation!

  2. janet jackson says

    Today I can take extra time to bask in and absorb what God is revealing to me. I can be refreshed and renewed in Him so that I might be actively and intentionally focused and involved in the things He has set apart for me rather than just being busy for the sake of being busy that I might fully enjoy and experience Him more fully.

  3. griffin1 says

    Christi, thank you for all the preparation, love, and hard work you have put into getting this online bible study group off the ground! Thank you for the incredible books you have placed upon us to study and live – these are opportunities, challenges, and ways we can further grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and with our families. In church yesterday our pastor spoke on our purpose – and backed it up with scripture – our purpose is to be a disciple and to share God's word, not only locally but worldwide – and this allows us to do just that. I am looking forward to this study especially because I want to be the best wife, mother, friend, sister, grandma, person that I can possibly be! I resolve to be that person. Thank for for giving us a chance to do this together! HUGS xoxxo And keep on doing God's work – you do it and glow!

  4. Christi, the above comment is from Kelley – not sure what happened with my username!

    • I'm not sure what happened, either. But your user name has always come across as griffin1, until today???!! But I knew it was you because I could see your email address!! 🙂

  5. I'm in the season of raising a teenager and it is challenging to say the least, but I want to make this a joyful time instead of counting down the years until it's over. I'm praying (and resolving) to relax more and enjoy this precious time of my son becoming an adult, leaving my worries for the Lord to take care of. THANK YOU JESUS!

    • We'll be praying for you, Kim. I raised 4 teenagers, so I know exactly what you are talking about! God's GRACE will get you through this time. It's definitely important to take that time with your kids, and be there for them, during this time in their life. God will give you the rest you need! 😉

  6. Thanks for the great commentary! I need to get the guilt out of my life and just be. That's always been a struggle fir me and I've been much bettering the since that I recognize it now and I no longer accept guilt trips from others as truth but as manipulation. Guilt has, and currently still does, stolen a lot from me. Praying the Lord helps me push this thief from my life.

    • Guilt and manipulation is an area the enemy has recognized as an area of weakness. BUT, you have ALL authority to tread upon ole smutty face, and take what is rightfully yours! Peace, mercy and grace, be yours, in the Name of Jesus!

  7. Wonderful life changing focus! Each and everyday is a GIFT, each one has an assignment ,from God, to assume that He even owes me another day (which is what I am doing when I don't live in today) shows a lack of contentment and a lack of gratitude! THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE and I WILL REJOICE and BE GLAD IN IT, No matter what happens for my GOD is in control!!!!!

    This reminded me of the work GOD had done in my life in this area. The Lord showed me this life changing focus in the midst of my husbands first military deployment. I could sit, wait and put my life on hold till he returned, and gripe with the other wives or get on with my Father's business while he was gone.As we had committed together at the beginning of our marriage to be about our Father's business, I new I needed to proceed in that direction.

    The Lord told me why wait for tomorrow it may never come, we are like a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. " Come now, you say, today or tomorrow we will do such and such…. Whereas you do not not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say if the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."James 4:13-15.

    I had three small children and my main business at the time , next to seeking God FIRST (and not time with my husband or anything else tomorrow could bring)was to train up my children in the way that they should go. I learned to thank God for each deployed,though I WAS NOT HAPPY my husband was gone, figuring He knew my children's need for their dad, but He knew that for some reason they needed one on one time again with me. If I'd not had this attitude through the deployments how miserable we ALL would have been, I would have missed those golden opportunities to pour into the lives of my children. I ENJOYED THE TIME with my kids and homeschooled them.They are adults now and some of them loved the military life so well they are now active duty themselves. I would say by the GRACE of God that the experience wasn't negative for them.

    Three other vs God gave me …
    ~Make the most of the time because the days are evil.Ephes 5:15-17.
    ~So teach me to number my days that I may get a heart of wisdom.Ps 90:12
    ~But seek you FIRST and all these things shall be added to you ( in accordance to His good and perfect and acceptable will).Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble. Matt 6:34- Because of my focus on God during my husbands absence and he was doing the same while deployed, we were actually CLOSER upon His return and we were close when he left, for we had grown in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord! THAT IS GOD!

    The other part of My Father's business was reaching the women(the other wives) I was left with for Christ.My husband and I colabor to reach the couples he works with or any couples God brings into our lives. I focused on the wives, he the husbands. NOW these wives and moms had more time and we spent more time together.God opened doors to lead some of them to Christ and do bible studies with them!

    One other blessing of this focus as Priscilla shared I learned to ENJOY EACH phase of my children's lives.Instead of borrowing the negative experiences of others, like terrible twos or terrible teenagers I looked to see what God had going on in their lives, how it could be used for good.

    My life has not been perfect, sometimes I get this wrong, but this focus has made ALOT of difference.I would have missed my kids, those women, my Father's business, if my focus was not on being content in the situation the lord had me in.God truly does know why He gives us each day He does. when He closes one , He opens another! We sometimes have to stop standing in front of the closed door.

  8. Anne Mireles says

    What I can do differently is make amends to those I have wronged and promise to do better. I can resolve to live in today and be the best Anne possible.

    • I recently had to do that too, Anne. What a liberating moment in my life, and in theirs! I've been able to move on, and so have they, and neither one of us have that yucky heaviness following us around! Go for it Girl!! God's right beside you!!

  9. Beverly McCormick says

    I need to let go of hurts from the past and move on with the plate God has before me now!

    • Beverly, praise God that you recognize what you need to do. Past hurts can keep us in prison, in bondage, for only as long as we allow it to! Give the past to God and allow Him to break those chains, so you can walk in His freedom!! AMEN?

  10. I'm going to purpose to not let the days just pass on by anymore. Life is too short. There are relationships to foster… with our Triune God, with my family, with my friends. In order to do this, I am going get in shape… physically, spiritually… as well as get our home and finances in shape. Too much stuff. Time to do a purge, I think. Stuff gets in the way of life.

    • "Stuff" does have a way of getting in the way of things that are important, sometimes. I like you focus! I pray that God will help you get these things taken care of in your life, so you are more able to enjoy the LIFE that He has given you!! 🙂

  11. I need to learn contentment – this is definitely something I am working on. I am in Christian counseling and this was something that was just uncovered this past Friday so to begin this study with these exact thoughts reminds me that God is with me and He is leading me through this.

  12. What I can do differently today to "scrape the plate" and begin enjoying life is to stay off my phone and engage more with my son. Also not to live in the past any longer.

    • Let the past go hon. There is nothing you can do to change the past. But there is a lot you can do to prepare for the future. God does not want you living in that prison, any longer!! Give it to Him today, and resolve to not look back! I'll be praying for you hon!

  13. Carol Costello says

    Today I will resolve to be more intentional towards my hubby and 4 teenagers. I will take time each day to visit with each about their day, etc.

    • Sounds like a wonderful plan Carol! I'll be praying that your teens and hubby will be receptive to your reaching out to them, and that God will BLESS this time with them!

  14. To scrape the plate I am going to enjoy even more the time I have with my children when they are home. I love family time, but we could do better at how we spend our time, especially in the summer when we think we have so much. I am very content in most my life, but there are some areas that I can work on. I will pray, keep the Bible verses close, and celebrate GCH. I can clearly see God's hand in my life as this Bible study came at a time that I needed and was ready to receive.

    • Rhonda, one thing that my daughter does with her kids is one night a week they have "Family Night". They play board games, or card games, or watch a movie as a family. No one is allowed to spend the night at a friends house, or whatever…it is their FAMILY night! I LOVE this idea!

      Another thing that I used to do with my girls when they were little, and they still remember it to this day, is what we called Pajama Run. After the kids got tucked in to bed, usually about 5 minutes after lights were out….hubby and I would run in there, flip on the light, and shout really loud: "PAJAMA RUN!!!! TIME TO GET UP FOR PAJAMA RUN!!!" The first time the kids thought we were nuts, but as soon as they found out Pajama Run was all about, they looked forward to it every night! But it wasn't something we did every night. It only once in a while as a surprise. The Loved it! Pajama Run meant that we were heading to town, in our pajamas, to get Ice Cream Cones! They LOVED going to town in the jammies!!! It was a blast! May be something you could incorporate into your home!

      • Oh My Gosh! I can't wait to try Pajama Run! What a blast!! We have game night/movie night and the kids love it. We find its a great way to span their ages. They talk to us more during these times than if we simple asked, "How was your day?"

  15. Debbie W says

    Today I have tried to enjoy every moment that God has given me. I have tried to praise Him for all the blessings he has given me rather than petitioning Him for "more". I want to enjoy each moment with my 2 boys and stop looking toward the next big moment. I am going to start enjoying my pregnancy (even though it is 100 degrees!), instead of looking forward to when she is due.
    My husband is currently serving on a short term mission trip to Africa. These last 10 days have taught me that I take him for granted. I didn't realize I did THEN, but the Lord pricked my heart today. Today, I stopped to appreciate the little things, like his love for the Lord and willingness to serve.
    One of my favorite sayings is, "the devil doesn't necessarily have to try to make us do something BAD, he just has to distract us." Todays world is FULL of distractions. Every where you turn, there are things to take your focus away from your family, your husband, your children….and the Lord.
    I am going to make a conscious effort to savor these precious moments of today, and praise Jesus for every single one.

    • Debbie, I have to agree about the distractions. We have to be so intentional about not allowing the distractions to take us away from what is most important! I enjoyed reading your comment, and will continue to pray that God will bless all that you put your hands to!

  16. Each time a negative thought comes to my mind concerning worries over my teenagers, I resolve to THANK GOD that he is using each situation FOR GOOD,

  17. Instead of working late, I came home to be with my family 🙂 loved today's lesson!!!

  18. I need to be more in the moment and not let the big things get me down, or the day to day little things take away from today. We're told not to worry or be anxious for anything, and while I have grown in this area; there is still much work to do.

    • Girlfriend, we all have work that needs to be done, but thank God we serve a God who is patient and will not push us! He loves us, and understands who we are, and I love that He nudges us, but doesn't push us over the edge. I pray God will continue to bless everything you are resolving to do in your life! AMEN!

  19. Cynda Cottrill says

    I have been on vacation & didn't want to start this until I got home. Now I wished I had taken the time to read this. I am so guilty of trying to rush ahead, especially the last 4 yrs. Since discovering my husband was having an affair & the separation, I have spent the last 3+ years trying to save my marriage. I was in a hurry to get to a better place in our marriage so much so that I missed out on some really special moments with my children & husband. Even this past week on vacation I wasn't fully present because I was worrying about my marriage. Several ladies mentioned leaving the past behind. I so need to do that! Instead I play tug of war with God. I just need to let it all go & let God, in His perfect timing, lead me. So I am going to remember that this is the day the Lord has made & I will rejoice& be glad in it. Then I am going to STOP:
    On the

    Thanks Christi for all you do. Your video on words made me cry. It really hit home & touched deep in my heart

    • Cynda, my prayer for you today is that that you will allow God to unlock the chains that hold you bondage to the past. That you will walk in confidence and not in fear, any longer! That you will choose to trust God with your marriage, every day from here on out. That you will look at your present and enjoy what God has given you today….only for today. God is working Girlfriend, and He will continue to do so. Step aside and just watch what He can, and will do, if you allow Him!

      We're standing here with you, believing God for a complete restoration of your marriage, and your trust in your husband, once again. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!
